Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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We don't have real competition idiot.... Trickle down government

Uh, the reason why government got involved is that when you only treat people you can make money for, you have a situation where people are only treated until they are broke.

In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.
You might be a bad risk. Do you know in any politicians?. Political connections are always helpful with socialized healthcare. Be careful what you wish for.

Guy, here's the thing. THe countries with socialized medicine live longer, spend less, they have a lower infant mortality rate.

I don't worry about a socialized medicine state. I worry that after paying a shitload of money into a private system, they are going to try to cheat me--- which is EXACTLY what Cigna did after I busted up my leg in 2007.

Stupid talking points. When you factor out car accidents and gun vigilance our life expectancy if at the top of the list. infant mortality rate is also calculated differently. Learn something.

Infant Mortality

At first glance, infant mortality appears to be a good measure of a health care system. First, it assumes interaction with a health care system since most babies born in the industrialized world are born in a hospital or other health care facility. It also satisfies the second criterion of assuming that health care professionals can affect the outcome, since doctors and nurses have a direct impact on the survival chances of a newborn. If infant mortality were accepted as an adequate measure based on those two criteria alone, then the U.S. health care system is one of the least effective in the industrialized world. This can be seen by constructing a table using the data on infant mortality utilized in the report from the Physicians for a National Health Program. Table 2 shows that on infant mortality, the U.S. ranks below all nations save New Zealand.

Don t Fall Prey to Propaganda Life Expectancy and Infant Mortality are Unreliable Measures for Comparing the U.S. Health Care System to Others
Profit is the incentive that fosters innovation genius. Confronting an epidemic like polio is a different issue entirely

Why is it different? Frankly, Salk could have made millions from his discover, and no one would have begrudged him that.

Do you really think that the people who make the discoveries are seeing huge profits? Fuck no. The stockholders see big profits. The scientists who make the discoveries are usually on salary. They're good salaries, I guess, but like most wingnuts, you think the capitalist is a vital organ when he's really a parasite.


How the feds block Ebola cures New York Post
We don't have real competition idiot.... Trickle down government

Uh, the reason why government got involved is that when you only treat people you can make money for, you have a situation where people are only treated until they are broke.

In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.

That's actually not the way it works i personally know a person with no health insurance who had a heart attack he was taken via Medevac helicopter to U of M hospital for emergency surgery and is fine today
In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.

Or maybe when freedom means the ability of those with wealth and power to abuse you, it really isn't "Freedom".

When you work very hard to buy insurance, and that day comes when you need it, and someone with wealth and power thinks of some clever way to not pay, is that really "Freedom"?
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.

Poor people get the best healthcare in the world here.:thup:

Really? We have the worst medical system in the industrialized world, guy. We are last in industrialized nations in life expectency, last in infant mortality, and we spend more than any other country in the world.
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.

Poor people get the best healthcare in the world here.:thup:

Really? We have the worst medical system in the industrialized world, guy. We are last in industrialized nations in life expectency, last in infant mortality, and we spend more than any other country in the world.
post #144... Learn something before you spew your stupidity over and over... Boy you're a miserable idiot aren't you? Even most liberals don't believed that idiocy
Stupid talking points. When you factor out car accidents and gun vigilance our life expectancy if at the top of the list. infant mortality rate is also calculated differently. Learn something.

Yes, the old, they don't count preemies argument. It's horseshit.

Here's something from REAL doctors... Maybe you could learn something, if the Roid's hadn't caused so much brain damage.

It would be comforting to attribute the poor ranking to a quirk in how the deaths are calculated. After all, not all countries define birth the same way. For example, in the United States, arrivals of all living infants are counted as births, but a few European countries (the Czech Republic, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland) have more restrictive definitions. For example, France and the Netherlands report live births only if the infant weighs at least 500 grams — a little more than a pound — or were born at 22 weeks’ gestation or later.

‘The reporting differences are a minor part of the story but not an excuse for why the U.S. has such a high mortality rate.’ But these reporting differences cannot account for the full extent of the gap between countries, says Paul Wise, MD, a pediatrician at Packard Children’s and a health policy analyst at Stanford. “The reporting differences are a minor part of the story but not an excuse for why the U.S has such a high mortality rate.”

True, we have more premature births- which happens when you have poor people who just wing it through a pregnancy instead of seeing an OB/GYN through the whole process.

