Damn!!! Where is that "global warming" when we need it???

both of which are not satisfactory regarding oil formation, plant decay, etc. all the elements needed to make oil.

The Ivans are up there because they know oil IS NOT a fossil fuel but an abiotic resource that is produced in the core of the Earth....they were the first to realize that little if any drilled oil has any organic compounds in it anymore. If you consider a ball fired from a musket at Gettysburg is found a couple inches below the ground, tell me how long plant life would take to get to the 6-7,000 feet most oil is found at today? It never worked that way and the oilmen know it.
My parents bought their farm in 1969. Last year, for the first time, the pipes under the kitchen froze. But the global warmers claim that the reason it got so cold is because of global "warming". They're not just trying to bambozzle the public, they're trying to find out just how stupid people are. The depth of Americans' stupidity is unfathomable.
Yeah. I get a kick out of that one. It's cold because of global warming.
These people are assholes. Period.
So please tell me why you would believe that 3/10ths of degree increase over last 35 years would be a problem?
It is all about tipping points... I guess you haven't read anything on the subject beyond industry propaganda.
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My parents bought their farm in 1969. Last year, for the first time, the pipes under the kitchen froze. But the global warmers claim that the reason it got so cold is because of global "warming". They're not just trying to bambozzle the public, they're trying to find out just how stupid people are. The depth of Americans' stupidity is unfathomable.
Yeah. I get a kick out of that one. It's cold because of global warming.
These people are assholes. Period.

So, you're looking at something in a simple way without knowing the reasons for things, and your ignorance is somehow proof you are right? Er.....
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
This has to do with what?
Obviously you are having an "Ooh ooh pick me" moment.
Please oh brilliant one, enlighten us.
Please tell us how you are going to explain how the earth is like a refrigerator in that if it's cold in one place it will be warm in another.....
Hah, you obviously don't understand the theory. Warmer weather means more water vapor in the air leading to larger snow falls. If the air warms from 20 F to 25 F, you're still going to get snow.
HAH....explain to us why the Great Lakes were 98% FROZEN OVER last year and Superior is already forming ice?

How do we know that? I don't see a cite. Are you sure you're not talking about something that happen 20 years ago like the photo you posted. You're hardly a trustworthy source.
You can dig through the NOAA website for any information about ice.

Great Lakes Ice Cover - NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory GLERL
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Superior was a TOTAL freeze-over...depending on who was reporting the data, both Huron and Lake Michigan were in the high 90% range at one point. There was still ice in Superior in June.

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Holy fuck it's 2014 and there are actually people, grown adults even, who think man made global warming isn't real.

Why? Because Fox news told them so.

Yup and there is the other group that thinks an increase from as recent as 164 years ago of the establishment of the longest-running "quasi-global record..
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
of .36 of ONE degree!
Well, according to NASA’s own data, the world has warmed .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

I think you would agree that a .36 degree increase in temperature over the last 35 years is hardly anything to get in a panic about.

Granted, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING ever since!


The reality is this: The world is 1.08 degrees cooler than it was in 1998.

Just take a look at this chart from Remote Sensing Systems, which provides data to NASA, NOAA, and other scientific organizations.
View attachment 34156

The Cold Truth Initiative

But of course we have seen the chicken little response of the group that doesn't ask the intelligent questions like:
A) how were temperatures recorded before digital thermometers?...i.e. human eyeball trying in 15 degree cold weather reading a mercury bulb and seeing
a 3/10ths of a degree difference? I think not!
B) How were these temperature records reported? The initial observer wrote 15 degrees but handwriting with gloves on in 15 degree weather makes the "5" look
like an "8"... No problem who will ever know?
C) When "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.

IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.
The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.
Climategatekeeping Siberia Climate Audit

So please tell me why you would believe that 3/10ths of degree increase over last 35 years would be a problem?

