Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Umm...Yeah ok.."the smart people"

Yeah, emoticon boy. The problem with republican rich people is that they are as clueless as the Romanovs. Just listen to Bush or Romney talk.

And will probably end up the same way.
Actually Democrats have more "rich people" and you've been reading too many conspiracy sites.:cuckoo:
Joe living longer has mostly to do with the person not the medical system...if you dont go to the doctor and you dont take care of yourself,which is what many people do,than that fine medical system is moot....

true enough. So if you have socialized medicine and everyone has access to a doctor, then people will go to the doctor and take care of themselves. Which is why countries with socialized medicine have longer life expectencies than we do.

Wow, what a nutty concept.
bullshit Joe.....i worked with men over 40 who had ins who would not go for a colonoscopy ....can you guess why?....that ins was doing them no good.....and if they ended up getting the cancer,it may be to late....access to medical care only works when the person gives a shit about themselves....
Staph is horrified at the thought of poor people getting health care.

Poor people get the best healthcare in the world here.:thup:

Really? We have the worst medical system in the industrialized world, guy. We are last in industrialized nations in life expectency, last in infant mortality, and we spend more than any other country in the world.
medical system and health care are 2 different things....and if someone does not take care of themselves than both are kinda moot....and many people in this Country...DO NOT take care of themselves...even the ones who actually go and see their doctor...
We don't have real competition idiot.... Trickle down government

Uh, the reason why government got involved is that when you only treat people you can make money for, you have a situation where people are only treated until they are broke.

In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.

That's actually not the way it works i personally know a person with no health insurance who had a heart attack he was taken via Medevac helicopter to U of M hospital for emergency surgery and is fine today
I said, "in a free society".
In a free society, that's the way it works for everything. If you want freedom you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it. And I understand that many people no longer want freedom. But I think that's a mistake.

Or maybe when freedom means the ability of those with wealth and power to abuse you, it really isn't "Freedom".

When you work very hard to buy insurance, and that day comes when you need it, and someone with wealth and power thinks of some clever way to not pay, is that really "Freedom"?
No, that's fraud, and has nothing to do with what I was responding to.
Actually Democrats have more "rich people" and you've been reading too many conspiracy sites.

Guy, I don't need to read "conspiracy sites".

All I have to do is listen to what they say.

Mr. Romney was VERY CLEAR about what he stood for.

"I like to be able to fire people".

"47% of you don't pay income taxes so I don't care about you."

"In China, they have these plants where they have 120 women to a toilet, working ot make money for me. We need to be more like that!"

Romney was very clear that he thought the biggest problem in America was that there were still people out there someone pulling down a middle class salary and he was going to totally put an end to that shit.

And a bunch of you were still ready to vote for him because he was "White and Delightsome".
"Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!"

The ignorance and stupidity of this is typical of most on the right.

Your health insurance premium would likely have increased even if the ACA had not been enacted.

Those without access to affordable healthcare was one of the many problem the Act addressed; the rising cost and expense of health insurance and healthcare would have eventually placed most everyone's health insurance in jeopardy.
No, that's fraud, and has nothing to do with what I was responding to.

NO, guy, that's not fraud.

That's what THE LAW ALLOWED before the ACA was enacted. An insurance company could go through your medical records and declare that the acne you had as a teen was a "existing precondition" for the cancer you have now.

And here's the dirty little secret about employer provided health plans. You have no legal recourse. When the father of Nataline Sarkisyan sued Cigna to get them to pay for his daughter's liver transplant, Cigna took the position that their contract was not with the Sarkisyan family, but with Lexus, his employer, and he had no standing to sue them.
Actually Democrats have more "rich people" and you've been reading too many conspiracy sites.

Guy, I don't need to read "conspiracy sites".

All I have to do is listen to what they say.

Mr. Romney was VERY CLEAR about what he stood for.

"I like to be able to fire people".

"47% of you don't pay income taxes so I don't care about you."

"In China, they have these plants where they have 120 women to a toilet, working ot make money for me. We need to be more like that!"

Romney was very clear that he thought the biggest problem in America was that there were still people out there someone pulling down a middle class salary and he was going to totally put an end to that shit.

And a bunch of you were still ready to vote for him because he was "White and Delightsome".
You got Romney on the brain. i didn't even support the man until it was a choice between him and Obama...Screw Romney
"Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!"

The ignorance and stupidity of this is typical of most on the right.

Your health insurance premium would likely have increased even if the ACA had not been enacted.

Those without access to affordable healthcare was one of the many problem the Act addressed; the rising cost and expense of health insurance and healthcare would have eventually placed most everyone's health insurance in jeopardy.
You mean im not getting my $2500:(. Obamacare was nothing but a bunch of crony deals which will make any problems we had much worst. 2000 pages, 33,000 pages of regulation. More bureaucracy, more cost
You got Romney on the brain. i didn't even support the man until it was a choice between him and Obama...Screw Romney

Yes, I know, it's hard to find a wingnut who admits to supporting Romney at this point. The poor guy.

