David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

Every generation has it's problems

This kid's just hittin' the media with his

domestic terrorism

While he doesn't seem to be pulling any solutions out, save for focus on gun control , i don't see anyone else offering up much better

She'll be around long after the kid's 15 mins ends and it will. He's already stale

Of course she will. They just aren't making as many crazy fox Barbie's as they used to.

Beats the dude looking gal on MSNBC

Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA
Yep Ingraham's insults, and that forced apology to try to end her advertiser's rush to the exit were certainly reconciliatory. I thought you RWNJs respected someone who punched back

As a Constitutionalist, I don't believe in either of them trying to disparage each other's rights. I would have preferred to see Laura I apologize that this got so political. And to call for uniting in support behind Andrew Pollack's movement for his daughter Meadow to bring together all parents, students and citizens on better plans for school safety that don't divide anyone over gun issue politics.

If I had written her statement It would come out much different, and Hogg's as well.

BTW I guess I should take it as a compliment you throw me in with "RWNJ".

I am a progressive Prochoice Democrat, and I work with Greens as well on cultural inclusion, where I include political beliefs and party as cultures to be treated equally.

So if you mistake me as that far right conservative, then I must be doing a pretty good job of defending and representing that side of the spectrum.

My representation of the left shows in my support for noncoercion and mediation/consensus based conflict resolution, proportional representation by party, alternatives to the death penalty through restorative justice and meaningful restitution, rehab for drug abuse and addiction instead of criminalization of mental health issues, etc.

The difference is I don't believe it is lawful or even necessary to disparage the equal beliefs and rights of others in order to achieve liberal goals of health care for all, and access to education, jobs and services for all people.

All this can be done through free choice and independent development to empower local districts and communities to be self-governing. I believe this approach to locally owned and managed business and educational coops is supported by both left and right, the Sanders Greens and the Hannity Conservatives.

So I believe we can achieve these goals together without violating anyone's rights or beliefs, even from different parties.

That's the level of "inclusion of diversity" I believe in.
My liberal friends recognize this as sharing the same goals.
Not all of them understand either the Christian or Constitutional approach to empowering people by teaching and embodying the laws directly, so that's the part that most people "associate" with either rightwing or conservative.

Got it. You have displayed a noticeable lack of disparaging remarks coming from Ingraham, and virtually every other commentator on that network, Yet you are offended when one of their victims respond in an effective way. I too wish that our discourse could be more civil, but the precedent has been set. As long as the RWNJs are allowed to spout hateful crap without repercussions, nothing will change.
You don't believe it is lawful or even necessary to disparage the equal beliefs and rights of others in order to achieve liberal goals of health care for all, and access to education, jobs and services for all people. I noticed you didn't seem to feel the need to make the same statement about the right.


Yeah... Calling people RWNJ's an d baby killers always encourages civil discourse.



I didn't set the precedent. RWNJs did.

Do you want to continue on this path of victimhood BULLDOG
If you are only reacting to "RWNJ" and expect to force change on them, how is this empowering anyone to be equal?

You remind me of a book that a counselor wrote on forgiving for life. He found that people who took the victim mentality path of blaming other people for setbacks took longer to recover back on track and reclaim independent success in life.
While people who saw themselves as heroes overcoming setbacks recovered faster.

It is generally unhealthy and imbalanced to focus energy on blaming others for victimization.

What I wish the liberal leadership would start teaching more in the media is that you don't have to disparage the rights or beliefs of others in order to empower and defend your own.

This scarcity victim mentality has to stop. The truly successful people in life tend to follow the abundance mentality not scarcity mentality, and focus on their own empowerment not the victimhood by other people which wastes their energy.

I hope to see greater change in the right direction in the future. I hope this victimhood mentality comes to an end, because it seems to waste attention time energy and resources on all sides. And I'd rather see all that get invested in common sense solutions that all sides agree on!

Oh please. My kid just went through her psych rotations, and I've had quite enough amateur analysis for a while, if you don't mind. The right has used the insult and lie tactic since Newt Gingrich, and that's how they gained so many crazy supporters. It's a little late for them to whine because their victims are finally fighting back, and winning.
Of course she will. They just aren't making as many crazy fox Barbie's as they used to.

Beats the dude looking gal on MSNBC

Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA

You voted for this guy, didn’tcha?



