Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

4 police officers injured......

Police used armored vehicles to remove injured parties from an area of shooting...

Shown on table, guns and motovs confiscated...

Johnson critical of press for not moving when asked...the guy with guns was next to press area.....also critical for intrusion when in the midst of gunfire trying to get photos...interfers with police work and endangers people.
You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble
Bingo. Did I call it or what? I wrote elsewhere that the facts in the case won't matter. The lib side will minimize, dismiss, or rationalize away anything that disagrees with their theory that Brown was an innocent kid gunned down by a racist white cop for being black.
Drudge headline this morning:

A St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter says that Ferguson, Missouri, police confirm that more than a dozen witnesses to the shooting of teenager Michael Brown have backed up the account of the incident offered by the officer who killed the teenager.

Reporter says more than a dozen witnesses to Brown shooting back up police officer's version of events | AL.com
We have already learned not to trust what the Ferguson police dept. says. Who are these dozen witnesses? They give an example of one witnesses, and she is a friend of the police officer who shot Brown.

Why keep harping on media information when you don't know if it is factual or not? Why keep saying liberals don't want the truth when it is liberals who keep saying wait for evidence to be proved while the rightwingers and racists keep lopping up every rumor and innuendo, every report from a RW blog, etc., and saying it proves the policeman was in the right and Brown is just a thug who deserved it?
This event reminds me of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing", a great movie in which none of its characters actually do what's right.

Here you've got a young man who was in a store earlier and acted like a hooligan.

And then you've got a cop who goes up to two guys on the street and approaches them in a way that cops simply don't approach white people. I'm not sure I buy everything Brown's friend said, but how he described the cop's approach is something I've seen before, where they goad black guys and escalate the tension by doing things like driving up close to them and then opening the door and hitting them with it and acting like the kid hit his car.

If it's two white people like me and my friend, the police would kindly ask us to move to the sidewalk that's been provided to us. They would express this out of a sense of looking out for my safety.

What you see from the cop apologists is the kind of ignorance that comes from white privilege. "But but but, that annoying black kid was BLOCKING TRAFFIC!".

If you're white, they're looking out for your own safety; if you're black, HEY! STOP BLOCKING TRAFFIC YOU THUG!

I think it's some kind of major #FAIL on any cop who goes into an innocuous jaywalking situation and comes out of it having emptied his gun on an unarmed civilian. It's a huge fail that the last two shots came while Brown's torso was already parallel to the ground. That means the cop never stopped the way they're trained to do after just a first shot to evaluate whether the person they're shooting at is armed or not, or still a threat or not.

Two bullets traveling through his body entered Brown when he was already hunched over or down.

At this point, the cop and all his apologists are going to keep their fingers crossed that some gunpowder residue is found pretty soon on Brown because the story of Brown charging at the cop is just crumbling apart.
The more the layers of this onion are peeled back, the more it indicates that the perp (who was already on a violent rampage) charged and attacked the peace officer. Hopefully the Holder Justice Department will not operate a federal witch hunt to prosecute an innocent man for doing his job.
We have already learned not to trust what the Ferguson police dept. says. Who are these dozen witnesses? They give an example of one witnesses, and she is a friend of the police officer who shot Brown.

Why keep harping on media information when you don't know if it is factual or not? Why keep saying liberals don't want the truth when it is liberals who keep saying wait for evidence to be proved while the rightwingers and racists keep lopping up every rumor and innuendo, every report from a RW blog, etc., and saying it proves the policeman was in the right and Brown is just a thug who deserved it?
Where have liberals said to wait for the facts? Maybe someone needs to tell all those rioters.
The more info that comes out, the more the officer looks like he did the right thing.
We have already learned not to trust what the Ferguson police dept. says. Who are these dozen witnesses? They give an example of one witnesses, and she is a friend of the police officer who shot Brown.

