Damn! My health Insurance went up anther $60 a month. Obamacare sucks!

Have your insurance rates increased?

  • Total voters
Hey, they are licensed by the state, they should shoulder some of the burden. Our medical system isn't some country doc bartering for eggs. It's based on providing a lot of infrastructure so these guys can practice.

Yeah. We all have to suck government cock along with you. No thanks.

Now you guys are the ones who INSIST that we have to have some kind of private enterprise involved instead of just having single payer system like everyone else has. I'm not sure why, without you blurting out the word "Freedom" and "Liberty" like they mean anything.

THIS guy has always said single payer would be better than the corporatist sellout you're shilling for. ACA is the worse or both worlds. All the corrupt greed of corporate capitalism, all the chickenshit graft of bureaucratic government. Right up your fascist alley.

If we want to socialize health care we should do it sanely, locally - along the lines of what we've done with public education. But this really isn't about socialism. It's about corporatism - state control of the economy for the benefit of the connected.
If the real issue here is you that your panties are in a wad because "your tax dollars" are going to help people in need, that can be fixed. Repeal EMTALA and make people pay their way. I'd support all such efforts. But that's not the real issue, is it? This is more Fakey Jakey nonsense.

But the point is, most people aren't paying their way now.

Here's the thing, all your whining about "Socialism" and "Freedom" and shit, the reality is that if you are healthy, you are paying for someone else's health care, and if you are sick, someone else is paying for yours. I guess there is that guy who one year hit his exact number, but it's not many.

Whenever I hear one of you guys talking about "Freedom" or "Liberty", it's that you want all the benefits of a civilized society and none of the liabilities. Someone else is carrying your weight. I would love to round up all you Libertarians and ship your asses to Somalia.

Now, those Socialist countries you hate so much, because they actually put the well-being of their citizens over illusions of "liberty", they spend 8-11% of their GDP on health care. In the US we spend 18% of our GDP, most of it going to non-value added processes like CEO salaries and stockholder dividends.
Nah, you catastrophic insurance suckers want to suck off the rest of the insurance industry's customers.

Not going to happen anymore.

Yep... that's what I thought. You don't want to solve the problem. You want to use it as an excuse to stick it in deeper.
Nope. They are already short on doctors as retiring doctors aren't being replaced. Fines and insurance make it too hard for doctors to make a living.

Again, not a problem. Make medical school free to anyone who is smart enough. Problem solved.

Everyone else in the world has already figured this out...
How is that problem solved? They still can't afford to be in practice. And yes I do realize libs think everyone is supposed to work for free...well ...except for themselves of course.
If the real issue here is you that your panties are in a wad because "your tax dollars" are going to help people in need, that can be fixed. Repeal EMTALA and make people pay their way. I'd support all such efforts. But that's not the real issue, is it? This is more Fakey Jakey nonsense.

But the point is, most people aren't paying their way now.

Here's the thing, all your whining about "Socialism" and "Freedom" and shit, the reality is that if you are healthy, you are paying for someone else's health care, and if you are sick, someone else is paying for yours. I guess there is that guy who one year hit his exact number, but it's not many.

I'm not sure you understand how sick this sort of argument is. Dipshits like you vote for dumbass laws that socialize costs, and then use it as an excuse to enslave everyone under the yoke of the "benevolent" state. Get fucked, fascist.

.... Somalia.

There you go! SOMALIA!!!!!!! For the win!
dblack, you are not enslaved. What a bunch of hyperbolic malarkey. Take a hike.
dblack, you are not enslaved. What a bunch of hyperbolic malarkey. Take a hike.

A hike sounds nice. I should probably do it before your corporate masters make it illegal. Is there a jackboot you won't lick?
Here we go again with the old, "We will disincentize all the medical professionals from practicing medicine" argument. I have been hearing that since Medicare went in to effect in 1966. Just how long am I going to have to wait for this disaster to happen? I know that the average RW individual lives and breathes by spreading fear and prophesies of disaster, but I mean, I live in an age restricted community, where over 70% of the 35,000 residents are on Medicare, and I never have to wait more than 10 days to see my primary care Physician.
it never went up this much in one year. Mandated coverage, increasing prices, and we haven't seen anything yet:mad:

LOL, poor baby. $60 is chump change, imagine the cost to those with a crap policy who need major surgery. Our bill for dinner in Walnut Creek last night was $76.00
Crap policy? insurance should be just that. the policies I had covered everything after a deductible was paid. So "major surgery" wouldn't be a problem try to keep up
You mean total government control.

Yes, I mean single payer across the country, with prices set on what they cost to provide, not what providers can wrangle out of people under duress.

That's why it costs $1000 to have an MRI in the US and $200 in France.
Non profit healthcare yeah thats agood one where's the incentvie to develope new drugs and new
You mean total government control.

Yes, I mean single payer across the country, with prices set on what they cost to provide, not what providers can wrangle out of people under duress.

That's why it costs $1000 to have an MRI in the US and $200 in France.