... but your idiot can run the country, right?
Beats the dude looking gal on MSNBC

Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA

You voted for this guy, didn’tcha?



... but your idiot can run the country, right?

Thread is about your boy that can't spell, shit stain. LOL
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots
Who needs “new shit?” Ask Laura Ingraham if it was worth attacking a kid who was fortunate enough to survive a high school massacre. That 17 year old sure owned her, huh?
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.

Why don't you pull up a week's worth of daily posts I've made about her ya lying sack of shit?

Again sit down with your nonsense, clown shoes, you're like shooting fish in a barrel
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots
Who needs “new shit?

I said you. Reading comprehension?
Beats the dude looking gal on MSNBC

Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA

You voted for this guy, didn’tcha?



... but your idiot can run the country, right?
Let's see how well you spell at 4:30 am
As a Constitutionalist, I don't believe in either of them trying to disparage each other's rights. I would have preferred to see Laura I apologize that this got so political. And to call for uniting in support behind Andrew Pollack's movement for his daughter Meadow to bring together all parents, students and citizens on better plans for school safety that don't divide anyone over gun issue politics.

If I had written her statement It would come out much different, and Hogg's as well.

BTW I guess I should take it as a compliment you throw me in with "RWNJ".

I am a progressive Prochoice Democrat, and I work with Greens as well on cultural inclusion, where I include political beliefs and party as cultures to be treated equally.

So if you mistake me as that far right conservative, then I must be doing a pretty good job of defending and representing that side of the spectrum.

My representation of the left shows in my support for noncoercion and mediation/consensus based conflict resolution, proportional representation by party, alternatives to the death penalty through restorative justice and meaningful restitution, rehab for drug abuse and addiction instead of criminalization of mental health issues, etc.

The difference is I don't believe it is lawful or even necessary to disparage the equal beliefs and rights of others in order to achieve liberal goals of health care for all, and access to education, jobs and services for all people.

All this can be done through free choice and independent development to empower local districts and communities to be self-governing. I believe this approach to locally owned and managed business and educational coops is supported by both left and right, the Sanders Greens and the Hannity Conservatives.

So I believe we can achieve these goals together without violating anyone's rights or beliefs, even from different parties.

That's the level of "inclusion of diversity" I believe in.
My liberal friends recognize this as sharing the same goals.
Not all of them understand either the Christian or Constitutional approach to empowering people by teaching and embodying the laws directly, so that's the part that most people "associate" with either rightwing or conservative.

Got it. You have displayed a noticeable lack of disparaging remarks coming from Ingraham, and virtually every other commentator on that network, Yet you are offended when one of their victims respond in an effective way. I too wish that our discourse could be more civil, but the precedent has been set. As long as the RWNJs are allowed to spout hateful crap without repercussions, nothing will change.
You don't believe it is lawful or even necessary to disparage the equal beliefs and rights of others in order to achieve liberal goals of health care for all, and access to education, jobs and services for all people. I noticed you didn't seem to feel the need to make the same statement about the right.


Yeah... Calling people RWNJ's an d baby killers always encourages civil discourse.



I didn't set the precedent. RWNJs did.

Do you want to continue on this path of victimhood BULLDOG
If you are only reacting to "RWNJ" and expect to force change on them, how is this empowering anyone to be equal?

You remind me of a book that a counselor wrote on forgiving for life. He found that people who took the victim mentality path of blaming other people for setbacks took longer to recover back on track and reclaim independent success in life.
While people who saw themselves as heroes overcoming setbacks recovered faster.

It is generally unhealthy and imbalanced to focus energy on blaming others for victimization.

What I wish the liberal leadership would start teaching more in the media is that you don't have to disparage the rights or beliefs of others in order to empower and defend your own.

This scarcity victim mentality has to stop. The truly successful people in life tend to follow the abundance mentality not scarcity mentality, and focus on their own empowerment not the victimhood by other people which wastes their energy.

I hope to see greater change in the right direction in the future. I hope this victimhood mentality comes to an end, because it seems to waste attention time energy and resources on all sides. And I'd rather see all that get invested in common sense solutions that all sides agree on!