Why keep harping on media information when you don't know if it is factual or not? Why keep saying liberals don't want the truth when it is liberals who keep saying wait for evidence to be proved while the rightwingers and racists keep lopping up every rumor and innuendo, every report from a RW blog, etc., and saying it proves the policeman was in the right and Brown is just a thug who deserved it?
Liberals are insane if they think police drive around shooting people at random. Only victims here are the store owner and the poor police officer that was forced to shoot someone who does not know how to act like a human being.
Actually, police do shoot young black men pretty often. That is what the uproar is about: it's like 'not again.' Like one protester's sign said "Stop Shooting Us." They are tired of young black men being killed by the police. Whatever happened, shooting this kid 6 times is not at all appropriate on the part of a policeman. Not called for at all. This has to be explained. It is not okay simply to accept it and say the kid deserved it. Not okay to accept this incident without question. And it happens all too often.
Actually, police do shoot young black men pretty often. That is what the uproar is about: it's like 'not again.' Like one protester's sign said "Stop Shooting Us." They are tired of young black men being killed by the police. Whatever happened, shooting this kid 6 times is not at all appropriate on the part of a policeman. Not called for at all. This has to be explained. It is not okay simply to accept it and say the kid deserved it. Not okay to accept this incident without question. And it happens all too often.
Now ask why? Because young Black males are committing violent crimes on a much larger % than any other group. Frustration and race are just poor excuses for bad behavior. It's a thug life culture that is over glorified to these young men because 70% of the time they have no male role model as that is the number of Black kids born out of wedlock. Who's fault is that? Tired of these excuses.
Now ask why? Because young Black males are committing violent crimes on a much larger % than any other group. Frustration and race are just poor excuses for bad behavior. It's a thug life culture that is over glorified to these young men because 70% of the time they have no male role model as that is the number of Black kids born out of wedlock. Who's fault is that? Tired of these excuses.

Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country. Yet, the left wants the police to stop enforcing the law when it comes to blacks. Believe me, you're going to need to fire a few rounds when dealing with such violent people. There's no two ways around it...So we're always going to have the left screaming and bitching for officer blood.

What's even sicker is the fact that the extreme left supports single parent families! Look at the huff post or salon if you doubt this. Talk about encouraging this shit.
Now ask why? Because young Black males are committing violent crimes on a much larger % than any other group. Frustration and race are just poor excuses for bad behavior. It's a thug life culture that is over glorified to these young men because 70% of the time they have no male role model as that is the number of Black kids born out of wedlock. Who's fault is that? Tired of these excuses.
Actually, if you were opened minded, you would realize it is a which came first, the chicken or the egg. Does the harsh attitude toward black youths come from the fact they behave badly and commit crime, or is the crime and bad behavior a result of how they are treated by society and the police?
Actually, if you were opened minded, you would realize it is a which came first, the chicken or the egg. Does the harsh attitude toward black youths come from the fact they behave badly and commit crime, or is the crime and bad behavior a result of how they are treated by society and the police?
More narcissism from the left. They commit crimes because they have free will.
Little by little it looks like Brown was no innocent victim. If he rushed the officer, all officers are trained to stop the threat.
Little by little it looks like Brown was no innocent victim. If he rushed the officer, all officers are trained to stop the threat.

Kind of wish he would of handled it hand to hand. Don't officers get training in that? Now I get to hear the deathing screams of millions of liberals and blacks.
Kind of wish he would of handled it hand to hand. Don't officers get training in that? Now I get to hear the deathing screams of millions of liberals and blacks.

No, LEO assumes no risk. It's all on the perp. I argue the officer took a measured reaction with shots to the arm first in hopes of injury causing the perp to surrender. In this case, the thug kept coming. And when taken in context with the police car incident, in those last seconds, the office could only conclude the perp to be juiced up. Thus the final head shots

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

WTF are you talking about? The autopsy supports the cop's version of the story.
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Actually, police do shoot young black men pretty often. That is what the uproar is about: it's like 'not again.' Like one protester's sign said "Stop Shooting Us." They are tired of young black men being killed by the police. Whatever happened, shooting this kid 6 times is not at all appropriate on the part of a policeman. Not called for at all. This has to be explained. It is not okay simply to accept it and say the kid deserved it. Not okay to accept this incident without question. And it happens all too often.
How many times would have been acceptable to you?
The truth is the officer shot to neutralize the threat. In this case six times was needed. Five was too few, seven would have been too many.
If you want someone to change their reaction to you, maybe you should change what you're doing?

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