D-Rep's Medical Bills Suddenly Paid By Insurance Co When They Find Out She Was Just Elected


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Equal Justice * Equal Treatment * No Free Ride For Politicians?

Rep Porter: Congressional Clout Helped Erase My Medical Bills
$3,000 bill paid by insurance when company was told Porter was elected to Congress

In a Tuesday hearing titled "Protecting Patients from Surprise Medical Bills," the freshman representative accidently revealed that HER unexpected out-of-network medical bills from a recent emergency appendectomy were suddenly paid for in full by the insurance company...after a patient advocate informed the insurance company she was now D-California CONGRESSWOMAN Porter instead of just Katie Porter.

One might think being told the woman who owed $3,000 in medical expenses was a newly-elected Congresswoman would be an assurance to the insurance company and the doctor she owed that she could definitely afford to pay her bill.....ONE would be WRONG.

Instead, the insurance company, realizing the patient they were trying to collect money from was not a run-of-the-mill citizen but was instead someone who could have a massive impact on them through legislation, suddenly her medical bills DISAPPEARED.

Interestingly enough newly-elected CONGRESSWOMAN Porter's comments about how she received special treatment (how the Insurance company had basically given her a $3,000 GIFT for being a Politician) were not included in the written transcripts of Porter's testimony before the Committee.

The use of political pull / influence in this case does not strictly violate House ethics rules, but it does expose the '2 worlds' within the United States where politicians are treated one way while average Americans are treated another.

"This is an appalling example of why people don't trust government," said Kendra Arnold, director of the watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust. "There should be absolutely zero tolerance for elected officials who use their position to receive special treatment. It is both unethical and un-American."

My guess is that, as a newly elected Freshman Politician. Porter was just glad to get the news the insurance company ended up paying the $3,000 and simply did not stop to think / question why or the ethics / perception this would have.
-- What are the chances she learns from this and refuses to take any 'perks', 'special deals', 'favors' again for the rest of her time in office as a Washington politician? :p

The Committee, however, is bipartisanly attempting to tackle a legitimate problem - surprise costs involved with out-of-network doctors / services.

"The issue of "surprise medical bills" is one of the few policy areas currently drawing bipartisan support"

Perhaps Porter's admission that the insurance company paid her bill when they found out she was a newly-elected Congresswoman was left out of the meeting minutes because they realized 'Get elected to Congress' is not an actual viable idea for the average use citizen to avoid high surprise medical costs....


Rep Porter: Congressional Clout Helped Erase My Medical Bills
(Before snowflakes attack, this is NOT a 'D' vs 'R' post....It was observing how a newly elected member of Congress, thinking none of it, just openly admitted that an Insurance company paid her bill BECAUSE they found out she is a POLITICIAN. I am sure more than her own party members will educate her on these things...)
Well, duh.

The more things that are controlled by the government, the more things are used to reward friends and punish enemies - and the insiders have more opportunity to rig the system for their own benefit.
Republicans hate single mothers who make good.
See, it's stupid comments from partisan people that just make you shake your head. YOU are the very reason I posted that 2nd comment. My initial thread was NOT partisan - it was a comment about how SOME ordinary people getting elected and heading to Washington as Freshman Politicians can be so naïve. There is a lot to think about / consider / learn.
She should have paid her own bill.

Anyone on this board had their medical bill paid by an insurance company because they were just elected to Congress??

I'm wondering how much that insurance company will charge someone to cover that 3 thousand dollars???
If she would have been forced to pay the bill she might be a little more determined to pass legislation that would all the 'little people'...like she recently used to be.
If she would have been forced to pay the bill she might be a little more determined to pass legislation that would all the 'little people'...like she recently used to be.

Instead she learned quite a lesson: with very little power and influence, she got rid of a $3K bill. Just think of what she could get with Real Power.

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