  • The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–September period (year-to-date) was 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F), tying with 1998 as the warmest such period on record.
Global Analysis - September 2014 State of the Climate National Climatic Data Center NCDC
OK what was the warmest period NOT on record?
Sounds like a dumb question but think for a minute... we're dealing with time frame of 164 years out of 4.58 billion years.....is 0.000003581%
And again.. I'm still looking for an answer to oil exploration in the Arctic that excludes the meandering north pole or tectonic plate shifting...
both of which are not satisfactory regarding oil formation, plant decay, etc. all the elements needed to make oil.
Scientific American article on creation of oil in Arctic and desert locations. I believe this involves tectonic plate shifting.

Why is oil usually found in deserts and arctic areas - Scientific American
What it proves is the global warming crowd has no case.
What it proves is the global warming crowd is simply a part of a political agenda.
What it proves is the GW political agenda is concocted by a bunch of screeching envirowacko libs who despise the concepts of profit and wealth. Who despise the idea of private property ownership and private home ownership. These jerks want us all crammed into slimy crime infested urban centers.
It proves the lib environmental agenda is a big fat FUCK YOU to the rest of the country.
I personally think that there is no way to change human behavior on a grand scale, so even if we were causing global warming, it makes no difference because there is nothing we can do about it. Furthermore, the mere act of trying to fix the problem, will only make things worse.

None of this excuses the OP though, Who is misrepresenting A scientific theory because the special interests who fund his news sources do not want the tax burden associated with fixing the problem. The theory of climate change holds that average temps will go up across the planet over decades; it does not say that one or many regions won't experience cold weather, nor does it come close to saying that one or many regions won't experience record breaking cold fronts. The data deals with averages over long periods, not daily, monthly or yearly ups/downs.

I don't know if the theory is true, mostly because I don't care enough about it to do the research ... because even if man made carbon emissions are causing average temps to rise, there is no way to change this. What frustrates me is when people like the OP repeat simplified garbage .
Hah, you obviously don't understand the theory. Warmer weather means more water vapor in the air leading to larger snow falls. If the air warms from 20 F to 25 F, you're still going to get snow.
HAH....explain to us why the Great Lakes were 98% FROZEN OVER last year and Superior is already forming ice?

How do we know that? I don't see a cite. Are you sure you're not talking about something that happen 20 years ago like the photo you posted. You're hardly a trustworthy source.
You can dig through the NOAA website for any information about ice.

Great Lakes Ice Cover - NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory GLERL
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Superior was a TOTAL freeze-over...depending on who was reporting the data, both Huron and Lake Michigan were in the high 90% range at one point. There was still ice in Superior in June.

Fancy that! Parboiled ice cubes.
So where's all those HURRICANES algore said were gonna sink Floriduh into the Atlantic?

The animation consists of infrared satellite images that visualize water vapor in the atmosphere. It shows the birth of a tropical storm in the Pacific Ocean on Oct. 31, 2014, it’s evolution into Super Typhoon Nuri as it sweeps up toward Japan (but luckily misses it), and its transition into one of the most powerful extratropical storms on record in the Bering Sea

Evolution of a Superstorm Culprit in Polar Vortex Redux - ImaGeo DiscoverMagazine.com

What the hell does that have to do with hurricanes in the ATLANTIC that normally form off Africa during periods of ocean warming that's been in cycles since the Earth was formed? I've been in a typhoon....excellent method of dispensing with mosquitoes and communist cadre.
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
This has to do with what?
Obviously you are having an "Ooh ooh pick me" moment.
Please oh brilliant one, enlighten us.
Please tell us how you are going to explain how the earth is like a refrigerator in that if it's cold in one place it will be warm in another.....

With a lot. A fridge works by taking the heat out, and the back of a fridge quite hot. The colder the fridge is on the inside, the hotter it is on the outside.

So imagine that the south of the world is getting hotter in summer, what would you expect to happen on the other side of the world? Now that's just a bit of simple every day physics being applied to the real world. I'm not even saying this is the case, I'm not scientist and I'm not going to say something IS like it is when I don't know for sure, unlike some.
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
Easy one. Just plug into the electric receptacle and turn the dial to the desired temperature. Next Question.

