Daughter of Eric Garner on Baltimore riots " What other choice do we have"

BS - it's all about skin color. How do you explain that africa is so backward? It's not due to racism since black africa has been controlled by blacks for decades. Fact is blacks are stupid, lazy and violent and everybody knows it.
Nah, everybody doesn't know or accept your uneducated garbage. You just like to say that to convince yourself you aren't what you a total asshole jerk.

All you ever have is namecalling. Answer my question. Why is black africa so backward?
Funny how in Ferguson, Missouri the blame was placed on the fact that there was a white Police Chief and Mayor of the town which automatically made them racists in the eyes of many but in Baltimore, Maryland it isn't the fault of a black Police Commissioner or a black Mayor yet it's still the fault of "white racism"?


News media blames everything on white people. If they tell the truth obozo cuts their subsidies.
It's all the fault of white people for not giving blacks more affirmative action jobs and better schools. Like president nixon once said - We blame the riots on everything but the rioters.

Eric Garner Daughter on Baltimore Riots What Other Choice Do We Have - Breitbart

april 28 2015
Monday night on CNN with Don Lemon, Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner who died while being restrained by police in the New York City borough of Staten Island, said the rioters in Baltimore were all but justified Monday’s actions.

“They had enough,” she said. “They don’t know what else to do. They don’t have no jobs, they don’t have proper schooling. I was driving through Baltimore earlier and I noticed how many abandoned buildings is out there. It’s like there’s no hope. These kids have no hope. I’m not condoning what they are doing but like they think – they seem like they have no hope. Like, eventually this is going to happen to me, I’m going to be killed by the cops so why not go out there and get my message across. Burning down the city is not right but what other choice do we have. They scared.”

Just for the record...I see nothing in someone's skin color that makes them less intelligent than someone else. Pigmentation does not influence intelligence. The problem that the black community faces is something that in large part they have inflicted on themselves. It's a question of "culture". When you glorify "thug life" in popular music, movies, the clothing that you wear, the way that you talk and the way that you walk...you're sending a message to your young people that being a "thug" is something that holds status. One of the most popular movies amongst several generations of young black males has been "Scarface". A fictional character, Tony Montana, was seen as someone to emulate because he went from nothing to having great wealth and power. What that movie's underlying message SHOULD have been seems to be lost on those same young black males. Tony Montana and everything that he holds dear is ultimately destroyed by the criminal acts he engages in. The entire movie is an illustration of how being a "thug" is in the long run self destructive.
Blacks need stand up and tell assholes like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et, al., that they do NOT represent them.

They also need to stop playing "victim" and using that as an excuse to loot and destroy......that shit is old.
BS - it's all about skin color. How do you explain that africa is so backward? It's not due to racism since black africa has been controlled by blacks for decades. Fact is blacks are stupid, lazy and violent and everybody knows it.
Nah, everybody doesn't know or accept your uneducated garbage. You just like to say that to convince yourself you aren't what you a total asshole jerk.

All you ever have is namecalling. Answer my question. Why is black africa so backward?
There is no way you will study the topic in an academic way. You are one of those people who demand simple and quick explanations for everything. The simple answers, Africa was dominated by Europeans and formed into colonies that kept them oppressed and denied of education. The other reason, tropical diseases routinely decimated the populations. The ignored fact, before the Europeans conquered them, many African cultures were highly developed and progressing.
Those are some of the quick answers. Below is the academic documentation and links to back them up.


Just for the record...I see nothing in someone's skin color that makes them less intelligent than someone else. Pigmentation does not influence intelligence. The problem that the black community faces is something that in large part they have inflicted on themselves. It's a question of "culture". .

If it's just culture then why are blacks failures in africa too.? THINK
There is no way you will study the topic in an academic way. You are one of those people who demand simple and quick explanations for everything. The simple answers, Africa was dominated by Europeans and formed into colonies that kept them oppressed and denied of education. The other reason, tropical diseases routinely decimated the populations. The ignored fact, before the Europeans conquered them, many African cultures were highly developed and progressing.
Those are some of the quick answers. Below is the academic documentation and links to back them up.

BS - there is no evidence that any of that causes black poverty. Fact is no black african nation even had a written language until whites showed up. They were savages in the stone age and they will return to that without the help of white people.
Blacks need stand up and tell assholes like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et, al., that they do NOT represent them.

