Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

She is the same person who had Zimmerman tried and convicted the day after Martin died.
This is an example of how stupid you people are. I don't live in the US; I didn't even know about the death of Trayvon Martin until many months after it happened.

You'll say anything; you don't care at all that it may be completely untrue.
This is an example of how stupid you people are. I don't live in the US; I didn't even know about the death of Trayvon Martin until many months after it happened.

You'll say anything; you don't care at all that it may be completely untrue.

For a nation with 320 million people, and the breadth of our liberties, name one that has "done better". Our system is cumbersome, sometimes slow, and often accompanied by heated debate. Still, the best ever known, taking into account the referenced facts.
You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble
Can you explain why Brown fell face first to the ground after being shot? If it's true the officer is hospitalized with a broken eye socket, would that alter your perception of this?
This is an example of how stupid you people are. I don't live in the US; I didn't even know about the death of Trayvon Martin until many months after it happened.

You'll say anything; you don't care at all that it may be completely untrue.
Are you an American? Or just another Noomi?
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

Old news. Both of these items. Faux Noise already posted the transcript and the two guys talking didn't witness anything. Their video shows the police tape already around the scene and they are repeating things that they heard, most of which is intelligible.

The ANONYMOUS caller to the radio station has third-hand info at best, claims to be a friend of Wilson's wife.

This is nothing but bullshit but it sure keeps you trained seals clapping your fins and barking for more.
I tried to withhold judgment but the more info that dribbles out it simply looks like a kid out of control that left a cop in a defensive posture.

Never saw that coming. Almost like all the squeals about "waiting for all the facts" was just about keeping people quiet. Naaaaa that couldnt be it. Something is "compelling" Gramps to now use his power of judgement. In favor of the cop...which is a huge surprise if I didnt say that earlier
I really doubt that you do, but whatever.

You're unhinged.
You praise the anti white nbpp and make up things about me and what you think I "enjoy".

From me YESTERDAY, I will accept your apology:

The autopsy has yet to be released, tox tests on the officer, not even the state investigation is finished. Nothing obvious except the rioters, and looters need to be locked up, one & all.
For a nation with 320 million people, and the breadth of our liberties, name one that has "done better". Our system is cumbersome, sometimes slow, and often accompanied by heated debate. Still, the best ever known, taking into account the referenced facts.
This is an example of how stupid you people are. I don't live in the US; I didn't even know about the death of Trayvon Martin until many months after it happened.

You'll say anything; you don't care at all that it may be completely untrue.

And then, before the trial started, before all of the evidence came out, you had him convicted. Now that the evidence has been out, the trial is over, you still have him guilty. You aren't fooling anyone. you are a liar and a fraud.
according to the doctor Brown did not have any residue on his skin

which means the firearm had to be at least three feet away

There is nothing in the autopsy report they have made public so far that indicates he was alt least 3 feet away:
The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.

Even if the firearm was "at least 3 feet away" from any part of Brown`s bullet wounds that does not mean that Brown`s fists were "at least 3 feet away" from Wilson.

Check it out, if the guy that was robbed by Brown would have had a pistol in his right hand and shot Brown`s right arm or shoulder his gun would have been ~3 feet away .
The police did say that Wilson`s face was swollen.
The only way the public gets to see all the evidence is when a trial is held in court and not in the kind of media trial that`s going on right now.
They can`t release any more details which would prejudice a proper trial.
Such as, was there any of Brown`s blood on or in the police car...that would nix your "at least 3 feet away" theory, so would any powder residue on Brown`s shirt.
It`s also clear that "the unarmed" Brown was a violent 6 foot 4 bully .
I shot and killed an "unarmed" dog who attacked me even though I had no way of knowing that it was the same dog which just mauled a neighbor`s kid minutes before I shot him.
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From me YESTERDAY, I will accept your apology:

The autopsy has yet to be released, tox tests on the officer, not even the state investigation is finished. Nothing obvious except the rioters, and looters need to be locked up, one & all.