Oh please. My kid just went through her psych rotations, and I've had quite enough amateur analysis for a while, if you don't mind. The right has used the insult and lie tactic since Newt Gingrich, and that's how they gained so many crazy supporters. It's a little late for them to whine because their victims are finally fighting back, and winning.

if you have to attack allies like me the same as enemies in order to win, that's more like winning the battle to lose the war.

the victory I work for is where we ALL win, where NOBODY has to disparage or lose rights, NOBODY has to bully to prevent from getting run over.

this business of winning one round here and losing one round there, by parties taking turns violating each other's rights and beliefs, is both sides LOSING not either side winning.

Sorry but this is sick to me.

I wish political reform was approached more like developments in math, where fellow mathematicians applaud and support each other in making breakthroughs that benefit everyone regardless who gets the credit.

If someone discovers a proof or solution to a longstanding problem, the news spreads around the globe, people calling and sharing the good news.

Why can't we be more rational and less hostile?

What's sad BULLDOG is when I see conservatives stoop to the same games they blame on liberals, and now you as a liberal defender taking pride in playing the same bullying games you blame on conservatives?

None of this has to do with sustainable solutions to social problems. Mathematicians don't rely on bullying to prove their answer works and everyone is glad that someone finally solved it!

why can't we be more like that???
Every generation has it's problems

This kid's just hittin' the media with his

domestic terrorism

While he doesn't seem to be pulling any solutions out, save for focus on gun control , i don't see anyone else offering up much better


then you aren't paying attention sparky

Andrew Pollack is calling for unity on school safety
and putting together all community ideas for solutions.

Darrell Scott, whose family started Rachel's Challenge
that has prevented school bullying and violence by
changing community relations, also promoted solutions
that (unlike gun bans) have actually proven their effectiveness.

Several groups and advocates that teach security in schools
have BEEN implementing solutions and have proven records of effectiveness
without gun bans.

If you only listen to popular memes and media hype for "solutions"
that's what these political hacks are banking on. That you will rely
on just what they deem the key emotional hotbuttons to hit,
and use that to make your decisions, rather than listen to
more established effective solutions with a track record to prove they work.

how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark

You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.

The left expected the kid to have a free pass...the left is surprised

The right expected Laura Ingraham to have a free pass...the right is surprised

She'll be around long after the kid's 15 mins ends and it will. He's already stale

You can only hope.
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.

Why don't you pull up a week's worth of daily posts I've made about her ya lying sack of shit?

Again sit down with your nonsense, clown shoes, you're like shooting fish in a barrel

A search of Hillary under your screen name gives 16 pages of posts
Got it. You have displayed a noticeable lack of disparaging remarks coming from Ingraham, and virtually every other commentator on that network, Yet you are offended when one of their victims respond in an effective way. I too wish that our discourse could be more civil, but the precedent has been set. As long as the RWNJs are allowed to spout hateful crap without repercussions, nothing will change.
You don't believe it is lawful or even necessary to disparage the equal beliefs and rights of others in order to achieve liberal goals of health care for all, and access to education, jobs and services for all people. I noticed you didn't seem to feel the need to make the same statement about the right.


Yeah... Calling people RWNJ's an d baby killers always encourages civil discourse.



I didn't set the precedent. RWNJs did.

Do you want to continue on this path of victimhood BULLDOG
If you are only reacting to "RWNJ" and expect to force change on them, how is this empowering anyone to be equal?

You remind me of a book that a counselor wrote on forgiving for life. He found that people who took the victim mentality path of blaming other people for setbacks took longer to recover back on track and reclaim independent success in life.
While people who saw themselves as heroes overcoming setbacks recovered faster.

It is generally unhealthy and imbalanced to focus energy on blaming others for victimization.

What I wish the liberal leadership would start teaching more in the media is that you don't have to disparage the rights or beliefs of others in order to empower and defend your own.

This scarcity victim mentality has to stop. The truly successful people in life tend to follow the abundance mentality not scarcity mentality, and focus on their own empowerment not the victimhood by other people which wastes their energy.

I hope to see greater change in the right direction in the future. I hope this victimhood mentality comes to an end, because it seems to waste attention time energy and resources on all sides. And I'd rather see all that get invested in common sense solutions that all sides agree on!

Oh please. My kid just went through her psych rotations, and I've had quite enough amateur analysis for a while, if you don't mind. The right has used the insult and lie tactic since Newt Gingrich, and that's how they gained so many crazy supporters. It's a little late for them to whine because their victims are finally fighting back, and winning.

if you have to attack allies like me the same as enemies in order to win, that's more like winning the battle to lose the war.

the victory I work for is where we ALL win, where NOBODY has to disparage or lose rights, NOBODY has to bully to prevent from getting run over.

this business of winning one round here and losing one round there, by parties taking turns violating each other's rights and beliefs, is both sides LOSING not either side winning.