You be the first one crying about long lines and waiting lists for medical procedures. Competition lowers costs, and profit is a good thing. It breeds innovation. We are number one in medical innovation and new drug development. Government interference increases prices for everything. You people and your faith in rich politicians who don't produce anything. They simply create and feed the bureaucracy which cost us money. They spend 500 million on simple website and it still doesn't work right :eusa_eh:
You and the "Riods" thing. I don't need Them, never seen them..Quit hatin.... People who have their own business like myself and have to buy their own health insurance are screwed with this Obamacare crap. i was once able to buy very inexpensive insurance and tailor a policy to meet my needs not anymore everything is so high and going up. Where's my $2500? we have not yet seen the full damage of Obamacare ..We will

Yeah, guy, sure, you just have unnatural muscles and temper issues from nature. Got it.

If you had inexpensive insurance, it probably didn't really cover anything. Which I guess is okay if it's just you, but eventually when you do get sick,someone is going to end up covering that.

Look, we could have had a single payer, a public option or even a Medicare Buy In that would have eliminated many of these problems.

It must be tough for you to be a broken down old man and only in your 50s. People like you are drag on our healthcare system. Take better care of yourself and you wont cost us so much.:thup:
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.
That was overpayment for Medicare Advantage .. Money saved by Obama.
"Obamacare sucks!"

Not if you couldn't afford health insurance before the implementation of the ACA, and now you can afford health insurance.

Not if you have an adult child in college who is allowed to remain on your health insurance.

Not if before the passage of the ACA you were denied health insurance because of a preexisting condition, and now you have health insurance.

For millions of Americans who now have access to affordable healthcare, the ACA doesn't 'suck.'

Consequently, the problem isn't the Act, the problem is with you and most others on the right and your unwarranted opposition to the ACA for purely partisan reasons, along with your efforts to undermine the Act, rather than working to help address its deficiencies – or putting forward you own plan to ensure all American have access to affordable healthcare.

Going back to the bad old days when millions couldn't afford health insurance, as most on the right seem to advocate, is not an option.

The whole law was partisan...All those problems you mentioned were minor things that could have been fixed easily without screwing up the entire system
Partisan in that people on the Right are the only ones bitching about higher costs.
Poor seniors are the ones who really got screwed by Obamacare.

As a senior, I've never been happier with my health insurance, except for the donut hole for RX.

I'm speaking of poor seniors living only on Social Security who only have Medicare.

Niel, You are not a senior. My advice to you is to stick to posting about things you know about. I fell off my motorcycle last Fall, and had to go by ambulance to the emergency room 35 miles away, where I had emergency treatment, an x ray, and a cat scan. Total out of pocket cost to me was $255. Total bills from imaging, hospital, and ambulance, over $6,000. I repeat. As a senior, I have no problem with Medicare, either before, or after ACA.

Fuck you. I'm a senior and Obama took 700 million from medicare. You're one person. I'll post and you can comment, but you don't know me so shove your comments about me up your ass. Dipshit.
That was overpayment for Medicare Advantage .. Money saved by Obama.

Oh, for sure. Obama has saved us a ton of money. Yup.
"Obamacare sucks!"

Not if you couldn't afford health insurance before the implementation of the ACA, and now you can afford health insurance.

Not if you have an adult child in college who is allowed to remain on your health insurance.

Not if before the passage of the ACA you were denied health insurance because of a preexisting condition, and now you have health insurance.

For millions of Americans who now have access to affordable healthcare, the ACA doesn't 'suck.'

Consequently, the problem isn't the Act, the problem is with you and most others on the right and your unwarranted opposition to the ACA for purely partisan reasons, along with your efforts to undermine the Act, rather than working to help address its deficiencies – or putting forward you own plan to ensure all American have access to affordable healthcare.

Going back to the bad old days when millions couldn't afford health insurance, as most on the right seem to advocate, is not an option.

The whole law was partisan...All those problems you mentioned were minor things that could have been fixed easily without screwing up the entire system
Partisan in that people on the Right are the only ones bitching about higher costs.

They're most of the ones who work and pay taxes.
How is that problem solved? They still can't afford to be in practice. And yes I do realize libs think everyone is supposed to work for free...well ...except for themselves of course.

Nobody has asked them to work for free. We've asked them to work for a fair wage.

Doctors in this country make $8000+ a month. They aren't starving.
'm not sure you understand how sick this sort of argument is. Dipshits like you vote for dumbass laws that socialize costs, and then use it as an excuse to enslave everyone under the yoke of the "benevolent" state. Get fucked, fascist.

Guy, the only way you can afford medical care is by socializing costs. This is kind of what you don't get.

Fastest way to get to single payer is to make everyone have to buy their own health insurance rather than letting their jobs or the government do it. The private insurance system would collapse in a week. The young and healthy wouldn't buy insurance at all or would buy something so cheap it would put nothing into the pool, and the old wouldn't be able to get insurance for love or money.

That's why you really can't treat health insurance like car insurance. Insurance is essentially gambling. But since everyone is going to hit the jackpot, eventually, the house can't really win.
'm not sure you understand how sick this sort of argument is. Dipshits like you vote for dumbass laws that socialize costs, and then use it as an excuse to enslave everyone under the yoke of the "benevolent" state. Get fucked, fascist.

Guy, the only way you can afford medical care is by socializing costs. This is kind of what you don't get.

That is, indeed, what I "don't get". Because it isn't true. In fact, the opposite is true. Unless we plan to convert to socialism entirely, the only way we can afford health care is to 'unsocialize' as much of it as possible.

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