Cuomo getting raked over the coals

If the Dems' mouthpiece New York Times comes out against him, he will be toast.
Sad that a vainglorious goon responsible for the negligent homicide of thousands, has to go down for such a relatively inconsequential thing.

Not that being a creepy prevert and borderline sexual assaulter isn't a very bad thing, just that the deaths were preventable and the coverup has been a disgrace of historic proportions.
Presser on TV as I type.

Sexual harassment confirmed.

My God what a fine morning so far. Raked over the coals????...................He did so many illegal things regarding women and employers.....................LOLOLOLOL

You stupid bitches keep your mouths shut and let these creeps get away with it........................BAWWWWWHAHAHA
A lot of people thought the same about Gov. Northam in Virginia who got pinched for wearing Klan robes in blackface, they had pictures of the crime.

And Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who was discovered to belong to a white Supremacist cult in his home state.

I don't think Fredo has much to worry about, if he stonewalls.

It isn't a case like Al Franken's where they had actual pics of the sexual harassment.
Now does he do the right thing? I doubt it so people really need to keep the pressure up.

Now if we can get that Orange Lying POS Traitor. Over 60+Women accused that POS of sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Yes, force Cuomo out for he did, put in him jail. But unless or until such a time a The Traitor is held to same standard, Cons should just shut the fuck up.
They sound like they have a strong case of multiple crimes.

It's happened many times before. What doesn't happen is Democrats going down for them.

Republicans go down for weak crimes or made up crimes. Democrats only go down when they become a liability to the party. Anthony Weiner for example
A lot of people thought the same about Gov. Northam in Virginia who got pinched for wearing Klan robes in blackface, they had pictures of the crime.

And Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who was discovered to belong to a white Supremacist cult in his home state.

I don't think Fredo has much to worry about, if he stonewalls.

It isn't a case like Al Franken's where they had actual pics of the sexual harassment.

Yep, all the Democrats who were caught with blackface weathered it and are fine
Sad that a vainglorious goon responsible for the negligent homicide of thousands, has to go down for such a relatively inconsequential thing.

Not that being a creepy prevert and borderline sexual assaulter isn't a very bad thing, just that the deaths were preventable and the coverup has been a disgrace of historic proportions.

With Republicans, no apology is sufficient. With Democrats, no apology is necessary

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, including employees in his office, and violated state and federal laws, according to the findings of an investigation by the state's attorney general’s office. The investigation found that Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women current and former state employees —one of whom is a New York State Trooper. It also found the governor and his team retaliated against a former employee for coming forward.

The investigators detailed in graphic terms instances of harassment they say Cuomo perpetuated, including instances of making sexual comments and grabbing women. "Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed several women," New York Attorney General Letitia James said Tuesday at a news conference, adding that his actions violated state and federal law."

As expected, the Dems are continuing to circle the wagons to protect Cuomo after the AG released her report....but this guy should be announcing his resignation by the end of the day....thank God there was a true Conservative in the AG office to conduct this investigation...if the AG was a commie lib, there never would have been a report and definitely not a finding that the governor broke state and federal law....

The details are graphic and disgusting....repeatedly grabbing women, unwarranted sexual advances, absolute unprofessional behavior for a fucking governor...this guy would basically move up on women and kiss them, a real creep of a human being...and when you add this to how he murdered dozens and dozens of senior citizens during COVID; this guy needs to be facing serious jail time....that is, if this justice system is truly not biased and not corrupt like we are constantly told when someone without power is facing it.

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