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Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face! {KING}

I am wondering to what lengths these people will go to spite their face...

Will they commit suicide to stop a headache?

Opposing Obama's agenda and policies helps America, not harms it.

BTW.....where were you between 2000 and 2009?
Imagine what he might have done with a little competence. The man should never have been prez in the first place. Even Hilary would have accomplished more with the super majority for 2 years and control of the senate for 5.

Dems had their chance but choose on affirmative action principle rather than qualifications.

Obama had four months of a Super Majority and had legislative achievements unseen since FDR

Whining about "Obama is unqualified to be president" five years after he was elected rings hollow. Obama was elected....TWICE

What do Republicans have to show their faithful after five years of obstructionism?

Obamacare was passed
Stimulus passed
DADT was repealed
15 States have legalized Gay Marriage
Financial Reform has passed
Taxes were increased on the wealthy

What did you gain Republicans? You would have had alot more to show if you had engaged in bipartisan politics for the last five years

Except the "15 STATES have legalized Gay Marriage", everything on your list has been absolute, monumental FAIL, costing the people of this country billions, no, trillions of dollars, lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost hope.
The gay marriage thing, that was a states' issue and your boy and his administration had nothing to do with it.

Yea....you guys tried that "Everything Obama does is FAIL" act in 2012

Fact is....Obama accomplished what he said he would do and got re-elected in 2012

What have the Republicans accomplished in five years? They have less of their agenda to show than if they had passed bipartisan legislation

Obama must Fail.......turned into The Republicans have Failed
Obama had four months of a Super Majority and had legislative achievements unseen since FDR

Whining about "Obama is unqualified to be president" five years after he was elected rings hollow. Obama was elected....TWICE

What do Republicans have to show their faithful after five years of obstructionism?

Obamacare was passed
Stimulus passed
DADT was repealed
15 States have legalized Gay Marriage
Financial Reform has passed
Taxes were increased on the wealthy

What did you gain Republicans? You would have had alot more to show if you had engaged in bipartisan politics for the last five years

Except the "15 STATES have legalized Gay Marriage", everything on your list has been absolute, monumental FAIL, costing the people of this country billions, no, trillions of dollars, lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost hope.
The gay marriage thing, that was a states' issue and your boy and his administration had nothing to do with it.

In 2004, I thought Civil Unions was a good alternative to Gay Marriage. So did Barack Obama and many other Americans

We were wrong

Times change.....Republicans don't
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That would explain him getting REelected < a year ago :afro: PLUS- jobs don't get exported overseas overnight. You think repubs had no hand in shipping jobs overseas to seek cheap/sweat shop labor? :rofl: Thats what laissez faire capitalism :up: (Repub religion) is all about.

Mr Black man 1...I'm a Marine I don't see skin color. I don't give a rats ass what color the mans skin is. I just know that since he has been our president my life is harder. I'm not whining for myself... I'm close to retirement and made good in business at a time when you still could. I worry about Americans younger than myself. Like my Grandchildren. The economy is getting worse and good jobs are non existent. This man (Obama) has fucked up big time. He had a chance...a once in a lifetime chance to be something great but he decided to go after the opposition and he tried to crush them. he wanted to win at all cost and made an enemy out of anyone that disagreed with him. He is a petty, spiteful man and his presidency is a failure. He lied to us about something very personal...our health care and for that he has lost the American people. If you want to hang on...then maybe you're the one mentally and emotionally drenched in the color of his skin.
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No president in modern times has ever had to operate in such a irrationally hostile legislative environment. When you look at all the hyperbolic hand wringing to even the most innocuous actions of the executive branch it is amazing he has not just resigned and said "fuck you, you self involved America hating assholes, I'm moving to Canada".

We can only hope there is still time for him to do that.

"We have the votes. Fuck 'em." -Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to Obama in the first term displaying his brilliant bipartisan instincts for working with the GOP.

Do you want bipartisanism or do you want democrats to cave to republican hostage tactics every time? They are not the same thing.