Sorry but this is sick to me.

I wish political reform was approached more like developments in math, where fellow mathematicians applaud and support each other in making breakthroughs that benefit everyone regardless who gets the credit.

If someone discovers a proof or solution to a longstanding problem, the news spreads around the globe, people calling and sharing the good news.

Why can't we be more rational and less hostile?

What's sad BULLDOG is when I see conservatives stoop to the same games they blame on liberals, and now you as a liberal defender taking pride in playing the same bullying games you blame on conservatives?

None of this has to do with sustainable solutions to social problems. Mathematicians don't rely on bullying to prove their answer works and everyone is glad that someone finally solved it!

why can't we be more like that???

OK. Play nice with the hateful right, and they will be forced to play nice too. Sorry. Tried that for a couple of decades, and it didn't work.
Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA

You voted for this guy, didn’tcha?



... but your idiot can run the country, right?

Thread is about your boy that can't spell, shit stain. LOL

Well, since he can’t spell, that makes him completely useless.....

like the President.

Yeah... Calling people RWNJ's an d baby killers always encourages civil discourse.



I didn't set the precedent. RWNJs did.

Do you want to continue on this path of victimhood BULLDOG
If you are only reacting to "RWNJ" and expect to force change on them, how is this empowering anyone to be equal?

You remind me of a book that a counselor wrote on forgiving for life. He found that people who took the victim mentality path of blaming other people for setbacks took longer to recover back on track and reclaim independent success in life.
While people who saw themselves as heroes overcoming setbacks recovered faster.

It is generally unhealthy and imbalanced to focus energy on blaming others for victimization.

What I wish the liberal leadership would start teaching more in the media is that you don't have to disparage the rights or beliefs of others in order to empower and defend your own.

This scarcity victim mentality has to stop. The truly successful people in life tend to follow the abundance mentality not scarcity mentality, and focus on their own empowerment not the victimhood by other people which wastes their energy.

I hope to see greater change in the right direction in the future. I hope this victimhood mentality comes to an end, because it seems to waste attention time energy and resources on all sides. And I'd rather see all that get invested in common sense solutions that all sides agree on!

Oh please. My kid just went through her psych rotations, and I've had quite enough amateur analysis for a while, if you don't mind. The right has used the insult and lie tactic since Newt Gingrich, and that's how they gained so many crazy supporters. It's a little late for them to whine because their victims are finally fighting back, and winning.

if you have to attack allies like me the same as enemies in order to win, that's more like winning the battle to lose the war.

the victory I work for is where we ALL win, where NOBODY has to disparage or lose rights, NOBODY has to bully to prevent from getting run over.

this business of winning one round here and losing one round there, by parties taking turns violating each other's rights and beliefs, is both sides LOSING not either side winning.

Sorry but this is sick to me.

I wish political reform was approached more like developments in math, where fellow mathematicians applaud and support each other in making breakthroughs that benefit everyone regardless who gets the credit.

If someone discovers a proof or solution to a longstanding problem, the news spreads around the globe, people calling and sharing the good news.

Why can't we be more rational and less hostile?

What's sad BULLDOG is when I see conservatives stoop to the same games they blame on liberals, and now you as a liberal defender taking pride in playing the same bullying games you blame on conservatives?

None of this has to do with sustainable solutions to social problems. Mathematicians don't rely on bullying to prove their answer works and everyone is glad that someone finally solved it!

why can't we be more like that???

OK. Play nice with the hateful right, and they will be forced to play nice too. Sorry. Tried that for a couple of decades, and it didn't work.

Nope BULLDOG it's not about playing nice
it's about standing on common principles and enforcing laws.

If we consistently enforce First And Fourteenth Amendment
protections, then NO party could push its political beliefs through govt
at the expense of other party's beliefs. Bullying would not work, either way.

So I'm talking about agreeing to enforce laws that would prevent
such violations and discrimination to begin with.

Being nice is not the issue, it's being consistent with Constitutional standards
and standing on that authority. www.ethics-commission.net
True dat....


he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots
Who needs “new shit?

I said you. Reading comprehension?
So? I asked who needs "new shit?"

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