Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

Our bill for dinner in Walnut Creek last night was $76.00
Crap policy? insurance should be just that. the policies I had covered everything after a deductible was paid. So "major surgery" wouldn't be a problem try to keep up

Another example ^^^ which strongly suggests conservatives cannot comprehend the written word, or they're basically dishonest and need to misrepresent or edit what is written.

I'll repeat for all the conservatives challenged by the written word, quoted is what I wrote:

"LOL, poor baby. $60 is chump change, imagine the cost to those with a crap policy who need major surgery. Our bill for dinner in Walnut Creek last night was $76.00"

Emphasis is added to the word "Imagine". Now maybe other conservatives understand the post had nothing to do with the type of health insurance Jroc possesses.
As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.
That was overpayment for Medicare Advantage .. Money saved by Obama.

Oh, for sure. Obama has saved us a ton of money. Yup.
^^^ Sarcasm - evidence = foolishness ^^^
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
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Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
If that's true, which I doubt, get up off you lazy ass and look for better insurance. The rise in health care costs has been lower than in decades. Exchanges have all kinds of insurance to choose from. Go take a look.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:
If that's true, which I doubt, get up off you lazy ass and look for better insurance. The rise in health care costs has been lower than in decades. Exchanges have all kinds of insurance to choose from. Go take a look.

No, they don't. They only have the kinds of insurance that Congress, and their corporate sponsors, have approved for us.
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?

Golly, Bue, I have been in the health insurance business for 50 years and I had no idea that Medicaid's primary focus is to fine hospitals to make money! Bet ya got that bit of insider information from Rush and company!
We are blackmailed into adopting the so called "affordable Health care program". Last year, I was taking generic Phenobarbital (or its cheaper generic equivalent). The total cost, 50 cents. Even the full price was less than twenty dollars. Now that I have Humana, (Obama care health care I can afford), that new cost of that SAME medication with a co-pay is now... $44, WITH coverage. $44! Really? What is it about the "Affordable health" care thing that makes it...affordable? Is it just a scam to jack up prices by pharmaceutical companies? Something fishy going on here.
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?

Golly, Bue, I have been in the health insurance business for 50 years and I had no idea that Medicaid's primary focus is to fine hospitals to make money! Bet ya got that bit of insider information from Rush and company!
Nope. Read the information direct from the sources themselves. The two hospitals in my state that were both billed over $ 70 million dollars a piece .

See ...I am an analyst for the hospital. I know all about "insurance" as well as fines,pro fees .RAC audits and much more fun stuff.

Ps. Also where I read about the loop holes that let the doctors decline new Medicaid patients.

Like I said believe it or don't... I don't care.
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?

Golly, Bue, I have been in the health insurance business for 50 years and I had no idea that Medicaid's primary focus is to fine hospitals to make money! Bet ya got that bit of insider information from Rush and company!
Nope. Read the information direct from the sources themselves. The two hospitals in my state that were both billed over $ 70 million dollars a piece .

See ...I am an analyst for the hospital. I know all about "insurance" as well as fines,pro fees .RAC audits and much more fun stuff.

Ps. Also where I read about the loop holes that let the doctors decline new Medicaid patients.

Like I said believe it or don't... I don't care.

I'm glad that you are not offended by rejection of your conspiracy theories and fear mongering!
My insurance stayed the same. :smile:
I always find it amazing that people are in shock that their healthcare insurance premiums increased. It an annual ritual and has been for decades.
Between 1999 and 2009 healthcare premiums went up 131% and nobody noticed? Now that's scary.
That is, indeed, what I "don't get". Because it isn't true. In fact, the opposite is true. Unless we plan to convert to socialism entirely, the only way we can afford health care is to 'unsocialize' as much of it as possible.

the problem is, guy, you can't shop for your child's cancer treatment the way you shop for a big screen TV. That's why the wonders of the Free Market (highly overrated) can't fix what ails health care.

Letting people die because they are poor is unacceptable.