They also need to stop playing "victim" and using that as an excuse to loot and destroy......that shit is old.

Playing victim is there only hope for the good life. They don't have the ability to get good jobs on merit.
More i think about it, this girl has a point. What other choice do blacks have except to loot and steal and demand more welfare and affirmative action from whites?. They know they don't have the ability to accomplish anything on their own.
There is no way you will study the topic in an academic way. You are one of those people who demand simple and quick explanations for everything. The simple answers, Africa was dominated by Europeans and formed into colonies that kept them oppressed and denied of education. The other reason, tropical diseases routinely decimated the populations. The ignored fact, before the Europeans conquered them, many African cultures were highly developed and progressing.
Those are some of the quick answers. Below is the academic documentation and links to back them up.

BS - there is no evidence that any of that causes black poverty. Fact is no black african nation even had a written language until whites showed up. They were savages in the stone age and they will return to that without the help of white people.
You are a typical racist. To lazy, stupid or afraid to learn. Stuck in your backwards way of thinking, you cowardly refuse to admit reality. I knew you would not read or even skim over the academic material I provided.
Stop trying to fool people into thinking you know things. You trap yourself with your ignorance. Only a brainwashed racist would claim no African nation had a written language. Certainly, if you reject the scholarly works of an expert like Dr. Battacharyya and the professors at MIT, you will give no value to this link. Of course Dr. Battachayya has that funny sounding name, so what could he possibly know about anything. Obviously he is not a white guy. And MIT is one of them northern yankee schools.
So here you go you stupid POS. You won't read it and wouldn't comprehend it if you tried to, but there are some pictures of ancient writing from Africa. Just look at the pictures and maybe you will learn something. Nah, that coward stuff that controls you will prevent you from accepting truth.

BS - it's all about skin color. How do you explain that africa is so backward? It's not due to racism since black africa has been controlled by blacks for decades. Fact is blacks are stupid, lazy and violent and everybody knows it.
Nah, everybody doesn't know or accept your uneducated garbage. You just like to say that to convince yourself you aren't what you a total asshole jerk.

All you ever have is namecalling. Answer my question. Why is black africa so backward?
There is no way you will study the topic in an academic way. You are one of those people who demand simple and quick explanations for everything. The simple answers, Africa was dominated by Europeans and formed into colonies that kept them oppressed and denied of education. The other reason, tropical diseases routinely decimated the populations. The ignored fact, before the Europeans conquered them, many African cultures were highly developed and progressing.
Those are some of the quick answers. Below is the academic documentation and links to back them up.



Are you making the point that Europeans colonizing much of Africa stopped development? I know that sounds like a great excuse for why Africa has lagged so far behind the rest of the world but my question for you would be why is it that things have generally gotten so much worse after the Europeans essentially abandoned their African "empires" decades ago. I'm hard pressed to think of a single African nation that is thriving since that happened and can think of dozens that have become absolute shit holes.
BS - it's all about skin color. How do you explain that africa is so backward? It's not due to racism since black africa has been controlled by blacks for decades. Fact is blacks are stupid, lazy and violent and everybody knows it.
Nah, everybody doesn't know or accept your uneducated garbage. You just like to say that to convince yourself you aren't what you a total asshole jerk.

All you ever have is namecalling. Answer my question. Why is black africa so backward?
There is no way you will study the topic in an academic way. You are one of those people who demand simple and quick explanations for everything. The simple answers, Africa was dominated by Europeans and formed into colonies that kept them oppressed and denied of education. The other reason, tropical diseases routinely decimated the populations. The ignored fact, before the Europeans conquered them, many African cultures were highly developed and progressing.
Those are some of the quick answers. Below is the academic documentation and links to back them up.



