Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

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Let's get to the bottom line, folks. ACA is NOT going to be repealed. Millions of Americans are NOT going to allow you to leave them with no resources for medical care. The USA IS going to join the rest of the industrialized world by providing one form or another of universal health care. If you want to scream and bitch about it, well go ahead. Just know that you are pissing into the wind, and that the wind does not listen to you. Frankly, this issue is so settled now that it is just amusing to many of us that you are still beating this dead horse.

Carry on!
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.

Neil, you are starting to make me think that you don't like me.....

That saddens me, but you still don't know shit about health insurance.

If you want me to like you then stop the insults. Attack my points. 700 million taken from medicare to fund obamacare. Do you deny that? Higher insurance premiums and deductibles for those who previously had their own insurance. Obama lied. If you disagree the tell us why.
As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.

Neil, you are starting to make me think that you don't like me.....

That saddens me, but you still don't know shit about health insurance.

If you want me to like you then stop the insults. Attack my points. 700 million taken from medicare to fund obamacare. Do you deny that? Higher insurance premiums and deductibles for those who previously had their own insurance. Obama lied. If you disagree the tell us why.

Neil, I have no income except SS. I have no pensions, and no annuities. I have Medicare, and I have my savings. Every year, my SS is slightly increased based on an inflation formula. I am not in agreement with that formula, but I can live with it. I have Medicare, which my grandparents would have loved to have, and did not. Nothing in ACA has cost me a dime, and I am rewarded every day, knowing that people who used to be left to die, now have a chance to get the care they need, because of ACA. That being said, just what the hell are you so pissed about? I mean, how has ACA diminished your life?
I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.

Neil, you are starting to make me think that you don't like me.....

That saddens me, but you still don't know shit about health insurance.

If you want me to like you then stop the insults. Attack my points. 700 million taken from medicare to fund obamacare. Do you deny that? Higher insurance premiums and deductibles for those who previously had their own insurance. Obama lied. If you disagree the tell us why.

Neil, I have no income except SS. I have no pensions, and no annuities. I have Medicare, and I have my savings. Every year, my SS is slightly increased based on an inflation formula. I am not in agreement with that formula, but I can live with it. I have Medicare, which my grandparents would have loved to have, and did not. Nothing in ACA has cost me a dime, and I am rewarded every day, knowing that people who used to be left to die, now have a chance to get the care they need, because of ACA. That being said, just what the hell are you so pissed about? I mean, how has ACA diminished your life?

You feel rewarded? Obama & company took 700 million from OUR fund to give to people who didn't earn it so they can be insured right when baby boomers are flooding Medicare? LOL.
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.
It wasn't true when Romney said it, and it still isn't true
Mitt Romney said Barack Obama robs Medicare of more than 700 billion to pay for Obamacare PolitiFact
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.
It wasn't true when Romney said it, and it still isn't true
Mitt Romney said Barack Obama robs Medicare of more than 700 billion to pay for Obamacare PolitiFact

I've read that. It's typical double speak. When you cut funds and put them somewhere else it's called "robbing Peter to pay Paul". From your article:

"The only element of truth here is that the health care law seeks to reduce future Medicare spending, and the tally of those cost reductions over the next 10 years is $716 billion. The money wasn’t "robbed," however, and other presidents have made similar reductions to the Medicare program."

The difference is the other presidents made cuts, period. Obama made the cut AND then added that cut to Obamacare. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. That's why democrats got crushed last month.

Our Humana premiums went up about 32% the first year (as I recall) and about 10% for 2015.

The premiums have not been the problem, the reduced access and greatly increased hassle factor (due to providers dropping our plan) have, and it has affected us negatively, mostly my teenage daughter (who needed knee surgery this year). I don't like see her cry in frustration.

I deal with my own frustration by remembering that this is what happens when an important issue becomes politicized, and I blame both parties for continuing to allow our "health care system" to include six (6) different delivery/payment protocols at the same fucking time.

Partisan politics pollutes everything it touches.

it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet

Those Roids did a lot of damage, what can I say.

Funny, my insurance went down this year.
What makes more sense? Being able to tailor a policy to accommodate your own personal needs and pay for that? Or pay for government mandated services that you don't need and will never use?

i wouldn't know. the vast majority of us are in group plans.

