Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

Dont you google? :)

Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said.
Michael Brown rushed officer, radio caller says | myfox8.com

Browns friend corroborates this on his initial Al Sharpton interview.

Radio caller who claims to be a friend. I mean at this point are you just believing anyone? Not even the police themselves said this or gave this account. Again, not my fault
Radio caller who claims to be a friend. I mean at this point are you just believing anyone? Not even the police themselves said this or gave this account. Again, not my fault
Do'nt be silly. First off any witness was not a friend to the officer and this is just one source. Geez, do some of your own footwork why dontcha

Secondly, the witness account was verified by Browns friend and a a third source...
A source with detailed knowledge of the investigation later told CNN the caller’s account is “accurate,” in that it matches what Wilson has told investigators.
BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered 'Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket' During Mike Brown Attack"

This does get stranger and stranger.
If Wilson sustained this fracture during his encounter with Michael Brown, why didn't his department reveal proof immediately?

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack | The Gateway Pundit

Well, well, well..Isn't THAT interesting.

Kinda changes the narrative.
I gave the victim the benefit of the doubt when this first took place, mostly due to the police state , ie overreach which colored my perception. I still think the police are way out of line with firing tear gas on the media but.. Now after having seen that clip of an eye witness, it sounds like to me that the law enforcement officer protected himself, of which he had every right to do.

Yeah that seems to be the norm. Support the police until they got strong with the media then complain about it. Police goes back to strong arming citizens (not us but "them") and its all good. What force? Militari-what?
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

there hasn't been any "testimony" yet.

what you are hearing is the police trying to poison the jury pool and public opinion because, you know, you have to defend shooting unarmed black men....
CHOICES (show me state)
It is about choice. MB(mike brown) chose to "bully". MB chose to commit a strong arm robbery. MB chose to not listen to the officer when he was told to get out of the middle of the street. MB chose to "bully" the officer. MB chose to physically struggle with the officer.
Officer Wilson chose to fire his weapon at the bully. He fired the first few shots to try and stop the bully, not kill him. STUDY the autopsy report. The only shot that was fatal was to the TOP of his head. Most likely fired when MB CHOSE to bum rush the officer.

Do you know why they purchase or in this case steal cigars for? To use the paper to roll weed in so they can smoke it and get high.

The shots entered from the FRONT of the body, that is a far cry from witnesses saying he was running from the cop saying don't shoot with his hands in the air!

This is a sad situation for Saint Louis and for the state for that matter.

WHY are you parents bringing your children to the protests??? If they get hurt you gonna blame the cops for that too?
Remember....its all about choices.

It is time that the LE begin releasing information re Officer Wilson condition. From credible sources, it is my understanding that he is in the hospital with a broken eye socket.
If a 300lb bully was charging you and refused to stop, what would you do?
It is a choice...live or die.

Now the National Guard are coming in. Wow Missouri....the show me state. The group giving our state a bad name needs to be brought down and stopped immediately by whatever means necessary.

Think of the kids going to bed at night trying to sleep wondering if they are going to have school the next day. ANYONE bringing children to such an event should be jailed for child endangerment.
Enough is enough!

Sharpton, Jackson and the like go home after you apologize to us....your only adding fuel to the burning embers

none of your narrative is relevant because none of it was known by the officer who shot and killed him for jaywalking.

you're welcome.
So this criminal thug robs a store and then beats the fuck out of a cop and it's somehow law enforcement's fault??? Some of you race pimps are truly despicable human beings. You care about racial hatred and nothing else.. Americans are fed up with the perpetually victimized class of THUGS and we're fucking done. When you cry wolf continually and use the strong arm of the big daddy government, don't ever expect Americans to believe anything you say ... nor do we care any longer for your slave mentality theatrics.
none of your narrative is relevant because none of it was known by the officer who shot and killed him for jaywalking.

you're welcome.
Does the new software give away stupidest post awards?
The cop is innocent. Its why they haven't charged him yet.

You cant assault a cop, then go for his gun, then come back for more....and not get shot. The officer is NOT required to win a fist fight with a 6'4 300 lb thug high on drugs who just went for his gun. If he loses that ight, he likely loses his life. So, he shoots.

