David Hogg Wants You to Buy His Pillow

If he ever gets this thing off the ground he might get some sales off the backs of the "we hate everyone with a conservative opinion" crowd, but I'm betting it goes nowhere

I’ll buy one. The kid is marketing gold. Every retailer that stopped carrying the Minnesota crack heads pillows, will gladly carry his. Amazon will be on board also. If he advertises that every sale will carry a donation to gun violence prevention organizations, the kid is an Instant multi millionaire. Gun nut America will have a coronary.
Of course YOU will buy one.

Skrews is a big supporter of convict labor.
I don't care if they make them work, but on average they do crummy work unless it's a job skill they had on the outside, and even then they have to be heavily supervised.
Yeah, but it's pure profit.
If he ever gets this thing off the ground he might get some sales off the backs of the "we hate everyone with a conservative opinion" crowd, but I'm betting it goes nowhere
He seems like a pillow-biter.
He's a fake.
This has always been about money and recognition to Dave Hogg.
Seditious trumpkins wouldn’t get it
Hogg has announced that in order to boost sales he's gonna include a free NRA membership with each pillow.
If he ever gets this thing off the ground he might get some sales off the backs of the "we hate everyone with a conservative opinion" crowd, but I'm betting it goes nowhere
At least all he wants you to do is buy it, unlike the my pillow guy who wants you to bite it for him.

You being the expert on biting pillows with decades of experience and movies.
Naw, I just heard rumors about you and the rest of your tRumpling buddies. One of them told me it's only a short step from circle jerk to wagon train.

bet you love that. "Woo Woo! All abord the tRump tRain!"

Sorry I do not know / understand your ghey homo queer phag man love code.
If he ever gets this thing off the ground he might get some sales off the backs of the "we hate everyone with a conservative opinion" crowd, but I'm betting it goes nowhere
At least all he wants you to do is buy it, unlike the my pillow guy who wants you to bite it for him.

You being the expert on biting pillows with decades of experience and movies.
Naw, I just heard rumors about you and the rest of your tRumpling buddies. One of them told me it's only a short step from circle jerk to wagon train.

bet you love that. "Woo Woo! All abord the tRump tRain!"

^^^^English is his second language.

You should hear him scream:

"Allah Akbar!!!!"

"deff to Amerika!"
He can't make a worse pillow.

I bought two My Pillows.

I gave them to my dog.
So you give your dog uncomfortable pillows? WTF is wrong with you?
He is an elitist snob...what else would you expect ?
Elitist?????? All because I like a good pillow!

Well..I sure hate to think how you would react to my favorite ice cream.
And dislike dogs it seems
Yes..you are right. My dog definitely deserves better than a My Pillow. To make amends, I think I will go out and him a Ruth Chris T-Bone steak.
You are so frazzled that you just posted something nonsensical with word omissions. I own you, leftist fool.
LOL...I overestimated you. I thought you would get a good laugh out of that. I was wrong. You are just another qpub dullard.
You missed the word "get", frazzled leftist fool. I do enjoy laughing at your expense. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I have never belonged to a political party.
Thank you for proving my point that you are a very dull, angry and insipid person. Save me your stupidity about political parties. I have read your prior posts.

If anyone is frazzled it is you. Look at you with your attacks.

LOL...calm down and try not to be so easily triggered.
Awesome. You abuse your dog and then try to play it cool.

Dumb leftist.
My heavens, you are triggered. Give a dog a pillow and some people go nuts! How old are you? You come across like some senile old geezer in a nursing home. Take your meds.
Why are you taking this so seriously ya old coot?
Me???????? I consider this whole thread a joke. It is Qpubs like yourself who are over reacting to Mr. Hogg's business venture. Look at your posts.

You all need one of these: :chillpill:
Qpubs? I have told you 100x I am an Independent. You have dementia?
He can't make a worse pillow.

I bought two My Pillows.

I gave them to my dog.
So you give your dog uncomfortable pillows? WTF is wrong with you?
He is an elitist snob...what else would you expect ?
Elitist?????? All because I like a good pillow!

