Darn, Dick Cheney still hasn't died yet

Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.

Sounds to me like the secret service needs to pay someone a visit.
These hysterical adolescent leftist pussies are comical...
Cheney, Pnac, the new world order, blood for oil, Haliburton !
Clueless millenial shitstains......lol
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

Same thing bucko, same thing. And it doesn't reflect well on you as a human being.
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

Why not offer to go hunting with him?

May the best man win.
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

Why not offer to go hunting with him?

May the best man win.
No thanks.

Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

Why not offer to go hunting with him?

May the best man win.
No thanks.


Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

Same thing bucko, same thing. And it doesn't reflect well on you as a human being.
Well when judgement day comes, at least I'll be able to say I wasn't fool enough to vote for him a second time :thup:
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Dick insured an endless supply of replacement organs from the VA years ago. Thanks to the daily deaths of veterans he instigated, those parts become available to him fresh and new every day.
Wishing for someone to die because you don't like their politics how classy. If the same thing was posted about President Obama some of you would break your fingers in your rush to type the word racist.
Lol I "don't like his politics?" No, I don't like his lust for putting our soldiers in caskets; I don't like how he pissed on the world so much that it's no longer safe to say you're an American abroad, even when visiting an ally; I don't like how he endangered the entire planet by inventing "preemptive" war; I don't like how he crashed the economy, but his buddies and he made a profit off of prolonging the Iraq war; I don't like how he won't fight for the rights of his own daughter; and most of all I don't like how he abused beyond precedent an all republican legislature and Presidency to absolutely DEMONIZE his opposition for 6 years. 6 years of raping this country.

For that, I'll pop a champagne bottle the day he bites it.
Dick Cheney's buddies???

You mean Halliburton? Dumbass???

Obama was golfing in a foursome with Halliburton board of directors member Milton Carroll and various energy bigwigs a few days ago. And as far as putting people in caskets, Obozo has been responsible for killing hundreds of thousands with his neglect. He's helped Iran and ISIS start a civil war in the Middle East, not to mention all of our soldiers and veterans he's killed since taking office. And lets also not forget his criminal conspiracy in drumming up protests over a street thug that tried to kill a cop in Ferguson. How many whites have been attacked by black thugs since that despicable nonsense, and how many blacks have resisted arrest because of that prick in the White House?
Yes sure let's forget about Dick Cheney... look over HERE! Black thugs and ISIS! :eek:


All of your problems with Cheney are based in lies and half-truths. The same goes for Sarah Palin or anyone who doesn't fall in line with you hateful folks on the left.

Rationality and reason have been thrown out the window. The left is giving you your silly talking-points and you folks simply cannot change. You're too set in your ways. You'd rather argue than ever admit you're full of shit.

So basically....trying to talk rationally with you liberals is like trying to discuss personal hygiene with Michael Moore.
It may be a lively discussion......but it's a total waste of time.
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Glad to see the left wing nut jobs are still alive and well. And do unto yourself as you would to Cheney.
Well Dick Cheney is, sadly, still breathing. And it appears that, like most far right lunatics, he's come down with a bad case of ODS. Earlier today he implied that Obama is trying to "take America down."

Cheney President Obama Wants To Take America Down VIDEO The Daily Caller

In your own words Mr. Cheney, please go fuck yourself. Preferably 6 feet underground.

Why is it progressives are always wanting people to die? I don't like Cheney, and can't stand his voice when he is interviewed, but truly, I don't wish for anyone to die just because I don't like them.

Grow the hell up.
I never said I wish for him to die. Just that I'll be celebrating when it happens. :thup:

You most certainly did wish he was dead. At least have the guts to tell the truth about what you post. What am I saying? Liberals have no guts!
Cheney provides for me further proof that it is often VERY hard to believe in a good, fair and just God.
Would it be too far fetched to equate right wingers who "defend" Cheney as, "Devil Worshippers?"

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