David Duke: 'The Real Enemy Is Not OWS But The Zionist Banksters


May 29, 2010
He's right and anyone that disagrees is either ignorant or they are on the side of the Zionist bankers who have ruined this economy with the help of Obama and his policies. Many of us have said the exact same thing that Dr. Duke has. Dr. Duke can through his intellect and stature, convince those who think that OWS is a strictly a Marxist cause will reconsider their position.

Former Louisiana House Representative David Duke stated this and is he correct?


I think the OWS grew out of a genuine disgust at the International Banks that are stealing trillions of dollars from the American people. Obviously some Marxists share this revulsion, but it is not just Marxists, any truly patriotic American shares this disgust at these alien predators. So the Zionists are busy doing two things.

On the one hand they are busy denouncing the OWS Movement as anti-Semitic, anything to defang and dis empower this Movement that opposes Wall Street thievery and corruption.

On the other they are telling Conservatives that these protestors are all just a bunch of lowlifes and Marxists.

Anything, ANYTHING but condemn the real evil, the real danger, which is not the demonstrators but the Zionist Wall Street Establishment that is being protested against.

And like the sheeple so many people are, especially conservatives, they rush out to condemn the protesters rather than the vicious powers that steal trillions of their dollars, use the stolen money to control politics and whose bedfellows are the media that protect the Zionist criminals who steal from us.

Wake up folks!

Don't be manipulated!

Listen To David Duke where he exposes this and where he acknowledges the kind remarks to him made by Patricia McAllister the African American woman teacher who has exposed the role of the Zionist Banks for millions of Americans and was fired at her job for it.
Blubrry PowerPress Player
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He sounds a lot like many of the Left/Democrats on this board. Weird stuff.

Well, we don't have a problem with the banks being "international," and we don't talk about "Zionist" bankers, and we don't make a specific point about complaining that OWS has received the label "antisemitic" because that's only one lie among many, and in general we don't share any of Duke's views at all except for concern about the banks and Wall Street, for completely different reasons than the ones bothering him . . .

So I guess if you can ignore all that and are looking for any point of agreement at all, and never mind all the zillions of points where we disagree, I guess you could sort of disingenuously say that.:tongue:
its a great scam really and its it is being perpetrated upon the Jewish people as much as the rest of us.. a secular Zionist banking cabal has convinced the Jewish people that their best interest and the Jewish peoples best interest are one and the same and convinced them and much of the western world that any attack upon their private cartel is a direct attack on the Jewish people and is in fact anti-Semitism.any Jewish person that is critical of this cartel is also violently opposed and called. shameful self hating Jew..the end result is we are all puppets set to war against one another to the detriment of all and the benefit of the few
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its a great scam really and its it is being perpetrated upon the Jewish people as much as the rest of us.. a secular Zionist banking cabal has convinced the Jewish people that their best interest and the Jewish peoples best interest are one and the same and convinced them and much of the western world that any attack upon their private cartel is a direct attack on the Jewish people and is in fact anti-Semitism.any Jewish person that is critical of this cartel is also violently opposed and called. shameful self hating Jew..the end result is we are all puppets set to war against one another to the detriment of all and the benefit of the few
You could have not said it better. Outstanding post.
Tiny little Israel. How much time do they have left? So many have made them their scapegoat boogeyman. These current times really are looking a lot like the dark times leading up to the Nazis. So much hateful Anti-Semitism out there these days. I have to start worrying about their survival. Doesn't look good for them.
Look at the owner banks of the Federal Reserve. 98 percent Jewish. The other 2 percent? Currently trying to convert.
Tiny little Israel. How much time do they have left? So many have made them their scapegoat boogeyman. These current times really are looking a lot like the dark times leading up to the Nazis. So much hateful Anti-Semitism out there these days. I have to start worrying about their survival. Doesn't look good for them.

israel will do fine.

sorry to disappoint you.
So Duke agrees that Wall St is engaged in gov't-sanctioned theft? Good. All one has to do is look at how watered down the Financial Reform bill became due to politicians being bought-off before the vote.
its a great scam really and its it is being perpetrated upon the Jewish people as much as the rest of us.. a secular Zionist banking cabal has convinced the Jewish people that their best interest and the Jewish peoples best interest are one and the same and convinced them and much of the western world that any attack upon their private cartel is a direct attack on the Jewish people and is in fact anti-Semitism.any Jewish person that is critical of this cartel is also violently opposed and called. shameful self hating Jew..the end result is we are all puppets set to war against one another to the detriment of all and the benefit of the few

I have always wondered about that. The banksters have really abused the trust many place in them across the country, and when I criticize them, I am often acused of being an anti-semite.

This implies that the banksters are stealing on behalf of the Jewish people and that is bullshit. These guys are in it for themselves and only themselves.

To boaden it to a religious issue is nothing more than a distraction.

There are plenty of Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Congregationalists working at al the big Wall Street banks as well.

It is not a Jewish thing, but a greedy bastard thing.
Of course Duke said this. He's a bigoted douche-bag. Who enabled the bankers to give themselves their wealth? The government. Who forced them to give loans to people who couldn't make the payments? The government.

The OWS is anti-capitalistic, one only has to listen to their words and see what many of them want. It's extreme entitlement syndrome, bigotry, and jealousy on the side of a bunch of losers who can't support themselves. Also look at who helped fund all of this and originally backed it...Soros. Enough said.

You tell us not to be manipulated, but it seems a bigoted "former"-KKK Democrat can bend your ear pretty easily.
Who, other that racist wankers, really gives a damn what David Duke thinks?
its a great scam really and its it is being perpetrated upon the Jewish people as much as the rest of us.. a secular Zionist banking cabal has convinced the Jewish people that their best interest and the Jewish peoples best interest are one and the same and convinced them and much of the western world that any attack upon their private cartel is a direct attack on the Jewish people and is in fact anti-Semitism.any Jewish person that is critical of this cartel is also violently opposed and called. shameful self hating Jew..the end result is we are all puppets set to war against one another to the detriment of all and the benefit of the few
What is anti-semitism is your belief that the Israelis shouldn't be allowed to have their own country.

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