When biparatisan means rubber stamping all of the demonrat idiocy, no I certainly don't want bipartisanship.
Obama had four months of a Super Majority and had legislative achievements unseen since FDR

Whining about "Obama is unqualified to be president" five years after he was elected rings hollow. Obama was elected....TWICE

What do Republicans have to show their faithful after five years of obstructionism?

Obamacare was passed
Stimulus passed
DADT was repealed
15 States have legalized Gay Marriage
Financial Reform has passed
Taxes were increased on the wealthy

What did you gain Republicans? You would have had alot more to show if you had engaged in bipartisan politics for the last five years

Except the "15 STATES have legalized Gay Marriage", everything on your list has been absolute, monumental FAIL, costing the people of this country billions, no, trillions of dollars, lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost hope.
The gay marriage thing, that was a states' issue and your boy and his administration had nothing to do with it.

Yea....you guys tried that "Everything Obama does is FAIL" act in 2012

Fact is....Obama accomplished what he said he would do and got re-elected in 2012

What have the Republicans accomplished in five years? They have less of their agenda to show than if they had passed bipartisan legislation

Obama must Fail.......turned into The Republicans have Failed

Dud, you just don't get it, do you? The failure of your boy-king's regime, the failure of the opposition to grow a pair and stand up to his wholesale destruction of our country, means we all lose. You, me, everyone on this board, we are the losers when government fails. Can you honestly tell us that you are better off now than before your black messiah's ascension to power?
Obama had four months of a Super Majority and had legislative achievements unseen since FDR

Whining about "Obama is unqualified to be president" five years after he was elected rings hollow. Obama was elected....TWICE

What do Republicans have to show their faithful after five years of obstructionism?

Obamacare was passed
Stimulus passed
DADT was repealed
15 States have legalized Gay Marriage
Financial Reform has passed
Taxes were increased on the wealthy

What did you gain Republicans? You would have had alot more to show if you had engaged in bipartisan politics for the last five years

Except the "15 STATES have legalized Gay Marriage", everything on your list has been absolute, monumental FAIL, costing the people of this country billions, no, trillions of dollars, lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost hope.
The gay marriage thing, that was a states' issue and your boy and his administration had nothing to do with it.

Yea....you guys tried that "Everything Obama does is FAIL" act in 2012

Fact is....Obama accomplished what he said he would do and got re-elected in 2012

What have the Republicans accomplished in five years? They have less of their agenda to show than if they had passed bipartisan legislation

Obama must Fail.......turned into The Republicans have Failed
Truer words haven't been posted.
I suppose this is good a place to make this observation as any. Want to get it in before noon.

Regardless of who is actually holding the office of President of the USA, there were a few facts in play based on my timeline.

Economy went bust in the 2008 time frame - let's say Bush gets this based on timeline.

Obama inherits this mess of an economy in early 2009.

Obama pushes hard for a universal health care plan. Something I agree should be in place.

What I cannot understand is - why push ACA on the American people at a time of such high unemployment? That system requires people to pay into it in order for it to work properly (aka survive). ACA is a burden when unemployment is high. It could work OK if we had a strong economy (lower unemployment).

So while I do not care much which party is actually in office, the fact here is - it was Obama who did the aforementioned action. This cannot be denied.

I have read the word incompetence describing Obama. Just based on the above, I truly hope it is incompetence, because the alternative borders on sadistic cruelty.

If certain Americans were not so inherently predisposed to hate Obama before he even took office, would America be in a booming economy and taking the lead in the world in all aspects by now?

A fair question I believe.

Instead of acting in their constituents best interest, many have decided that they would rather just oppose ANYTHING from Obama.

Even if doing so harms America.

Cutting off your nose, to spite your face!

Why do you put {KING} in every thread title?
We can only hope there is still time for him to do that.

"We have the votes. Fuck 'em." -Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to Obama in the first term displaying his brilliant bipartisan instincts for working with the GOP.

Do you want bipartisanism or do you want democrats to cave to republican hostage tactics every time? They are not the same thing.

When biparatisan means rubber stamping all of the demonrat idiocy, no I certainly don't want bipartisanship.