Well..I sure hate to think how you would react to my favorite ice cream.
And dislike dogs it seems
Yes..you are right. My dog definitely deserves better than a My Pillow. To make amends, I think I will go out and him a Ruth Chris T-Bone steak.
You are so frazzled that you just posted something nonsensical with word omissions. I own you, leftist fool.
LOL...I overestimated you. I thought you would get a good laugh out of that. I was wrong. You are just another qpub dullard.
You missed the word "get", frazzled leftist fool. I do enjoy laughing at your expense. Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I have never belonged to a political party.
Thank you for proving my point that you are a very dull, angry and insipid person. Save me your stupidity about political parties. I have read your prior posts.

If anyone is frazzled it is you. Look at you with your attacks.

LOL...calm down and try not to be so easily triggered.
Awesome. You abuse your dog and then try to play it cool.

Dumb leftist.
My heavens, you are triggered. Give a dog a pillow and some people go nuts! How old are you? You come across like some senile old geezer in a nursing home. Take your meds.
Why are you taking this so seriously ya old coot?
Me???????? I consider this whole thread a joke. It is Qpubs like yourself who are over reacting to Mr. Hogg's business venture. Look at your posts.

You all need one of these: :chillpill:
Qpubs? I have told you 100x I am an Independent. You have dementia?
I’m an independent too. The old fart is just senile. :)
He can’t and won’t find anyone.
Developing and engineering a pillow that is supposed to help Americans sleep better is far different than a pillow to support a political agenda. I am willing to bet the short term success for the Hogg pillow will be good, long term it will probably fail as causes and front men usually do.
He can't make a worse pillow.

I bought two My Pillows.

I gave them to my dog.

Yet another leftist lie:

Alll I wrote was True.
There are not many honorable corporatists. The same ones who promoted values in traditionalism at one time now will promote pedophile relationships. Dante's Inferno has the several layers of hell. Now we know why.
He will be able to undercut Mike Lindell big time by getting a contract with a Red Chinese factory to sew the pillows.

But why would libs even buy his bedding anyhow? It isn't like there aren't plenty of other pillows on the market already if they don't like Lindell?
Not that it matters to the Commie left, by My Pillow is made in America and employs AMERICANS.

Now that China Joe weaseled his self into the White House and so many Democrats have deep China ties, I guess that doesn't matter for the next 4 years
In January 2017, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) announced it had revoked the accreditation for My Pillow and had lowered its rating from an A+ to an F[31] based on numerous consumer complaints. The main issue addressed by the BBB was the constant use of their buy one, get one free offer. The BBB's Code of Advertising requires that offers or discounts must be made for a limited time, or the deal becomes the normal price of the product.[32] It remained an active promotion, as of August 2020.[33]

A 2016 Consumer Reports review of the company's pillows found a mixed reception after at-home testing, finding that "only one-third of the group said they would buy MyPillow again."[34]

There are better American companies...

Try this Pillow company:


Far better product...
He will be able to undercut Mike Lindell big time by getting a contract with a Red Chinese factory to sew the pillows.

But why would libs even buy his bedding anyhow? It isn't like there aren't plenty of other pillows on the market already if they don't like Lindell?
Not that it matters to the Commie left, by My Pillow is made in America and employs AMERICANS.

Now that China Joe weaseled his self into the White House and so many Democrats have deep China ties, I guess that doesn't matter for the next 4 years
In January 2017, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) announced it had revoked the accreditation for My Pillow and had lowered its rating from an A+ to an F[31] based on numerous consumer complaints. The main issue addressed by the BBB was the constant use of their buy one, get one free offer. The BBB's Code of Advertising requires that offers or discounts must be made for a limited time, or the deal becomes the normal price of the product.[32] It remained an active promotion, as of August 2020.[33]

A 2016 Consumer Reports review of the company's pillows found a mixed reception after at-home testing, finding that "only one-third of the group said they would buy MyPillow again."[34]

There are better American companies...

Try this Pillow company:


Far better product...
Great, you have an opinion just like I have an opinion.

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