Current Republican Health Care Debacle


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP

is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


Snowe didn't vote for ObamaCare.
is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP

I guess this is the thanks you get for trying to clean up the Democrat's messes.
They never really expected to be handed this political hot potato and now they don't know what to do with it. They had it easy when all they had to do was obstruct the normal flow of business. Now that they have to actually craft policy they show themselves to be appallingly bad at governance. At least they have the wherewithal to realize that a new healthcare plan that is not an improvement might be bad thing for their political futures.
I have to admit that Mitch McConnell and his Republicans are frustrating me. I've never liked the guy. Frankly, I don't like the Republicans at all except that they aren't the Democrats which are even worse. While the Democrats are plainly big government, global socialists, the Republicans are merely too often hapless, confused and fight among themselves.

The Democrats are much better politicians and governors, just that their politics and governance is always amazingly bad. The GOP always seems to know where it wants or needs to go, they just have a hard time organizing it. There is this perpetual, paralyzing inertia.

Considering that the GOP wasn't really involved in much these past 8 years, I really thought that come Trump's election, they would be rolling out a green carpet on Day One with 99 bright, sparkly ideas. Trump certain did. That they didn't have the basic framework put together just needing some tweaks to get all aboard is very disappointing. That they continue to struggle and miss opportunities is maddening. I kind of see the problem though: what the Dems created in Obamacare was a social entitlement that we can neither afford nor make work. I don't even remember it ever being mentioned during the 2008 campaigns. They came out of Left Field with it, all nicely written up on 30,000 pages of paper; it was designed to give out an ice cream cone of care that was unsustainable that no one would want to give back.

It would work a couple years but was unsustainable and would collapse, then the Dems could do what they really intended: make it a single-payer government program--- Medicaid on steroids.

So what's the Republicans to do? Obamacare has collapsed already and is living on life support. The Republicans have to do SOMETHING, it's in THEIR lap now; they have to keep preexisting conditions, make it more affordable, eliminate the payer mandate, let young people opt out, make it better for doctors and insurance companies while providing better care to those that need it.


But the GOP has to come up with something that improves on Obamacare while realizing it won't be perfect and please everyone. NO MATTER WHAT they do, there will be some group that is highly displeased and gets a raw deal. It is an almost total no-win for the GOP. The worst thing they could do is nothing at all, except invite the Dems in to help them simply "revise" Obamacare; that would be even worse and it would be played by the media as the hapless GOP needing recused by the Democrats! I almost believe that was the Democrat's intentions by design all along. They are THAT GOOD at politics.

Whatever the case, the GOP needs to act. They can impress me by skipping the August recess and get this stuff done. They can really gall my ass by walking out for the summer leaving all of this and much more on their plate for the fall. They are up at bat and those few holdouts need to see the bigger picture. This is vital to the long term GOP and until they get past this hurdle, they can't move onto tax reform. Both of these need enacted before year's end. The clock is a tickin'. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
I kind of see the problem though: what the Dems created in Obamacare was a social entitlement that we can neither afford nor make work.

The Republicans have to do SOMETHING, it's in THEIR lap now; they have to keep preexisting conditions, make it more affordable, eliminate the payer mandate, let young people opt out, make it better for doctors and insurance companies while providing better care to those that need it.


I totally agree with your assessment. It's a foolish waste of energy to try solve an overly constrained problem like health care. We need to implement one of the following actions to "solve" heath care and get on to other business.

Course of Action 1 (Democratic Philosophy Plan) – Declare healthcare to be a right of everyone in America, regardless of cost. Make people buy insurance they really don’t want for conditions they could never have so there is enough money in the coffers to cover the most ill and poor among us. Also use tax money as needed to cover people that can't afford to pay for health insurance. Accept the economic burden this imposes on the whole as a charitable act to our fellow human beings, even those who have gained access to America illegally. This will let us revel in the high “number of people insured” statistic, despite the fact that huge deductibles and co-pays will prevent many of those insured from actually using it.

Course of Action 2 (Republican Philosophy Plan) – Declare that healthcare is a commodity subject to the rules of any commodity: If you want healthcare insurance, buy it at market price using your own financial resources. Get a job that provides health insurance benefits to help defray costs. Those with pre-existing conditions will need to pay more to reflect higher expected medical costs. The poor and sickly will either obtain charitable (true charity, not forced-taxation-from-others charity) help for their conditions or remain sickly.

Efforts to come up with a plan between these extremes have been, and will be, futile.
I agree with comments above. Pulling away the punch bowl at this time isn't going to work. People put a low priority on healthcare relative to their home budgets, but now that its free.......... well, its all of a sudden important

is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


Snowe didn't vote for ObamaCare.

Who said she did?


It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.

is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


Snowe didn't vote for ObamaCare.

Who said she did?


It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.
is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


Snowe didn't vote for ObamaCare.

Who said she did?


It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.

Her and Collins were key votes allowing Obama's crappy stimulus bill to pass.

I know you probably think it was a success. lol

Shovel ready jobs my ass

Self inflicted wound.

First, they're paralyzed by an ideology that forces them to leave several ideas out of their options, and second, they look pretty bad having lied to us for eight years.

Too bad.
No, their problem is that they think if they play by the Democrat rules of compassion, they'll be liked.

The truth is, every time they stick to conservative principles, they win and the country gets better. The Democrats are never going to like them, period. So stop trying.
Snowe didn't vote for ObamaCare.

Who said she did?


It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.

Her and Collins were key votes allowing Obama's crappy stimulus bill to pass.

I know you probably think it was a success. lol

Shovel ready jobs my ass


Why would I think the stimulus bill was a success? Why didn't you just say that's what you were talking about when I asked instead of getting all defensive for no reason?
Who said she did?


It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.

Her and Collins were key votes allowing Obama's crappy stimulus bill to pass.

I know you probably think it was a success. lol

Shovel ready jobs my ass


Why would I think the stimulus bill was a success? Why didn't you just say that's what you were talking about when I asked instead of getting all defensive for no reason?

Because you assumed I was talking about Obamacare. Why didn't you ask your question before assuming you knew the answer?

It was inferred, so if that is not your issue with her, what is?

I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.

Her and Collins were key votes allowing Obama's crappy stimulus bill to pass.

I know you probably think it was a success. lol

Shovel ready jobs my ass


Why would I think the stimulus bill was a success? Why didn't you just say that's what you were talking about when I asked instead of getting all defensive for no reason?

Because you assumed I was talking about Obamacare.


Of course, I did, as would most people seeing as how the title of the thread is "Current Republican Health Care Debacle." Next time say you mean and mean what you say.
I see, typical projection.


What am I projecting and why didn't you just answer my question? It's not a big deal.

Her and Collins were key votes allowing Obama's crappy stimulus bill to pass.

I know you probably think it was a success. lol

Shovel ready jobs my ass


Why would I think the stimulus bill was a success? Why didn't you just say that's what you were talking about when I asked instead of getting all defensive for no reason?

Because you assumed I was talking about Obamacare.


Of course, I did, as would most people seeing as how the title of the thread is "Current Republican Health Care Debacle." Next time say you mean and mean what you say.

I did.

is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


And the rest of us are stuck the a demrat disaster of a health care system.
is another example of why I fired the party in 2009 after Sen Snow sold us out. The rest was inevitable

These clowns led by spitting Mitch remind me of the keystone cops

May the Republican Party RIP


And the rest of us are stuck the a demrat disaster of a health care system.

I agree. Let it die a miserable death


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