DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Or . . . have agents and lawyers like Strzok and Page working for the DOJ who are so Trump Deranged that they think they "can protect the country on many levels" by ginn'ing up phony charges

Lot of words to say "I don't know."

The FBI won't tell us. They don't deny that they exist, they just say it is none of our business.

It will take subpoena from the courts, I imagine.

If he did nothing wrong and the DOJ is going after him like this, then of course he needs immunity.

Is your stance that government prosecutors and investigators are never wrong, and never have an axe to grind?

Whence comes your faith in them?

From their treatment of MLK?
I remember when you didn't like Trump. You figured out that you get more attention with this character.
knows exactly what I'm saying.
No, I do not.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you seem to have partisan-centric information sources that speak to, or appeal to.......just a Trumpfan audience.

So again, for those of us who are skeptical of QAnon, Alex Jones, Gateway Pundit,....well, just what are you referring to?
No, I do not.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you seem to have partisan-centric information sources that speak to, or appeal to.......just a Trumpfan audience.

So again, for those of us who are skeptical of QAnon, Alex Jones, Gateway Pundit,....well, just what are you referring to?
Losers always refer to ad hom....
No, I do not.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you seem to have partisan-centric information sources that speak to, or appeal to.......just a Trumpfan audience.

So again, for those of us who are skeptical of QAnon, Alex Jones, Gateway Pundit,....well, just what are you referring to?
Just to name a few:
--Obama administration weaponizing the IRS against Tea Party groups to delay in perpetuity their non-profit certifications so they were unable to fund raise while not delaying certification of any left wing groups. Lois Lerner of the IRS famously took the 5th numerous times to avoid scrutinization of that and then resigned with full retirement benefits to remove herself from the line of fire of outrage over that.
--Obama administration weaponizing social media--Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al--as well as the MSM to silence or remove voices of anyone opposing him, his policies, or Biden's election.
--Impeachments and hearings denying due process
--Raids in the middle of the night while most of America slept but with media always present to make it look like the target was a dangerous criminal
--Assisting, aiding, abetting and most likely funding the court system to indict, try and convict people for crimes that had never been an issue before and have not been an issue since. Making sure convictions of those on the right were well publicized while convictions of any on the left were very quietly done.
That's just a few.

It's all well documented and I've posted links backing it all up many times so won't repeat that here. Anybody who follows the news or reads knows it is all true.
What did Strzok and Page that was against Trump and illegal? Or unethical....against Trump.
They had an affair and shared a revulsion on the character of Don Trump.
So? Millions and millions of Americans share that with them.
Did that manifest itself in any illegality?
What "phony charges" were 'gin'd up' by them?
How would you know?
Why were two such stalwarts fired then?
I ain't the one asking "what evidence". You are.
My poor avatar was merely directing you to a source that could answer your question. Sort of a beneficial gesture to help you. And not unimportantly, to a source that is likely the best source. The actual indictments.
But you could have answered less words that you just took to explain why you don’t answer.
If you cannot find it there poster Flops......then I am sure it will be revealed in any trial. So patience, Grasshopper.
I’m glad you said “any tile“ as if it is not at all certain that there will be a trial. Because it is not.
Nor do they admit they did.
You find people who hide information from you particularly trustworthy?
But you have, to date, given the forum nothing but a conspiracy-theory that they must exist because....well, because the FBI doesn't say they do or don't.

You do understand your rather sketchy logic on that, doncha?
You need to contribute more than QAnon-style conspiracy-nuttery. No?
If they were completely innocent, and had handled January 6, with complete professionalism, they would be the first ones to announce that, and say, of course, we did not have any undercover operatives, whipping up the crowds into a frenzy. But they are usually under oath, when they are asked, so there’s that risk if they lie.
Not above the law, after all, are ya, Donny-Boy?

Metaphorically speaking...

In the criminal law courts...

"We are ready for your haircut now, Citizen Capet Rump" . :abgg2q.jpg:

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The DOJ when Trump is re-elected.
No. They won't. Trump has never been vindictive other than verbally toward his political opponents before and there is no reason to believe he will be now. He believes it is wrong to weaponize the government against your personal enemies.
The Senate already acquitted Trump so boo hoo you lost. No way the SCOTUS overrules the Senate's previous decision.
Hey shit for brains. SCOTUS is not going to consider the impeachment charges. If they even take the appeal, all they will rule on is whether a Prez has absolute immunity.
No. They won't. Trump has never been vindictive other than verbally toward his political opponents before and there is no reason to believe he will be now. He believes it is wrong to weaponize the government against your personal enemies.
What hilarious cult horseshit.

Trump tried to sic the DOJ on his political enemies. He was told to go diddle himself.
No. They won't. Trump has never been vindictive other than verbally toward his political opponents before and there is no reason to believe he will be now. He believes it is wrong to weaponize the government against your personal enemies.
Oh horse shit. You read his mind now?

Right...now, why do you think that Durham didn't charge Comey, McCabe, Hillary, etc. with a crime. Was it because.

a) He couldn't convince a grand jury they had done anything criminal, especially after he faceplanted on the few charges he was able to bring?
b) He's part of the evil deep state! THey are all out to get Orange Jesus!
He did not charge them because the system is corrupt. He knew they would skate as an insider would.
No. They won't. Trump has never been vindictive other than verbally toward his political opponents before and there is no reason to believe he will be now. He believes it is wrong to weaponize the government against your personal enemies.
It’s not a matter of what Trump is or wants. The DoJ is committed to being non-partisan. He never had the support from prosecutors to do anything unethical.

It’s only a question as to whether a second term Trump would be able to transform government agencies to do his bidding.

Theyre already developing plans to do just that.


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