And why is it cold in the fridge when you're using electricity, you know, the same stuff that makes light bulbs WARM?
Yeah, good one! Cold week where you live, therefore global warming is a total sham!

Yeah the goofy bastards, thinking there would be some measurable effect to the GW thing. Great, we can have GW and not have the Climate, in terms of weather, change....great nothing to worry about at all. Move to the high ground.
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
Easy one. Just plug into the electric receptacle and turn the dial to the desired temperature. Next Question.

And why is it cold in the fridge when you're using electricity, you know, the same stuff that makes light bulbs WARM?
I've been told it's some Majik juju shit.:biggrin:
both of which are not satisfactory regarding oil formation, plant decay, etc. all the elements needed to make oil.

The Ivans are up there because they know oil IS NOT a fossil fuel but an abiotic resource that is produced in the core of the Earth....they were the first to realize that little if any drilled oil has any organic compounds in it anymore. If you consider a ball fired from a musket at Gettysburg is found a couple inches below the ground, tell me how long plant life would take to get to the 6-7,000 feet most oil is found at today? It never worked that way and the oilmen know it.

Dr. Jon Clarke: .

The fact remains that the abiotic theory of petroleum genesis has zero credibility for economically interesting accumulations. 99.9999% of the world's liquid hydrocarbons are produced by maturation of organic matter derived from organisms. To deny this means you have to come up with good explanations for the following observations.

  1. The almost universal association of petroleum with sedimentary rocks.
  2. The close link between petroleum reservoirs and source rocks as shown by biomarkers (the source rocks contain the same organic markers as the petroleum, essentially chemically fingerprinting the two).
  3. The consistent variation of biomarkers in petroleum in accordance with the history of life on earth (biomarkers indicative of land plants are found only in Devonian and younger rocks, that formed by marine plankton only in Neoproterozoic and younger rocks, the oldest oils containing only biomarkers of bacteria).
  4. The close link between the biomarkers in source rock and depositional environment (source rocks containing biomarkers of land plants are found only in terrestrial and shallow marine sediments, those indicating marine conditions only in marine sediments, those from hypersaline lakes containing only bacterial biomarkers).
  5. Progressive destruction of oil when heated to over 100 degrees (precluding formation and/or migration at high temperatures as implied by the abiogenic postulate).
  6. The generation of petroleum from kerogen on heating in the laboratory (complete with biomarkers), as suggested by the biogenic theory. The strong enrichment in C12 of petroleum indicative of biological fractionation (no inorganic process can cause anything like the fractionation of light carbon that is seen in petroleum).
more......homework and exercises - Abiotic oil vs the traditional theory of oil deposit formation - Physics Stack Exchange
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
This has to do with what?
Obviously you are having an "Ooh ooh pick me" moment.
Please oh brilliant one, enlighten us.
Please tell us how you are going to explain how the earth is like a refrigerator in that if it's cold in one place it will be warm in another.....

With a lot. A fridge works by taking the heat out, and the back of a fridge quite hot. The colder the fridge is on the inside, the hotter it is on the outside.

So imagine that the south of the world is getting hotter in summer, what would you expect to happen on the other side of the world? Now that's just a bit of simple every day physics being applied to the real world. I'm not even saying this is the case, I'm not scientist and I'm not going to say something IS like it is when I don't know for sure, unlike some.

Technically not true. The more heat that the refrigeration unit has to remove the hotter the back. So if you leave the door open the back will get hot but the refrigerator inside not so much.

So, I am sorry, comparing the environment to a refrigeration unit does not work.
With a lot. A fridge works by taking the heat out, and the back of a fridge quite hot. The colder the fridge is on the inside, the hotter it is on the outside.

So imagine that the south of the world is getting hotter in summer, what would you expect to happen on the other side of the world? Now that's just a bit of simple every day physics being applied to the real world. I'm not even saying this is the case, I'm not scientist and I'm not going to say something IS like it is when I don't know for sure, unlike some.

Except that nature didn't put the compressor UNDER the Earth like the geniuses in the refrigerator industry when housewives complained that they wanted the top of it to put stuff on. When the compressor was on top of the unit it worked far better.

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