Current FLOTUS is the best EVER!!!

She was right about the fat white kids: Retired Military Leaders Fret Kids Will Be 'Too Fat To Fight' - NBC News

See here:

Why obesity is a national security threat -
"Anyway, Michelle Obama's on this big obesity kick, right? Gotta eat healthy stuff, gotta eat the garbage that she grows in the garden, nothing but fruits and vegetables. ... Michelle Obama wants to spend $400 million to combat food deserts. She's all upset that the only food available to poor urban people are convenience stores, the 7-Elevens. ... So she's complaining about food deserts, and Michelle Obama wants to punish Big Food and Big Retail for not putting quality food stores in poor neighborhoods, right? And that's why there's an obesity epidemic, right?"

But the first lady is right to worry. A White House vegetable garden is only the very beginning of a policy solution, but the first lady has grasped an urgent national problem.

Conservatives Split Over Opposition to Michelle Obama's Obesity Drive - The Wire
First Lady Michelle Obama's push against child obesity, which mostly calls for reforming school lunch programs, is either nanny state big government "run amok," as Sarah Palin put it, or, as some conservatives concede, a relatively unoffensive effort to make kids healthier. The issue has exposed a slight but interesting divide in the conservative commentariat, which cannot seem to agree on whether they should let the first lady's effort slide or oppose it with all their might. The split reveals a difference of opinion on just how "laissez faire" school lunchrooms should be as well as the limits of anti-Obama opposition just for opposition's sake.

Last I looked, the purpose of schools was to educate kids, not to feed them.
Maybe it's just a coincidence that the more schools spend on feeding kids, the more the kids become obese.

since the wage gap is widening, people have less income, including the elderly & poor, to spend on necessities but you knew that already didn't you batboi?
aside from her important work of trying to wean fat MURICAN kids (lot of them white BTW) off of uniquely MURICAN fast food. This is important, not just because it will prevent them from getting heart disease or diabetes down the road but, because the military always needs healthy recruits.

Why obesity is a national security threat -

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War | Danger Room | WIRED

Even after all that, she STILL makes time for meet & greet sessions :)

Michelle Obama Touts Education, Appears in Selfie at Dillard Graduation - NBC News

Thank you Michelle :smiliehug: You go girl!!! :thewave:

So, Hilary finally shook you from her leg....

Hossfly (Yesterday), JWBooth (Yesterday), Vigilante (Yesterday)

Those "thanks" say alot about you: Two fossils & a War of Southern Rebellion throwback :thup:

BTW- if you didn't just stop by to do drive by posts, you'd know that I don't vote in nat'l elections dum dum.
Hossfly (Yesterday), JWBooth (Yesterday), Vigilante (Yesterday)

Those "thanks" say alot about you: Two fossils & a War of Southern Rebellion throwback :thup:

BTW- if you didn't just stop by to do drive by posts, you'd know that I don't vote in nat'l elections dum dum.

You're not really worth paying that much attention.

Don't let the door hit you :yawn: :bye1: exit is that way asswipe ->

No wonder you don't stop by more often. I'm literally underwhelmed by your FAILtrolling. :thup:
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Last I looked, the purpose of schools was to educate kids, not to feed them. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the more schools spend on feeding kids, the more the kids become obese.
Personally, I don't have a problem with providing under-privileged kids a meal or two at school, if it will help, but it may not be a bad idea to put the entire range of such programming under a microscope, for a closer look, with an eye towards overhaul and improvement.

A closer look by professional restaurant industry, purchasing, logistics, transport, food-safety, accounting, administration and social-work professionals, not arms'-length, remotely-engaged, show-boating, grand-standing, photo-op'ping community-organizer types.
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Hossfly (Yesterday), JWBooth (Yesterday), Vigilante (Yesterday)

Those "thanks" say alot about you: Two fossils & a War of Southern Rebellion throwback :thup:

BTW- if you didn't just stop by to do drive by posts, you'd know that I don't vote in nat'l elections dum dum.

You're not really worth paying that much attention.
We owe dottie a bit of thanks. Without these nonsense threads we wouldn't have the galleries of pics from around the web collected together in a handily accessable way.
Those "thanks" say alot about you: Two fossils & a War of Southern Rebellion throwback :thup:

BTW- if you didn't just stop by to do drive by posts, you'd know that I don't vote in nat'l elections dum dum.

You're not really worth paying that much attention.
We owe dottie a bit of thanks. Without these nonsense threads we wouldn't have the galleries of pics from around the web collected together in a handily accessable way.

Correct: see my thanks for post #326.


He can be as amusing as an Organ Grinder Monkey.

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Fact: most Orientals voted for 44. That's why he, along w/ his stunningly beautiful & intelligent wife, got reelected. Michelle :smiliehug: :mm:
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I see there are still a few Orgasmic ObamaBots left over from the 2008 orgiastic frenzy.

Far, far fewer in 2012, and still fewer left in 2014, but, a few-score thousand, scattered here and there (and on these boards), I see...

Amusing, and chuckle-worthy, although a little sad and pathetic, at the same time...
you Oriental? Your frothy username is and your avie as well

As to the OP, I can see why repub-voters are pissed at her. She is actually doing something about fat white kids in this country.
As to the OP, she may be the most embarrassing first lady ever (though to be fair, media coverage wasn't as prevalent for most first ladies of the past [though to be fair again, most past first ladies realized they hadn't been elected to any office and had the good sense and taste to be wives and mothers rather than 'celebrities']).

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