Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

So someone 6'3 or 6'4 bends way over to "charge" an armed police officer who shoots and the bullet goes into the top of his head, out his chin and into his chest because he was bent over 90 degrees with his head down because his head could stop a bullet?
That makes even more sense than Martin straddling Zimmerman who had his arms pinned to his sides, but, while getting dozens of blows to the face, managed to reach behind his back, take out his gun, disengage the safety and then shoot Martin straight on into the middle of his chest all the while having his face beaten in which left no evidence.

Wow, if Republicans believe all that, no wonder they believe in magical creation, trickle down, forged birth certificates, WMD's and vaccines cause autism. Seems they only want to believe the crazy stuff and leave the sane alone.

We all know you are pretty damned stupid, but this takes the cake. Where the hell did you hear this shit? No one is claiming that there was some magic bullet that did all that. You are an ignorant fool.
We all know you are pretty damned stupid, but this takes the cake. Where the hell did you hear this shit? No one is claiming that there was some magic bullet that did all that. You are an ignorant fool.
what are you talking about?
We have already learned not to trust what the Ferguson police dept. says. Who are these dozen witnesses? They give an example of one witnesses, and she is a friend of the police officer who shot Brown.

Why keep harping on media information when you don't know if it is factual or not? Why keep saying liberals don't want the truth when it is liberals who keep saying wait for evidence to be proved while the rightwingers and racists keep lopping up every rumor and innuendo, every report from a RW blog, etc., and saying it proves the policeman was in the right and Brown is just a thug who deserved it?

Stop stop stop! You are breaking both my Hypocrisy and Irony meters!
Where have liberals said to wait for the facts? Maybe someone needs to tell all those rioters.
The more info that comes out, the more the officer looks like he did the right thing.

She is the same person who had Zimmerman tried and convicted the day after Martin died.
Now ask why? Because young Black males are committing violent crimes on a much larger % than any other group. Frustration and race are just poor excuses for bad behavior. It's a thug life culture that is over glorified to these young men because 70% of the time they have no male role model as that is the number of Black kids born out of wedlock. Who's fault is that? Tired of these excuses.

This exactly.
No judgement is needed now, judgements keep the violence going; let the investigations be completed and stop the violence:

Tear gas, gunfire fly in Ferguson again - CNN.com

Many arrested are not from Ferguson. Heed this young man's words:

Protester Jerrell Bourrage grabbed one of the bottle-hurling demonstrators and told him to stop.

"We don't need these antagonizers out here. We need people who can stand out here to the side and still let your word be known," Bourrage told CNN.

"I came to keep my brothers safe. We have fathers, brothers, mothers and aunties out here."

Many residents believe those causing trouble are from outside Ferguson.
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No judgement is needed now, judgements keep the violence going; let the investigations be completed and stop the violence:

Tear gas, gunfire fly in Ferguson again - CNN.com

Many arrested are not from Ferguson. Heed this young man's words:

Protester Jerrell Bourrage grabbed one of the bottle-hurling demonstrators and told him to stop.

"We don't need these antagonizers out here. We need people who can stand out here to the side and still let your word be known," Bourrage told CNN.

"I came to keep my brothers safe. We have fathers, brothers, mothers and aunties out here."

Many residents believe those causing trouble are from outside Ferguson.

"We are not going to let outside provocateurs to come here. We can't allow this movement to be destroyed," said Malik Shabazz, national president of Black Lawyers for Justice. He wouldn't say who the provocateurs were.

malik zulu shabazz...national president of the "black lawyers for justice"..also former leader of the anti white new black panther party.
White people don't care what shabazz says. We already understand his agenda and oppose it.
malik zulu shabazz...national president of the "black lawyers for justice"..also former leader of the anti white new black panther party.
White people don't care what shabazz says. We already understand his agenda and oppose it.

Ok, but at least he is calling for an to the violence, I agree with Dick Cheney on some issues. Keep an open mind, the violence in Ferguson must end.
it doesn't matter what the truth is to the libs and the blacks. As long as they have an opportunity to loot, riot, blame and express hatred openly to the cops and whites in general. Still waiting for some reporter to ask Sharpton when is he going to apologize to the Duke boys.