Of course you wouldn't want bipartisanship if it meant you would have gotten nothing in return

But what did Republicans lose by abandoning bipartisanship?

They could have softened the blow of tax increases by negotiating additional capital gains deductions
They could have gotten more interstate healthcare competition, tort reform and healthcare tax deductions
They could have gotten school vouchers
They could have avoided drastic cuts in the military and negotiated social services cuts
They could have gotten a bipartisan jobs program

Instead....they got nothing
OK class, watch the board for a new topic showing you who Barack Obama really is in 10 minutes.

By "inherently predisposed" ... Are you referring to the idea that we shouldn't have read his book?
What sense would it make to try and attempt to define someone ... When they have already gone through the trouble of publishing their definition?

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Yes, I hate Obama. It has nothing at all to do with his skin color. I hate liars and I've never seen a politician who lied as much as Obama has.

I hate him because he is the most excellent of con men. The stupid and lazy are completely enamored with his speech, his promises, and will ignore facts and even their own suffering, to support him. I hate him because the media covers for him, and Hollywood backs him. He can say anything, tell any lie and his supporters won't care. I hate him because the ignorant feel they must never criticize him for fear they will be called racist. I hate him because he has contempt for the Constitution and for this country.

He is the worst president this country has had the misfortune to suffer through and he hasn't been run out of town like he deserves. I hate him for that.
Y'all are so funny!

I can't wait until high noon.

At high noon, I'm going to tell you all about who Barack Obama is!

Be in this forum at high noon today.

I'm not gonna even entertain your hatred tonight.

I shall obliterate these fallacies at high noon.


Forgive me if I have low expectations for any of your posts at the moment.

People are losing their insurance and paying higher premiums and deductables than ever. Forgive me if don't consider that a good thing, but I don't.

We have all of human history behind us to show that the policies Obama has pursued would not work. We've seen similiar policies applied again and again through countries throughout the world just this past century with disasterous results.

Why exactly should we think doing the same failed policies over and over again is a good thing or going to result in anything different then it has anywhere else?

Cut the spending. Cut the taxes and you will see massive economic growth. Grow taxes and grow spending and you won't. And if someone as foolish as me can figure that out, it's not that difficult.
Yes, I hate Obama. It has nothing at all to do with his skin color. I hate liars and I've never seen a politician who lied as much as Obama has.

I hate him because he is the most excellent of con men. The stupid and lazy are completely enamored with his speech, his promises, and will ignore facts and even their own suffering, to support him. I hate him because the media covers for him, and Hollywood backs him. He can say anything, tell any lie and his supporters won't care. I hate him because the ignorant feel they must never criticize him for fear they will be called racist. I hate him because he has contempt for the Constitution and for this country.

He is the worst president this country has had the misfortune to suffer through and he hasn't been run out of town like he deserves. I hate him for that.
There you have it folks...pure, unadulterated, rightwing, rage.

WoW!! You really should take something for that.
Parts of this country weren't ready for a black President.

Sad. Very sad.

And they keep breeding kids and home schooling them twisting the Bible into racism and homophobia.

Sad. Very sad.

How exactly is the color of his skin relevant to his massive screw ups?
Parts of this country weren't ready for a black President.

Sad. Very sad.

And they keep breeding kids and home schooling them twisting the Bible into racism and homophobia.

Sad. Very sad.

How exactly is the color of his skin relevant to his massive screw ups?


Goes to show how far we still have to go in fighting real racism.

No president in modern times has ever had to operate in such a irrationally hostile legislative environment. When you look at all the hyperbolic hand wringing to even the most innocuous actions of the executive branch it is amazing he has not just resigned and said "fuck you, you self involved America hating assholes, I'm moving to Canada".

We can only hope there is still time for him to do that.

"We have the votes. Fuck 'em." -Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to Obama in the first term displaying his brilliant bipartisan instincts for working with the GOP.

Do you want bipartisanism or do you want democrats to cave to republican hostage tactics every time? They are not the same thing.

With corruption the way it is in Washington, Bipartisanship is nothing but politicians in both parties working together to screw the American people.

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