Don't try to muddy the water.
You were praising malik shabazz, a most unworthy, militant, anti white negro, and I called you on it.
Don't try to muddy the water.
You were praising malik shabazz, a most unworthy, militant, anti white negro, and I called you on it.

No, I quoted an article in which he called for calm, said that was positive, you brought him up, ignored the rest. I have proven I never stated the officer committed a crime. Maybe Shabazz has changed; Bush did, he had three criminal charges before he quit drinking.

Don't know about Shabazz, but I stated from the first ending the riots & looting was the first priority(.) I do not think he is as important as you do.
Told you. It wont matter. Any evidence that does not indict the cop will be swept away or rationalized into non-existence. It literally doesnt matter because the narrative is set: racist cop shoots unarmed black child for no reason.

Of course your right. No matter what the truth is the white cop is racist and the black kid was a saint.

If Wilson had been black you wouldn't see rioting, looting or protests. The black community wouldn't have said word one and Al Sharpton and the rest of those parasites wouldn't be in Missouri. Hell. The media wouldn't be there either. Its all because Wilson is white. What a load of horseshit.

Because Wilson is white they go off like a bunch of fucking idiots because hey, the white cop has got to be a racist even though he's been a cop for six years in that Town. A decorated cop. All those idiots see is that he's white so a racist he is. What idiots.
Of course your right. No matter what the truth is the white cop is racist and the black kid was a saint.

If Wilson had been black you wouldn't see rioting, looting or protests. The black community wouldn't have said word one and Al Sharpton and the rest of those parasites wouldn't be in Missouri. Hell. The media wouldn't be there either. Its all because Wilson is white. What a load of horseshit.

Because Wilson is white they go off like a bunch of fucking idiots because hey, the white cop has got to be a racist even though he's been a cop for six years in that Town. A decorated cop. All those idiots see is that he's white so a racist he is. What idiots.

Who said this kid is a saint? You fighting those imaginary "haters" again?

Yeah, when you shoot someone for no stated reason 6 times people get upset. Crazy huh? Well just imagine this: Police come into your home and take your guns. You're mad. Why they only took your guns. Now pretend they took your life? Still mad? Ok then
Who said this kid is a saint? You fighting those imaginary "haters" again?

Yeah, when you shoot someone for no stated reason 6 times people get upset. Crazy huh? Well just imagine this: Police come into your home and take your guns. You're mad. Why they only took your guns. Now pretend they took your life? Still mad? Ok then

You have a very active "imagination"...LMAO..inventing fantasy scenarios to support your position that brown "din do nuffins.."

brown attacked a cop and paid the price.
You have a very active "imagination"...LMAO..inventing fantasy scenarios to support your position that brown "din do nuffins.."

brown attacked a cop and paid the price.

Who said Brown didnt do nothing? I said he was shot 6 times and the cops dont have a reason. Are you disputing that? People are upset because someone was killed. I know you think thats weird and everything but it happens frequently
Who said Brown didnt do nothing? I said he was shot 6 times and the cops dont have a reason. Are you disputing that? People are upset because someone was killed. I know you think thats weird and everything but it happens frequently
How can you possibly determine that he was shot for no reason ? Obviously at least on cop thought he had a reason because he shot several times. Have you heard his story ?
How can you possibly determine that he was shot for no reason ? Obviously at least on cop thought he had a reason because he shot several times. Have you heard his story ?

I didnt determine anything. The cops themselves have given not one reason why he was shot 6 times. They had an open mic told the story about shooting him near the car and had no story to why he kept shooting.

Not my fault, if you find a reason then post it here. Because they dont have one so far
Who said Brown didnt do nothing? I said he was shot 6 times and the cops dont have a reason. Are you disputing that? People are upset because someone was killed. I know you think thats weird and everything but it happens frequently
attacking a cop and trying to get his weapon will get you killed every time.So he wasn't "killed for no reason"...but I understand you need to present it that way.
It's a "black" thing, right? :rolleyes:

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