Curiosity Question for the Gun Nuts

Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?
Go put a sign on your front lawn that says THIS HOUSE HAS NO GUNS IN IT, hypocrite.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

have you ever heard of due process
5th amendment as well as the entire Constitution are meaningless to the left.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Good question. It'd be nice if a gun nut would actually take the time to answer it rather than deflect with "wut the fuk yu ask fer? ey dunt git it!!"

Their silence is answer enough. The profanity is music to my ears.

If I answer the leading question, I would be admitting I am a 'gun nut' instead of an American citizen who owns a gun in accordance with the 2nd Amendment and a legal state issued concealed carry permit. Ask the question in a civil manner and you might get a civil answer rather than kiss off's.

And for the 3,000,000 times I was called a "gun grabber", who do I talk to about that? Hmmm?
You ask in a thread where you feebly attempt to justify gun grabbing ..albeit using rank rhetorical questions and logical fallacy...
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

have you ever heard of due process
5th amendment as well as the entire Constitution are meaningless to the left.

Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Good question. It'd be nice if a gun nut would actually take the time to answer it rather than deflect with "wut the fuk yu ask fer? ey dunt git it!!"

Their silence is answer enough. The profanity is music to my ears.

If I answer the leading question, I would be admitting I am a 'gun nut' instead of an American citizen who owns a gun in accordance with the 2nd Amendment and a legal state issued concealed carry permit. Ask the question in a civil manner and you might get a civil answer rather than kiss off's.

And for the 3,000,000 times I was called a "gun grabber", who do I talk to about that? Hmmm?
You ask in a thread where you feebly attempt to justify gun grabbing ..albeit using rank rhetorical questions and logical fallacy...

they are always after stripping peoples rights one way or another

all without due process
Only people who consider themselves to be "gun nuts" should reply?

Feel free but all I hear from gun nuts is that gun owners are all safe and responsible folks who are totally in charge of their faculties at any given moment in time. I think not myself. This question is set to gauge just how belligerent someone has to be before the gun nutjobs will agree..."yeah, the guy who turned the Comfort Inn into a drive-through probably shouldn't have a .357 on his hip" (next Month in Texas he'll be able to).

My right to defend myself and my family doesn't come from a benevolent "gubermint" that believes that they have the authority to tell me what I may or may not own. I know that liberals see "da gubermint" as their god because they are blatantly stupid and naive as to how the world really works. You want to see stupidity personified? Try to have an intelligent conversation with a liberal and you will see arrested development in all it's glory. One of the best blessings of the internet is that you can actually delve into the mindset of a liberal and be spared of having to share the same air space.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

no one that has ever had a temper fit should own a firearm?

A temper fit? You call driving your truck through the lobby of a hotel a temper fit? Holy Christ!

How many times do I have to say it?

I wonder if candys anger issues disqualify her from getting a gun. I mean it's obvious that anyone could see this coming.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Guy #1 needs to be checked out for his stability to own a gun.
Guy #2 broke no laws and should not be banned from owning a gun.
The father? Yes.
The only people that do not own guns are the losers that carries a knife to a gun fight.:alcoholic:
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Good question. It'd be nice if a gun nut would actually take the time to answer it rather than deflect with "wut the fuk yu ask fer? ey dunt git it!!"

Their silence is answer enough. The profanity is music to my ears.

If I answer the leading question, I would be admitting I am a 'gun nut' instead of an American citizen who owns a gun in accordance with the 2nd Amendment and a legal state issued concealed carry permit. Ask the question in a civil manner and you might get a civil answer rather than kiss off's.

And for the 3,000,000 times I was called a "gun grabber", who do I talk to about that? Hmmm?

How many times did you suggest depriving a citizen of the right to own a gun? I certainly agree with you that there are individuals that should not have that right, but it has to be for a legal reason. 3 million is a lot. LOL
Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?
Are they under arrest?
Under indictment?
Are they fugitives from justice?
Have they been convicted of a felony or other disqualifying crime?
Incarcerated? Involuntarily committed?

If they answer is :no: to all of these things, they are then legally able to own a gun; if you have a problem with that, you then need to change the law.
Only people who consider themselves to be "gun nuts" should reply?

Feel free but all I hear from gun nuts is that gun owners are all safe and responsible folks who are totally in charge of their faculties at any given moment in time. I think not myself. This question is set to gauge just how belligerent someone has to be before the gun nutjobs will agree..."yeah, the guy who turned the Comfort Inn into a drive-through probably shouldn't have a .357 on his hip" (next Month in Texas he'll be able to).

Ya have like I don't know 70 million plus gun owners in this country? at least over 900 million guns?

If they were all nuts we would know about it.
Candy, you described like 80% of all guys at one time or another.
Candy is just being an intellectually lazy gun grabbing fool. Instead of sAying what he thinks, he's going to pose stupid rhetorical questions and set up elaborate fallacies that he will pretend 'proves' the wisdom of disarming, then euthanising, those he imagines are worthless.
Last night, one of the nutjobs proposed a scenario by which you'd be forced to own weapons or pay a tax
Yes.... and you responded that you'd prefer to pay $2500/yr to, in part, subsidize those less fortunate (and less irrational) than you in their pursuit of buying an 'assault weapon'.
Very generous of you -- but I do wonder how long you'd actually choose to pay that tax.
Dateline Texas:

A jerk from Texas drove his truck into a hotel lobby to express his disappointment over a bill.

A second jerk from Texas ordered 2 of his students/players to cheap shot a referee during a game.

Obviously both Texicans have anger issues. Set aside the law for a moment since we all know background checks are a joke and you can get around them by buying a weapon from anyone willing to sell it to you.

Do the gun nuts who frequent this forum think these 2 men should still be allowed to own weapons/be in the same house where weapons are?

What about Adam Lanza's Father?

Good question. It'd be nice if a gun nut would actually take the time to answer it rather than deflect with "wut the fuk yu ask fer? ey dunt git it!!"

Their silence is answer enough. The profanity is music to my ears.

The silence is because I don't respond to the term gun nut. It is derogatory, intellectually dishonest, and indicative of a simpleton. Hello simpleton:bye1:

And no gun nut would ever disparage a sensible gun control advocate by calling them "gun grabbers"...right?

No, I don't use that term. It is as intellectually dishonest and stupid as your term.

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