But this was the candidate you guys picked, even after he said crazy shit like "I like to fire people".
No, that's fraud, and has nothing to do with what I was responding to.

NO, guy, that's not fraud.

That's what THE LAW ALLOWED before the ACA was enacted. An insurance company could go through your medical records and declare that the acne you had as a teen was a "existing precondition" for the cancer you have now.

And here's the dirty little secret about employer provided health plans. You have no legal recourse. When the father of Nataline Sarkisyan sued Cigna to get them to pay for his daughter's liver transplant, Cigna took the position that their contract was not with the Sarkisyan family, but with Lexus, his employer, and he had no standing to sue them.
If it's not fraud what are you complaining about? If you don't like insurance policies that exclude pre-existing conditions, don't buy one.
No, that's fraud, and has nothing to do with what I was responding to.

NO, guy, that's not fraud.

That's what THE LAW ALLOWED before the ACA was enacted. An insurance company could go through your medical records and declare that the acne you had as a teen was a "existing precondition" for the cancer you have now.

And here's the dirty little secret about employer provided health plans. You have no legal recourse. When the father of Nataline Sarkisyan sued Cigna to get them to pay for his daughter's liver transplant, Cigna took the position that their contract was not with the Sarkisyan family, but with Lexus, his employer, and he had no standing to sue them.
If it's not fraud what are you complaining about? If you don't like insurance policies that exclude pre-existing conditions, don't buy one.

He thinks you have "legal recourse" against federal the government? You can always sue insurance companies, not so with the federal government. The preexisting conditions things was a relatively minor fix actually. Certainly not worth destroying the entire healthcare system of which 80% of the people were happy with.
If it's not fraud what are you complaining about? If you don't like insurance policies that exclude pre-existing conditions, don't buy one.

Again, I don't buy it. for most of us, our employers or unions do.
He thinks you have "legal recourse" against federal the government? You can always sue insurance companies, not so with the federal government. The preexisting conditions things was a relatively minor fix actually. Certainly not worth destroying the entire healthcare system of which 80% of the people were happy with.

which 80%.

25% of people didn't have insurance or had inadequate insurance.

The point is, you can't sue your insurance company if your employer is the one buying the policy. THis is what we found out in the Sarkisyan case. Mr. Sarkisyan didn't have standing, said the court.
If it's not fraud what are you complaining about? If you don't like insurance policies that exclude pre-existing conditions, don't buy one.

Again, I don't buy it. for most of us, our employers or unions do.

So, don't do that.

Listen, you're hitting on all the reasons why insurance is bad way to finance health care, and I wholeheartedly agree. The existing system is broken and needs to change, but ACA changes it in exactly the wrong direction. Instead of reversing, or at least minimizing the damage of a dysfunctional insurance model, it expands it. It forces all of us to play a losing game and puts the very same corporations you're whining about in charge of it all. It's utterly insane.
So, don't do that.

Listen, you're hitting on all the reasons why insurance is bad way to finance health care, and I wholeheartedly agree. The existing system is broken and needs to change, but ACA changes it in exactly the wrong direction. Instead of reversing, or at least minimizing the damage of a dysfunctional insurance model, it expands it. It forces all of us to play a losing game and puts the very same corporations you're whining about in charge of it all. It's utterly insane.

You are right. We should have gone to a single payer system like every other country has. But I don't think that's where you were going.

You were going for a "we should all pay for health care out of pocket, go massively in debt to the banks and hope that when enough poor people die, that will bring down the cost of health care."
So, don't do that.

Listen, you're hitting on all the reasons why insurance is bad way to finance health care, and I wholeheartedly agree. The existing system is broken and needs to change, but ACA changes it in exactly the wrong direction. Instead of reversing, or at least minimizing the damage of a dysfunctional insurance model, it expands it. It forces all of us to play a losing game and puts the very same corporations you're whining about in charge of it all. It's utterly insane.

You are right. We should have gone to a single payer system like every other country has. But I don't think that's where you were going.

It would have been better than ACA. Obviously, I'd rather not have government in charge of healthcare, but if we're going to socialize, it can be done in relatively sane way.

You were going for a "we should all pay for health care out of pocket, go massively in debt to the banks and hope that when enough poor people die, that will bring down the cost of health care."

Not really. I've got no major problem with safety nets for the poor. And they already exist. I'm opposed to bailing out the insurance companies with "mandated" customers.
Not really. I've got no major problem with safety nets for the poor. And they already exist. I'm opposed to bailing out the insurance companies with "mandated" customers.

The alternative would be to let people buy insurance when they get sick. that would bankrupt the system.

The system is going to go bankrupt, anyway, until you get a single payer controlling costs.

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