You know, I usually don't treat you seriously because I think you are kind of nuts from all the swirlies the goyim gave you as a child, but you don't tell us what kind of plan you have (are you in a group plan or are you in an individual plan) or what it covers. You don't tell us what you were paying before ObamaCare and what it actually covered. So we are expected to accept on faith that your premiums went up $60.00 a month without telling us what they were before that.

The problem with ObamaCare is that instead of doing a single payer system like every other industrialized country, it tried to extend the awful matrix of private and public plans to cover everyone, and prevent the insurance companies from doing shit like calling your teenage acne a pre-existing condition for your cancer. so you are paying $60.00 more a month, but your insurance company can't tell you they don't cover that cancer you got from all those roids you take.
Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.

700 million from Medicare isn't that much. Medicare's annual budget is 500 BILLION. It's going to go up to 700 Billion by fiscal 2018 due to the aging population and increases in medical inflation.
It should also be pointed out that if the GOP and some democrats hadn't opposed a Medicare buy in for those over 55 or a public option, a lot of these problems could have been avoided.
Some people think shifting people who formally paid for their own medical insurance to Medicaid is a good thing.

which people are those? Did they get insurance that covered much of anything? You leave a lot of details out and then expect to have a debate.
"Obamacare sucks!"

Not if you couldn't afford health insurance before the implementation of the ACA, and now you can afford health insurance.

Not if you have an adult child in college who is allowed to remain on your health insurance.

Not if before the passage of the ACA you were denied health insurance because of a preexisting condition, and now you have health insurance.

For millions of Americans who now have access to affordable healthcare, the ACA doesn't 'suck.'

Consequently, the problem isn't the Act, the problem is with you and most others on the right and your unwarranted opposition to the ACA for purely partisan reasons, along with your efforts to undermine the Act, rather than working to help address its deficiencies – or putting forward you own plan to ensure all American have access to affordable healthcare.

Going back to the bad old days when millions couldn't afford health insurance, as most on the right seem to advocate, is not an option.

I can see you've memorized the talking points. :eusa_shifty: Too bad they've complete bullshit.

Maybe all the folks who have told you their personal experiences in this thread are liars?

Or Maybe these guys are the liars....? I think folks can decide for themselves.

Uninformed, ignorant, lying RWers? Surely not! :rolleyes:
What makes more sense? Being able to tailor a policy to accommodate your own personal needs and pay for that? Or pay for government mandated services that you don't need and will never use?

i wouldn't know. the vast majority of us are in group plans.

You know, I usually don't treat you seriously because I think you are kind of nuts from all the swirlies the goyim gave you as a child, but you don't tell us what kind of plan you have (are you in a group plan or are you in an individual plan) or what it covers. You don't tell us what you were paying before ObamaCare and what it actually covered. So we are expected to accept on faith that your premiums went up $60.00 a month without telling us what they were before that.

The problem with ObamaCare is that instead of doing a single payer system like every other industrialized country, it tried to extend the awful matrix of private and public plans to cover everyone, and prevent the insurance companies from doing shit like calling your teenage acne a pre-existing condition for your cancer. so you are paying $60.00 more a month, but your insurance company can't tell you they don't cover that cancer you got from all those roids you take.
You and the "Riods" thing. I don't need Them, never seen them..Quit hatin.... People who have their own business like myself and have to buy their own health insurance are screwed with this Obamacare crap. i was once able to buy very inexpensive insurance and tailor a policy to meet my needs not anymore everything is so high and going up. Where's my $2500? we have not yet seen the full damage of Obamacare ..We will:(
Ok, Neil, I concede. You are a senior. In fact, I think that you are the guy who lives on the corner of my street with his head out the window, yelling at kids to get off his lawn. I am absolutely SHOCKED that politicians shift financial resources around in the federal government. Who would have thought it? I guess that must be an Obama invention. Bush, on the other hand, simply created an RX giveaway, adding RX to Medicare in the biggest entitlement increase since FDR, and didn't even attempt to fund it at ALL. Then, to add insult to injury, approved a deal whereby it is now against the law for the government to even attempt to bargain with pharmaceutical companies for the lowest possible prices for their products. I'll bet that every executive at Boeing would have an instant orgasm with a deal like that.

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