Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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You and the "Riods" thing. I don't need Them, never seen them..Quit hatin.... People who have their own business like myself and have to buy their own health insurance are screwed with this Obamacare crap. i was once able to buy very inexpensive insurance and tailor a policy to meet my needs not anymore everything is so high and going up. Where's my $2500? we have not yet seen the full damage of Obamacare ..We will

Yeah, guy, sure, you just have unnatural muscles and temper issues from nature. Got it.

If you had inexpensive insurance, it probably didn't really cover anything. Which I guess is okay if it's just you, but eventually when you do get sick,someone is going to end up covering that.

Look, we could have had a single payer, a public option or even a Medicare Buy In that would have eliminated many of these problems.
You and the "Riods" thing. I don't need Them, never seen them..Quit hatin.... People who have their own business like myself and have to buy their own health insurance are screwed with this Obamacare crap. i was once able to buy very inexpensive insurance and tailor a policy to meet my needs not anymore everything is so high and going up. Where's my $2500? we have not yet seen the full damage of Obamacare ..We will

Yeah, guy, sure, you just have unnatural muscles and temper issues from nature. Got it.

If you had inexpensive insurance, it probably didn't really cover anything. Which I guess is okay if it's just you, but eventually when you do get sick,someone is going to end up covering that.

Look, we could have had a single payer, a public option or even a Medicare Buy In that would have eliminated many of these problems.

Why did Vermont dump single payer?
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

LOL, poor baby. $60 is chump change, imagine the cost to those with a crap policy who need major surgery. Our bill for dinner in Walnut Creek last night was $76.00
"Obamacare sucks!"

Not if you couldn't afford health insurance before the implementation of the ACA, and now you can afford health insurance.

Not if you have an adult child in college who is allowed to remain on your health insurance.

Not if before the passage of the ACA you were denied health insurance because of a preexisting condition, and now you have health insurance.

For millions of Americans who now have access to affordable healthcare, the ACA doesn't 'suck.'

Consequently, the problem isn't the Act, the problem is with you and most others on the right and your unwarranted opposition to the ACA for purely partisan reasons, along with your efforts to undermine the Act, rather than working to help address its deficiencies – or putting forward you own plan to ensure all American have access to affordable healthcare.

Going back to the bad old days when millions couldn't afford health insurance, as most on the right seem to advocate, is not an option.

Of course millions now have insurance. They have insurance because Obama stole the money from seniors on medicare and working people who were paying for insurance. Typical leftist.

Some people think shifting people who formally paid for their own medical insurance to Medicaid is a good thing.:uhoh3:[/QUOTE}
"Obamacare sucks!"

Not if you couldn't afford health insurance before the implementation of the ACA, and now you can afford health insurance.

Not if you have an adult child in college who is allowed to remain on your health insurance.

Not if before the passage of the ACA you were denied health insurance because of a preexisting condition, and now you have health insurance.

For millions of Americans who now have access to affordable healthcare, the ACA doesn't 'suck.'

Consequently, the problem isn't the Act, the problem is with you and most others on the right and your unwarranted opposition to the ACA for purely partisan reasons, along with your efforts to undermine the Act, rather than working to help address its deficiencies – or putting forward you own plan to ensure all American have access to affordable healthcare.

Going back to the bad old days when millions couldn't afford health insurance, as most on the right seem to advocate, is not an option.

Of course millions now have insurance. They have insurance because Obama stole the money from seniors on medicare and working people who were paying for insurance. Typical leftist.

Some people think shifting people who formally paid for their own medical insurance to Medicaid is a good thing.:uhoh3:
Especially since loop holes now allow doctors to stop taking new Medicaid patients... So they aren't.
Wow, that means you have to pay for your real insurance instead of the weak catastrophic package that socializes your risk and allows you to pocket the difference while we are on the hook if something goes wrong.
Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!
Especially since loop holes now allow doctors to stop taking new Medicaid patients... So they aren't.

Then close the fucking loopholes and TELL them they have to take a certain number of medicaid patients.

Problem solved.


Is there a jackboot you won't lick?

Hey, they are licensed by the state, they should shoulder some of the burden. Our medical system isn't some country doc bartering for eggs. It's based on providing a lot of infrastructure so these guys can practice.

Now you guys are the ones who INSIST that we have to have some kind of private enterprise involved instead of just having single payer system like everyone else has. I'm not sure why, without you blurting out the word "Freedom" and "Liberty" like they mean anything.
Especially since loop holes now allow doctors to stop taking new Medicaid patients... So they aren't.

Then close the fucking loopholes and TELL them they have to take a certain number of medicaid patients.

Problem solved.


Is there a jackboot you won't lick?
He needs to expect more doctors turning down patients. Especially when they get fined huge amounts of money by Medicaid every year. Treating those patients is not cost effective.
Wow, that means you have to pay for your real insurance instead of the weak catastrophic package that socializes your risk and allows you to pocket the difference while we are on the hook if something goes wrong.
Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

If the real issue here is you that your panties are in a wad because "your tax dollars" are going to help people in need, that can be fixed. Repeal EMTALA and make people pay their way. I'd support all such efforts. But that's not the real issue, is it? This is more Fakey Jakey nonsense.
Nah, you catastrophic insurance suckers want to suck off the rest of the insurance industry's customers.

Not going to happen anymore.
He needs to expect more doctors turning down patients. Especially when they get fined huge amounts of money by Medicaid every year. Treating those patients is not cost effective.

you don't take your quota, we pull your license. Problem solved.
Nope. They are already short on doctors as retiring doctors aren't being replaced. Fines and insurance make it too hard for doctors to make a living.

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