David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.


Thanks for making my point.

I'm not whining dupe. I'm rubbing it.
he certainly is a hitler youth only the shirt color has changed

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.

Why don't you pull up a week's worth of daily posts I've made about her ya lying sack of shit?

Again sit down with your nonsense, clown shoes, you're like shooting fish in a barrel

A search of Hillary under your screen name gives 16 pages of posts
View attachment 185870
And, a search of Trump under your name yields 17 pages.
Yes, we all know smart women scare you.

LOL Who's we, shit stain? Why do you left loons keep on posting crap about people you have no idea of anything about? That's so middle school and stupid. Sit down and try to stay on topic

By the way did you see Hogg's tweet where he butchered the English language? Then can't figure iut why colleges rejected him? LOL

Go covfefe yourself.

You saw it, huh? Kid can't spell worth a lick...and wants to major in journalism HAHAHAHAHAHA

You voted for this guy, didn’tcha?



... but your idiot can run the country, right?
Let's see how well you spell at 4:30 am
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Where do they find you morons??

Look at the tweets I posted.....

9:22am ... 11:57am ... 4:20am ... what time of day can Trump spell?
Interesting video on the evolution of rabble rouser David Hogg

Wouldn't it be funny if after chasing after congress to "act" to prevent people from doing dangerous and harmful things to others (I wish someone would ask Hogg just what kind of law would do this?) that congress DID act and passed a law saying it is the responsibility of schools, townships and students to prepare for and defend themselves in attacks? Because just as no law can prevent anyone from breaking it, no police officer can be on the scene of a crime in time to prevent it.


Just where was David Hogg a week before the Parkland shooting? Why wasn't he an activist then? What was his opinion of the NRA?

Why are no critical questions being asked of David Hogg? Why has this CHILD become a national source of irrefutable opinion on constitutional law and crime?
So, when does the kid become the Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton of the gun grabbing group? :lol:
So, when does the kid become the Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton of the gun grabbing group? :lol:

Soon. Very soon. The Left and their sycophant media are working day and night on it and cannot get him at the tip of the gun-grabbing anti-NRA spear FAST ENOUGH.

Al Sharpton

speaking of al sharpton

his brother attended a march for our lies rally against gun violence

less then 24 hours later the same guy was arrested for gun violence murder

go figure gun grabbers out committing serious crimes with guns

when only the bad guys have guns

It cracks me up how you idiots are incapable of learning. Many people are pissed at these crazed and unwarranted attacks against high school students who were fortunate enough to survive a school massacre. You think Laura Ingraham’s sponsors just decided on their own to drop her? No, they dropped her because of the volume of complaints they got.


That crap has become redundant and old..."poor high school students who survived an attack...." Get some new shit ..all you loons keep repeating the same shit like a hundred parrots

Quite revealing, coming from someone who whines about Hillary Clinton daily.

Why don't you pull up a week's worth of daily posts I've made about her ya lying sack of shit?

Again sit down with your nonsense, clown shoes, you're like shooting fish in a barrel

A search of Hillary under your screen name gives 16 pages of posts
View attachment 185870
And, a search of Trump under your name yields 17 pages.

Trump is the current idiot in chief, and I never claimed I didn't post about him. You don't see that difference?
So, when does the kid become the Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton of the gun grabbing group? :lol:

Soon. Very soon. The Left and their sycophant media are working day and night on it and cannot get him at the tip of the gun-grabbing anti-NRA spear FAST ENOUGH.

Al Sharpton

speaking of al sharpton

his brother attended a march for our lies rally against gun violence

less then 24 hours later the same guy was arrested for gun violence murder

go figure gun grabbers out committing serious crimes with guns

when only the bad guys have guns

If for no other reason, people need guns to defend themselves against the very gun grabbers that would keep them only for themselves.

how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark

You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
So lying about him by saying he really graduated years ago in California ... or that he wasn’t really at Douglas HS during the massacre ... or death threats against him ... that’s your idea of “correcting him,” is it?
Do you have evidence of Me saying those things? Becaues you don't and you cannot attribute to Me what others say or do lest you be subject to the same standard.

So, if you have proof, post it. If not, then fuck off.

Fuck all the way off.
The youngster saw his classmates shot dead

I'm sure that left an impression

How many of you have seen this , and i mean up close and personal?

Let the kid have his say , he earned it

When the democrats are thru with Camera Hogg, he will be thrown on the trash heap like they did with Cindy SheeHan.
You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
If Camera Hogg is a Parkland survivor, then you and I are Parkland survivors Darkwind He was nowhere around when the shooting started.

how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark

You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
So lying about him by saying he really graduated years ago in California ... or that he wasn’t really at Douglas HS during the massacre ... or death threats against him ... that’s your idea of “correcting him,” is it?
Do you have evidence of Me saying those things? Becaues you don't and you cannot attribute to Me what others say or do lest you be subject to the same standard.

So, if you have proof, post it. If not, then fuck off.

Fuck all the way off.
You should learn comprehension. Maybe then you would understand I didn’t say you personally said those things.
You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
If Camera Hogg is a Parkland survivor, then you and I are Parkland survivors Darkwind He was nowhere around when the shooting started.
Your dementia is noted, but in reality, he was in the building next to building #12.

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