The poor infant-survival rates in the United States are intrinsically linked to high rates of preterm births, those that occur when a woman is between 22 and 37 weeks pregnant, rather than full-term — 37 to 41 weeks. And the same socioeconomic divides seen in infant mortality rates are seen with preterm birth rates — mothers who are African American, live in certain states or experience high levels of emotional stress during their pregnancy are more likely to give birth preterm. And although fertility treatments and teenage pregnancies both raise the risk of preterm births, neither explains the diversity in infant mortality rates — states with high infant mortality have no higher rates of either.
In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.

Or maybe when freedom means the ability of those with wealth and power to abuse you, it really isn't "Freedom".

When you work very hard to buy insurance, and that day comes when you need it, and someone with wealth and power thinks of some clever way to not pay, is that really "Freedom"?

You're one of those stupid people Gruber was talking about. You think people like Obama aren't connected and paid for by "wealth and power":cuckoo:
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Stupid talking points. When you factor out car accidents and gun vigilance our life expectancy if at the top of the list. infant mortality rate is also calculated differently. Learn something.

Yes, the old, they don't count preemies argument. It's horseshit.

Here's something from REAL doctors... Maybe you could learn something, if the Roid's hadn't caused so much brain damage.

It would be comforting to attribute the poor ranking to a quirk in how the deaths are calculated. After all, not all countries define birth the same way. For example, in the United States, arrivals of all living infants are counted as births, but a few European countries (the Czech Republic, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland) have more restrictive definitions. For example, France and the Netherlands report live births only if the infant weighs at least 500 grams — a little more than a pound — or were born at 22 weeks’ gestation or later.

‘The reporting differences are a minor part of the story but not an excuse for why the U.S. has such a high mortality rate.’ But these reporting differences cannot account for the full extent of the gap between countries, says Paul Wise, MD, a pediatrician at Packard Children’s and a health policy analyst at Stanford. “The reporting differences are a minor part of the story but not an excuse for why the U.S has such a high mortality rate.”

True, we have more premature births- which happens when you have poor people who just wing it through a pregnancy instead of seeing an OB/GYN through the whole process.

The poor infant-survival rates in the United States are intrinsically linked to high rates of preterm births, those that occur when a woman is between 22 and 37 weeks pregnant, rather than full-term — 37 to 41 weeks. And the same socioeconomic divides seen in infant mortality rates are seen with preterm birth rates — mothers who are African American, live in certain states or experience high levels of emotional stress during their pregnancy are more likely to give birth preterm. And although fertility treatments and teenage pregnancies both raise the risk of preterm births, neither explains the diversity in infant mortality rates — states with high infant mortality have no higher rates of either.
LOL...What a bunch of crap. it's better to have a preemie here than anywhere else in the world, and we also have third world immigrants, legal and illegal flowing into this country that scew the numbers ...also Where's your link?
You're one of those stupid people Gruber was talking about. You think people like Obama aren't connected and paid for by "wealth and power"

I'm sure that he is.

They aren't the ones who think that the biggest problem in America is that rich people don't have enough and poor people shouldn't get health care because their taxes might go up.
You're one of those stupid people Gruber was talking about. You think people like Obama aren't connected and paid for by "wealth and power"

I'm sure that he is.

They aren't the ones who think that the biggest problem in America is that rich people don't have enough and poor people shouldn't get health care because their taxes might go up.

Umm...Yeah ok.."the smart people":uhoh3:
LOL...What a bunch of crap. it's better to have a preemie here than anywhere else in the world, and we also have third world immigrants, legal and illegal flowing into this country that scew the numbers ...also Where's your link?

Why do you care about a link, it's not like you were actually going to educate yourself.

Gone too soon What rsquo s behind the high U.S. infant mortality rate - 2013 FALL - Stanford Medicine Magazine - Stanford University School of Medicine

Yeah, I guess it's better to be a preemie in the US than some third world shithole, but the point is, we have too many preemies to start with. Because we have too many poor people who don't have health insurance.

In the United States, almost one in eight babies is born between 22 and 37 weeks’ gestation. That’s nearly the highest rate in the industrialized world — second only to Cyprus. The U.S. prematurity rate is double that of Finland, Japan, Norway and Sweden, according to the 2013 report by Save the Children.

At any given gestational age, doctors in the United States are as good as doctors in other developed countries at keeping babies alive.

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