Don't like it? DONT ASSAULT COPS. If you hate cops, fine, but respect them the same way you would an alligator or bear: DONT FUCK WITH THEM, because you'll lose.
The only "proof" offered in that link is a facial scan from the University of Iowa...other accounts claim Wilson has left the state of Missouri, but I really don't understand all the unnecessary melodrama so far...

There isn't any proof (or claim) that x ray is of the cop....
none of your narrative is relevant because none of it was known by the officer who shot and killed him for jaywalking.

you're welcome.

He didn't get shot for jaywalking.
He's desperate to find SOME reason to support the negro and disparage the cop.
It's a "black" thing. I understand, though. They do the best they can with what they have and expressing solidarity to their race is more important to them than being honest.

I havent defended the kid. You're the only one who has continued to say and believe every bad thing about Brown and defend the cop to the point of even telling stories of why they shot him that the cops havent even said.

I said the cops gave no reason why they shot him up. Thats the truth. The truth dont care if you cry about it.
I havent defended the kid. You're the only one who has continued to say and believe every bad thing about Brown and defend the cop to the point of even telling stories of why they shot him that the cops havent even said.

I said the cops gave no reason why they shot him up. Thats the truth. The truth dont care if you cry about it.

LMAO..no one is crying about anything.
He robbed a store, assaulted the owner, attacked a cop and got killed for it.
All good. No great loss.
LMAO..no one is crying about anything.
He robbed a store, assaulted the owner, attacked a cop and got killed for it.
All good. No great loss.

Wrong the store owner never said Brown was the person from the video. No one has said that is Brown in the video...So again you are making it up.

Cops word for it...Cool no problem

Got killed for what? The police themselves should tell you to do a press release because they still didnt say why they killed him. Also the store has nothing to do with him being shot.
Wrong the store owner never said Brown was the person from the video. No one has said that is Brown in the video...So again you are making it up.

Cops word for it...Cool no problem

Got killed for what? The police themselves should tell you to do a press release because they still didnt say why they killed him. Also the store has nothing to do with him being shot.

Man..you ARE desperate.
Shooting an unarmed suspect could be justified, according to the law - LakeExpo.com: Top Stories

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said in a news conference Sunday that Brown first pushed the Ferguson officer into his car and “assaulted him.”

Belmar said one shot was fired from the officer’s gun inside the car during the struggle, hitting no one, and that the officer then fired multiple times. Officials have refused to provide a more detailed account, pending further investigation.

Klinger said that if an investigation shows the earlier struggle did occur as described, even if Brown was fleeing, it could be grounds for justifying the shooting.

Belmar has promised a thorough investigation into the shooting. Ed Magee, a spokesman for Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, said the office will be reviewing the case — as it does with all officer-involved shootings — for any potential criminal charges.
Man..you ARE desperate.
Shooting an unarmed suspect could be justified, according to the law - LakeExpo.com: Top Stories

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said in a news conference Sunday that Brown first pushed the Ferguson officer into his car and “assaulted him.”

Belmar said one shot was fired from the officer’s gun inside the car during the struggle, hitting no one, and that the officer then fired multiple times. Officials have refused to provide a more detailed account, pending further investigation.

And remember I said they havent given a reason why he was shot so many times? Do you see a reason there and I'm just too biased to see it?
Its astounding to see the vast difference in intellect between those who are jumping to cop hate and convicting the cop already...........vs those who are taking a calm, wait-and-see approach.

Those with a brain (seemingly mostly right wingers) are taking it all in, calmly, reserving judgement mostly. And acknowledging that A) Assaulting a cop is a horrible idea and B) A 6'4 300 lb person on drugs, even unarmed, who is assaulting you, and possibly trying to take your gun, COULD still be a deadly threat.

And remember I said they havent given a reason why he was shot so many times? Do you see a reason there and I'm just too biased to see it?

What is an acceptable number of times to shoot someone who has robbed a store, assaulted the store owner, attacked a cop and tried to take his weapon?

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