Damn..look outside..are pigs flying??

frigidweirdo What is wrong with POT? It creates potheads who swear up and down that pot doesn't damage brain cells and who are incapable of grasping that their minds are indeed damaged.

Also causes impotence in males........

Causes a loss of ambition and drive---besides just sex-----making for extremely lazy people who think their mommas and the government should take care of them..........

Pushes up the stock of potatoe chip suppliers...

And linked to autism in the offspring of users as per a swedish study

and oddly for the males that I noticed when taking medical histories at one point-----many many diabetics were pot users in their teens and twenties (and beyond)....so I think it is doing something the body's blood sugar regulating hormomes as well.
frigidweirdo What is wrong with POT? It creates potheads who swear up and down that pot doesn't damage brain cells and who are incapable of grasping that their minds are indeed damaged.

Also causes impotence in males........

Causes a loss of ambition and drive---besides just sex-----making for extremely lazy people who think their mommas and the government should take care of them..........

Pushes up the stock of potatoe chip suppliers...

And linked to autism in the offspring of users as per a swedish study

and oddly for the males that I noticed when taking medical histories at one point-----many many diabetics were pot users in their teens and twenties (and beyond)....so I think it is doing something the body's blood sugar regulating hormomes as well.

I guess it depends on how you look at life.

Look around you. How many people do you see who are trying to escape from reality?

You have alcohol already at about 5.3% of deaths

You have smoking.

You have politics, look around you and see how many people on here are here just to present a fictional world to themselves and others.

Sports, pets, religion.... many ways of ignoring the world.

Does it really matter if people choose a different way of destroying their brain cells?

Look at the US, you have a system where a lot of people can't get proper healthcare anyway.

Do you think all these males smoking pot care about impotence? The world has way too many people already.

Literally your arguments are that the government needs to tell these people how to live their lives, because they can't do it for themselves. Sounds like China, or Nazi Germany or something. Is that what you're into?

Most males dont want to be impotent...
it does matter if people are chosing to kill brain cells-------people are dumb enough already...
but again in pots cases---becoming a pot head that actually thinks everyone else owes the user is common and a huge problem for those of us forced to carry the dead beats around
Jump in Autism----I think is pot and other drug use in the parents--any child abuse is bad...
And I don't support drinking either when it gets to the point of causing problems---I really have no issue with cutting off alcoholics by various means either--from locking them up, to tattooing their forheads, to shooting the ones who just won't stop drinking and harming others....

If you want to use pot fine----just don't be an issue for anyone else---------no government support, no voting once dumbed down, no driving if you can't behave and not drive while stoned, and no children if it affects either your dna, pregnancy, or parenting. If you live with your mommy because you have no desire (ambition) to take care of yourself---you don't get to vote and you should be banned from voicing an opinion at all.

Most males dont want to be impotent...
it does matter if people are chosing to kill brain cells-------people are dumb enough already...
but again in pots cases---becoming a pot head that actually thinks everyone else owes the user is common and a huge problem for those of us forced to carry the dead beats around
Jump in Autism----I think is pot and other drug use in the parents--any child abuse is bad...
And I don't support drinking either when it gets to the point of causing problems---I really have no issue with cutting off alcoholics by various means either--from locking them up, to tattooing their forheads, to shooting the ones who just won't stop drinking and harming others....

If you want to use pot fine----just don't be an issue for anyone else---------no government support, no voting once dumbed down, no driving if you can't behave and not drive while stoned, and no children if it affects either your dna, pregnancy, or parenting. If you live with your mommy because you have no desire (ambition) to take care of yourself---you don't get to vote and you should be banned from voicing an opinion at all.

Well, then they can choose to do pot or not, can't they?

People are dumb enough already, what difference does it make if they're a little dumber then?

No one said there'd be government support afterwards.
Clarence Thomas, the most conservative judge on the SCOTUS, thinks federal laws banning marijuana are outdated and behind the times... wonder if he is toking on the side due to a physical ailment....Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Calls Federal Marijuana Prohibition 'A Contradictory And Unstable State Of Affairs'
I know what he is thinking, the US is now a Left wing utopia, and as such, will end in a lot of suffering and death as we are seeing in our major cities.

So as the nation enters its death throws, why not let them medicate themselves to help ease their pain?
Clarence Thomas, the most conservative judge on the SCOTUS, thinks federal laws banning marijuana are outdated and behind the times... wonder if he is toking on the side due to a physical ailment....Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Calls Federal Marijuana Prohibition 'A Contradictory And Unstable State Of Affairs'

What's wrong with pot? People take alcohol and tobacco all the time.
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
The only time Justice Thomas is ever quoted by the liberal media is when he says something that seems remotely beneficial to the left. Marijuana laws are contradictory but I didn't see the part in the link where he said they were "outdated and behind the times". This is left wing spin designed to energize the pot head community when it seems that whispering Joe has no intention of legalizing the stuff. Is it possible that Justice Thomas wants to tighten up the laws?
Clarence Thomas, the most conservative judge on the SCOTUS, thinks federal laws banning marijuana are outdated and behind the times... wonder if he is toking on the side due to a physical ailment....Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Calls Federal Marijuana Prohibition 'A Contradictory And Unstable State Of Affairs'

What's wrong with pot? People take alcohol and tobacco all the time.
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."

Ah insults.

frigidweirdo What is wrong with POT? It creates potheads who swear up and down that pot doesn't damage brain cells and who are incapable of grasping that their minds are indeed damaged.

Also causes impotence in males........

Causes a loss of ambition and drive---besides just sex-----making for extremely lazy people who think their mommas and the government should take care of them..........

Pushes up the stock of potatoe chip suppliers...

And linked to autism in the offspring of users as per a swedish study

and oddly for the males that I noticed when taking medical histories at one point-----many many diabetics were pot users in their teens and twenties (and beyond)....so I think it is doing something the body's blood sugar regulating hormomes as well.
Wow. I did not know this but it answers a lot of questions. My step grandson has been a heavy pot user since his early teens. He is 32 now and just diagnosed with severe diabetes. He has to take insulin. Thank you.

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