David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

He's very articulate, but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he wanted to say right after the shooting. What is your point?

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.


He's very articulate, but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he wanted to say right after the shooting. What is your point?
but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he they wanted to say ...

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.
How can a kid like this get you so upset? He isn't influencing a single person.
He's very articulate, but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he wanted to say right after the shooting. What is your point?
but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he they wanted to say ...

You keep telling yourself that. It fits nicely with your goofy story about millions of illegals voting.
He's very articulate, but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he wanted to say right after the shooting. What is your point?
but he had a little bit of a problem with saying exactly what he they wanted to say ...

You keep telling yourself that. It fits nicely with your goofy story about millions of illegals voting.


So long as they stay in their major metropolitan areas they can vote for your progressive idiots like Hillary, Pelosi, Waters, Wasserman Schultz, "Pocahnatas", etc, etc, etc,... all they want...... As a matter of fact I encourage it!

That's why we have a electoral college and a republic.


How can a kid like this get you so upset? He isn't influencing a single person.

Dear initforme
Are you keeping up with the news?

Because Hogg would not accept Laura Ingraham's apology on Fox News,
he instead posted phone numbers of advertisers, and pressured
them to drop the show. The advertisers pulled out, and caused an additional
controversy about free speech and punishing the wrong people.

So the person who was trying to be diplomatic and reconcile got punished.
And the person REFUSING to work together got what he demanded which was to shut down
the other person from speaking when that person was trying to reconciliatory!
The youngster saw his classmates shot dead

I'm sure that left an impression

How many of you have seen this , and i mean up close and personal?

Let the kid have his say , he earned it


He has the right to speak as does everyone else.

Free speech should not be limited by a snowflakes desire not to have counterarguments thrown in his face.

Or does he now require some crayons and a cuddle puppy?



how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark

Meanwhile we have president Trump going after the media, and shutting down his critics. That should worry folks more than a 17 year old’s words.
Hogg is so egomaniacal, such an attention whore, such a control freak and such a manipulator (albeit not very good at it), they may find it's hard to keep him on his leash. They're in the middle of creating a monster.

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