David Axelrod: "This has never been done in the history of Our Country"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

He goes on to say, "Merrick Garland is a notoriously cautious person. He would not have authorized it unless they believed they had significant evidence that a crime had been committed, and a federal judge wouldn't have signed off on it, they were aware of the stakes as well."

I think we will be shocked when the reasoning comes out.
Garland is the jackass who called parents at PTA meetings/ school board meetings potential terrorists who then lied in testimony to Congress about that.

Yeah, he's not cautious, he's a leftoid political hack.
What if trump was sharing classified information with Poootin's Russia? He has done it before.
A lot is being done that has never been done before. Never before, in all of our history have parents been classified as domestic terrorists by the FBI. The same FBI that raided Mar a Lago and swiped women's underwear for later sniffing.

This is a war, bit not only against Trump, it's against all of us.

He goes on to say, "Merrick Garland is a notoriously cautious person. He would not have authorized it unless they believed they had significant evidence that a crime had been committed, and a federal judge wouldn't have signed off on it, they were aware of the stakes as well."

I think we will be shocked when the reasoning comes out.
What if trump was sharing classified information with Poootin's Russia? He has done it before.

What if Joe Biden has been secretly phoning UFOs on Mars? WHEN has Trump ever shared unwarranted classified data with Russia? Do you even know that ALL presidents share classified info of one type or other between other countries, and that the President has the authority to do that?

What about General Milley who was secretly phoning the Chinese behind his president's back telling them he'd call if Trump was going to take any actions against them?

What about when the Clinton's sold classified missile technology to the Chinese from Loral Corporation which changed the balance of power in the hemisphere?

He goes on to say, "Merrick Garland is a notoriously cautious person. He would not have authorized it unless they believed they had significant evidence that a crime had been committed, and a federal judge wouldn't have signed off on it, they were aware of the stakes as well."

I think we will be shocked when the reasoning comes out.
The FBI either planted evidence or didn't even bother. They could just lie and say the box they stuffed was found in Trump's home. The FIB has no credibility. NONE.
No it hasn't.

I wonder what J. Edgar Hoover would have said if JFK ordered him to raid Ike's home and sniff through Mamie's underwear?

It probably wouldn't have been acceptable even to the Democrat hardliners of those days.

He goes on to say, "Merrick Garland is a notoriously cautious person. He would not have authorized it unless they believed they had significant evidence that a crime had been committed, and a federal judge wouldn't have signed off on it, they were aware of the stakes as well."

I think we will be shocked when the reasoning comes out.

The DNC has become the party of brute force. 80K new IRS agents to squeeze the middle class and small businesses, purposely causing inflation and recession, trying to pit classes of people and races against each other..... you can bet they pulled out all stops to make sure Trump cant run for pres again
and give back power to a middle class that just wants to work and raise families.

Dems can intimidate and try to lock up political opposition, they can try to make black hate white and vice versa, cease to defend our borders and make a mockery of legal immigrants, they can have their agents falsify documents, but eventually all human kind desires freedom from tyranny.
Only Love will defeat the DNC. Love will defeat the party of Force and intimidation. Love and maybe locking some of their asses up when the Republicans take back congress.
The FBI either planted evidence or didn't even bother. They could just lie and say the box they stuffed was found in Trump's home. The FIB has no credibility. NONE.
Actually. trump has No credibility. He appointed Wray. He appointed the judge who approved the search. Now....he squeals but refuses to release details of the warrant. He is playing the repubs and his cult.
A lot is being done that has never been done before. Never before, in all of our history have parents been classified as domestic terrorists by the FBI. The same FBI that raided Mar a Lago and swiped women's underwear for later sniffing.

This is a war, bit not only against Trump, it's against all of us.

The IRS employed more than 78,000 people during fiscal 2021, and the legislation would complete additional hires over the next 10 years, investing $80 million to increase enforcement. New hires will expand the IRS by two and a half times.


[what could go wrong] Lol.
The legislation is a smaller version of President Biden’s original Build Back Better proposal...
Graham: ‘God help us’ when IRS gets 87,000 new agents


What if trump was sharing classified information with Poootin's Russia? He has done it before.
Your worthless party investigated Donald Trump for 2 and 1/2 years on Russian Collusion. If he had shared classified information with POOTIN, it would have come out then. Your weak attempt at a smear fails.
Your worthless party investigated Donald Trump for 2 and 1/2 years on Russian Collusion. If he had shared classified information with POOTIN, it would have come out then. Your weak attempt at a smear fails.
He did share classified information with the Russians...right there in plain sight. He kept US media out but let Russian media in.

trump is a slug who wants to take down America.
He did share classified information with the Russians...right there in plain sight. He kept US media out but let Russian media in.

trump is a slug who wants to take down America.
We are losing our country and you obsess over Trump minutia that means nothing. The Democrats have been on a 6 year crusade to destroy him and they have totally corrupted the DOJ in the process. I'm just calling out what is in plain view.
He did share classified information with the Russians...right there in plain sight. He kept US media out but let Russian media in.

trump is a slug who wants to take down America.

That's a "crime" that it would be impossible for the President to commit.

Presidents, as commanders in chief, are the sole determiner as to what information is classified, and at what level.

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