Are you making the point that Europeans colonizing much of Africa stopped development? I know that sounds like a great excuse for why Africa has lagged so far behind the rest of the world but my question for you would be why is it that things have generally gotten so much worse after the Europeans essentially abandoned their African "empires" decades ago. I'm hard pressed to think of a single African nation that is thriving since that happened and can think of dozens that have become absolute shit holes.
In the links I provided, Bhattacharyya concentrated on the impact that disease (malaria) has impacted on development.
lp3e.fe.unpad.ac.id/wopeds/200704.pdf The consistancy of tropical disease impacting econonomic developement continues to cause what seems like irreparable harm to development in Africa.
The work by Acemoglue and Robinson at MIT concentrate more on how cultural history has shaped and impacted the institutional influences lacking in so many African nations that has hindered development. Neopatrimonialism has had an overburdening effect of the development and progress of the institutional influence need for progress. Comparisons to European enduring absolutism in chapter 3 goes into some interesting explanations.
The short answer could be that the lessons of corruption from a few centuries of Euro and Arabic influence have yet to be overcome. That combination and societies based of patrimonialism and the burden of the constant fighting of deadly disease is the combination that has made Africa what it is today.
Only a brainwashed racist would claim no African nation had a written language.

By africa i mean black africa, sub-saharan africa. They had no written language until contact with europeans. Same with north amrican indians and most south and central american indians, Even the supposedly advanced incas had no written language.

Do some research, son.
Are you making the point that Europeans colonizing much of Africa stopped development? I know that sounds like a great excuse for why Africa has lagged so far behind the rest of the world but my question for you would be why is it that things have generally gotten so much worse after the Europeans essentially abandoned their African "empires" decades ago. I'm hard pressed to think of a single African nation that is thriving since that happened and can think of dozens that have become absolute shit holes.

Yes indeed. Black africa peaked around 1950 and then the "freedom" movement got started. Since then blacks have taken over the countries and things have gone down the tubes. To run an advanced country you need engineers, businessmen, and administrators. Blacks don't produce those kinds of people. Most blacks in africa and america can't even read. Blacks sing and dance and play sports.
In the links I provided, Bhattacharyya concentrated on the impact that disease (malaria) has impacted on development.
lp3e.fe.unpad.ac.id/wopeds/200704.pdf The consistancy of tropical disease impacting econonomic developement continues to cause what seems like irreparable harm to development in Africa.

HAHAHA. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself.? We do NOT have malaria in america and yet blacks are failures here too. Face the fact that blacks are mentally inferior. The evidence is overwhelming.
In the links I provided, Bhattacharyya concentrated on the impact that disease (malaria) has impacted on development.
lp3e.fe.unpad.ac.id/wopeds/200704.pdf The consistancy of tropical disease impacting econonomic developement continues to cause what seems like irreparable harm to development in Africa.

HAHAHA. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself.? We do NOT have malaria in america and yet blacks are failures here too. Face the fact that blacks are mentally inferior. The evidence is overwhelming.
The links provided are too complicated for a person of your intelligence and education. You make it obvious by your answers that you did not read the links or if you attempted to, you did not comprehend them. Stick with the mindless racist inspired comments and responses. Anything beyond that is beyond your station in life. Born a moron, you will always be one.
Are you making the point that Europeans colonizing much of Africa stopped development? I know that sounds like a great excuse for why Africa has lagged so far behind the rest of the world but my question for you would be why is it that things have generally gotten so much worse after the Europeans essentially abandoned their African "empires" decades ago. I'm hard pressed to think of a single African nation that is thriving since that happened and can think of dozens that have become absolute shit holes.

Yes indeed. Black africa peaked around 1950 and then the "freedom" movement got started. Since then blacks have taken over the countries and things have gone down the tubes. To run an advanced country you need engineers, businessmen, and administrators. Blacks don't produce those kinds of people. Most blacks in africa and america can't even read. Blacks sing and dance and play sports.

Stop with the racist nonsense, Speeders! The problem in Africa isn't that blacks can't be engineers, businessmen or administrators...the biggest problems in Africa are corruption and violence between factions. When the Europeans departed they left behind a power vacuum that was filled by people more interested in lining their own pockets than they were in bettering their nations. THAT is what has held back Africa. Then you add in conflicts between tribes and religions and you've got a recipe for disaster.
His record is of no consequence, there is a vast difference between a suspect dying in an arrest and dying while in custody. The word custody itself means they are responsible for what happens to the guy. The police killed a man either through negligence or wrongdoing there is no way to justify it. There is no moral justification to take their side in the killing.
Not to mention, Grays death isnt the only reason people in Baltimore are rioting. Baltimore has had isses for quite a while now.

Since 2011, the city has paid out nearly $5,000,000, thats 5 MILLION dollars in police brutality cases.

Thats just one example
Sometime "brutality settlements" are just another way to pay da homies, yo....

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