DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Wrong . Durham wasted four years and millions of dollars because Trump was trying to find something he could spin.

He couldn’t even find that
What did Mueller do when he knew there was no evidence? He did it anyway to perpetuate a hoax, a lie.
No. They won't. Trump has never been vindictive other than verbally toward his political opponents before and there is no reason to believe he will be now. He believes it is wrong to weaponize the government against your personal enemies.
I agree. I'm just trolling the dumb ass.
I remember when you didn't like Trump. You figured out that you get more attention with this character.
It isn't a matter of liking or not liking Trump. There are a lot of us who are that fond of him personally, but we very much like his vision, courage, and policies that actually work for the American people.

And you don't have to like somebody to be deeply offended, alarmed, angry, bothered by a government weaponized against that person in ways that cannot be justified by any normal concept of good ethics.
It isn't a matter of liking or not liking Trump. There are a lot of us who are that fond of him personally, but we very much like his vision, courage, and policies that actually work for the American people.

And you don't have to like somebody to be deeply offended, alarmed, angry, bothered by a government weaponized against that person in ways that cannot be justified by any normal concept of good ethics.
Wrong of course. Silly lies.

It's about liking Trump. That's why you have a defense at the ready for every criminal and sexually predatory thing he does.

Because you adore him.

There's no getting around it, sorry.

And it was Trump who tried to weaponize the DOJ aganst his political opponents. Not Biden. Biden has no control over the special prosecutor.

So as always, your post is full of lies that are only true of your cult and of the orange slob.
It’s not a matter of what Trump is or wants. The DoJ is committed to being non-partisan. He never had the support from prosecutors to do anything unethical.

It’s only a question as to whether a second term Trump would be able to transform government agencies to do his bidding.

Theyre already developing plans to do just that.

I'm not saying the DOJ won't be going after real crimes that matter. But it will be real crimes that matter to the American people and not manufactured crimes or exaggerated crimes to punish people that offend or threaten Trump.
You can try to back that up with any credible source. You won't be able to.
In cult land, the only credible sources are those that tongue bathe Trump.

I know. If it is a letter from the former Attorney General, for example, you will just accuse him of being a disgruntled ex employee.

You only have about 4 tools in the toolbox, and I have seen them all.
I listen to what he says and watch what he does. You won't be able to find any credible source that says he weaponized the DOJ against any of his political opponents.
Not Durham? Not Billy Barr?

You’re stupid or lying. Pick one. I say both

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