Some things should be consumer commodities- Cars, TV's, houses.

Some things should be public services- Police and Fire Protection, rule of law.

The free market can't fix your child's cancer treatment. You are going to spend whatever you can afford. You aren't going to put it off until next year or make due with what you have like the TV.

The only way to make it affordable is to 1) Have single payer that covers everyone and 2) Have that single payer entity control costs down to what they cost to provide, not what profit can be sucked out of it.
It must be tough for you to be a broken down old man and only in your 50s. People like you are drag on our healthcare system. Take better care of yourself and you wont cost us so much.

Uh, guy, I've seen pictures of you. frankly, you look kind of freakish. Although I think when I associate it with the batshit crazy stuff you say here, that has an effect.

I'm in pretty good health for my age. Neither of my parents even lived past their 50's.
As an senior, I feel I have been tripped up. I never had to pay 44 dollars for what used cost me 55 cents. Till now, and that is WITH a deductible under the health health care plan. Get that through your thick heads.
You be the first one crying about long lines and waiting lists for medical procedures. Competition lowers costs, and profit is a good thing. It breeds innovation. We are number one in medical innovation and new drug development. Government interference increases prices for everything. You people and your faith in rich politicians who don't produce anything. They simply create and feed the bureaucracy which cost us money. They spend 500 million on simple website and it still doesn't work right

Competition doesn't lower cost. If it did, we'd have the lowest health care costs in the industrialized world, not the highest.

We are #1 in innovations because we are the largest economy.

I should also point out your buddies in the Zionist Entity have socialized medicine. That we subsidize.

How about subsidizing something for AMERICANS for a change?
Non profit healthcare yeah thats agood one where's the incentvie to develope new drugs and new

Hey, you ever hear about one of your co-religionists, Dr. Jonas Salk. He developed the vaccine for Polio. And even though the world would have gleefully given him any reward he wanted for doing so, he gave away the formula for free to make sure it was produced as quickly as possible.


Yeah, I know, amazing, isn't it. How fucked up was that guy? I mean doing something to serve humanity?
Nope. Doctors are refusing new Medicaid patients. That is a fact. Believe it or don't...I don't really care.

I am sure that some doctors do refuse Medicaid patients. Does that translate to, "There is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients"? No, it does not. I moved here from New Orleans, and the inner city there, including the 9th Ward and the lower 9th ward was virtually all Medicaid patients. They were treated at the Hospital where I worked. Over 65% of them did not have insurance and could not pay their bill. That 65% was either reimbursed by state or federal funds, or cost shifted to you, by charging insured patients $25 for 2 aspirin. And, BTW, forget about bringing in your own pills. I tried, and they took them away from me. It is like trying to bring a picnic lunch into Disneyland. I am sick to death of the Right claiming that they are being soaked to treat the poor. You have ALWAYS been soaked for treating the poor. At least now, those who can afford health insurance are no longer going to get free care at your expense by declining to buy insurance.
Yes it will mean there is a shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients. And as an aside...Medicaid tries to make money ( millions infact) fining those doctors and hospitals for the patients they treat every year and what they consider " unwarranted infections and complications". If patients aren't being treated the fines can't be tacked on to the hospitals yearly and Medicaid can't pay their bills. Oh darn. Look at that. Wonder how the government will make back that revenue?

Golly, Bue, I have been in the health insurance business for 50 years and I had no idea that Medicaid's primary focus is to fine hospitals to make money! Bet ya got that bit of insider information from Rush and company!
Nope. Read the information direct from the sources themselves. The two hospitals in my state that were both billed over $ 70 million dollars a piece .

See ...I am an analyst for the hospital. I know all about "insurance" as well as fines,pro fees .RAC audits and much more fun stuff.

Ps. Also where I read about the loop holes that let the doctors decline new Medicaid patients.

Like I said believe it or don't... I don't care.

I'm glad that you are not offended by rejection of your conspiracy theories and fear mongering!
Hmmm hmmm. That the best you got?

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