Most blacks HATE whites (unless they are liberal).
The more the layers of this onion are peeled back, the more it indicates that the perp (who was already on a violent rampage) charged and attacked the peace officer. Hopefully the Holder Justice Department will not operate a federal witch hunt to prosecute an innocent man for doing his job.

you can bank on it

that is why holder is there

to strong arm or eliminate the grand jury
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Ok, but at least he is calling for an to the violence, I agree with Dick Cheney on some issues. Keep an open mind, the violence in Ferguson must end.

are you unfamiliar with the nbpp feelings about white people? They'd slit your throat and watch you bleed out without giving it a second thought, "Peach"...AFTER they give you a THOROUGH "Channon Christian" treatment.
are you unfamiliar with the nbpp feelings about white people? They'd slit your throat and watch you bleed out without giving it a second thought, "Peach"...AFTER they give you a THOROUGH "Channon Christian" treatment.

The NBPP isn't any better than the old. Sorry I quoted his plea for no more violence, I'll find others. He has managed to stay an attorney, thus not convicted of a felony, I note you ignored the other young black man's call for peace & calm.
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The NBPP isn't any better than the old. Sorry I quoted his pleaa for no more violence, I'll find others. He has managed to stay an attorney, thus not convicted of a felony, I note you ignored the other young black man's call for peace & calm.

I don't care about any of that.

Negroes are rioting in the street and you're praising anti white "lawyers" and members of the nbpp.

You don't live anywhere near urban blacks, do you? This is all just theory to you, isn't it?
it doesn't matter what the truth is to the libs and the blacks. As long as they have an opportunity to loot, riot, blame and express hatred openly to the cops and whites in general. Still waiting for some reporter to ask Sharpton when is he going to apologize to the Duke boys.

Most blacks HATE whites (unless they are liberal).

I agree. This looks like just another way to riot, destroy businesses and make a big deal out of the death of one man.

If the cops guilty they will hang him. If not he goes back to business as usual and the looters and protesters are out of business.
I don't care about any of that.

Negroes are rioting in the street and you're praising anti white "lawyers" and members of the nbpp.

You don't live anywhere near urban blacks, do you? This is all just theory to you, isn't it?

Yes, I do. And it is clear some enjoy seeing some Americans riot & loot, sad.
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Yes, I do. And it is clear you enjoy seeing some Americans riot & loot, sad.
I really doubt that you do, but whatever.

You're unhinged.
You praise the anti white nbpp and make up things about me and what you think I "enjoy".
I really doubt that you do, but whatever.

You're unhinged.
You praise the anti white nbpp and make up things about me and what you think I "enjoy".

I did not praise the nbpp, edited my post so as not to include you in the group that wants violence, the reference was to the out of town instigaters. I should have typed "they".
I did not praise the nbpp, edited my post so as not to include you in the group that wants violence, the reference was to the out of town instigaters. I should have typed "they".

Oh. Ok.. I didn't understand.

It doesn't change anything, though.
If you choose to admire and praise the former pres. of the nbpp, fine. That's your prerogative....
...but it makes me think you don't really live near or have much interaction with negroes.
...only a well indoctrinated, unrealistic, out of touch white person would ever side with the nbpp.
No, LEO assumes no risk. It's all on the perp. I argue the officer took a measured reaction with shots to the arm first in hopes of injury causing the perp to surrender. In this case, the thug kept coming. And when taken in context with the police car incident, in those last seconds, the office could only conclude the perp to be juiced up. Thus the final head shots

Unless the officer is a trick shot artist, he was aiming center mass each shot. Based on wound location, he was also fairly consistently "pushing" the trigger assuming he's right handed. Too little finger pad on the trigger, rh shooters hit to their left. I suspect he thought he was missing, as apparently the perp kept charging, and he kept shooting. Regardless, you don't stop shooting until the threat is neutralized. Righteous shoot.
Oh. Ok.. I didn't understand.

It doesn't change anything, though.
If you choose to admire and praise the former pres. of the nbpp, fine. That's your prerogative....
...but it makes me think you don't really live near or have much interaction with negroes.
...only a well indoctrinated, unrealistic, out of touch white person would ever side with the nbpp.

The quote was from a CNN article, I deleted his part. Please do not ascribe positions to me so that you may attack them.

All there need to be focused on ending the violence, and letting investigations continue. As I posted yesterday, you must have missed it, the more arrests of rioters and looters, the BETTER.


Protester Jerrell Bourrage grabbed one of the bottle-hurling demonstrators and told him to stop.

"We don't need these antagonizers out here. We need people who can stand out here to the side and still let your word be known," Bourrage told CNN.

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