DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

If losing an election to the opposing party means being prosecuted, why would that not apply to both sides?
It would apply to both sides.......if........if the side in question is attached to evidence that persuades a prosecutorial staff and/or a magistrate that indictments are warranted/

From Captain Obvious's seminar on 'Common Sense'.

Donald Trump has not been accused of ANYTHING that others have not been accused of.
I did not know that. It appears that Don Trump's indictments on the J6 'tourist visit' include the following:
  1. Conspiracy to defraud the government,
  2. Conspiracy against the right to vote,
  3. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
  4. Cbstruction of an official proceeding.
So, good poster Foxfyre, which other Presidents, or former Presidents have been indicted on one or more of those 4 enumerated charges?

Thanx in advance for your informative response.

Where’s the meat? What is the best evidence that a specific action by Trump violated a specific criminal statute?
Well, poster Flops.....do this: Start with the four indictments listed just above. Then go to the actual court document that details such. Perhaps within that document you will see the DOJ's rationale for just what you ask for.

Will the FBI assets who were undercover as Trump supporters testify?
What FBI assets?
Name names.
Name your sources.
Name quantity.
Name their actions.
Describe to the forum how you know what you allege above.
In short, reassure the forum that you know whereof you speak.
That there is a there there with your avatar. Some gravitas and credibillity.

And then do not do this: Do not go all QAnon-ish on the forum and just make allegations, assertions or implications without giving the forum credible informed explanations.
It'll help the forum in their consideration of your suggestions.....and you.
Now and in the future.


There has never been Presidential immunity.
Quesiton --- specific to the Trump issue now in the news: Why should Don Trump request immunity? From what?

After all, as we have all heard him say ad infinitum.....he did nothing wrong. His actions in all things were perfect....perfect phone calls, perfect letters, etc.
Why does he need immunity?

Whatever you do we are going to vote for Trump.
We know, 22lc, we know.
And it doesn't just apply to whatever "we do"....whoever "we" is.
Your sentiment also applies to you.
Meaning, no matter what Trump ever does you will vote for him.
We know.
(ps.....stay off 5th Avenue if Trump taking target practice. You will just be another downrange silhouette. Good luck.

One by one the prosecutions are crumbling.
They are?
I didn't know that.
Which ones are doing this so called "crumble"?
And how would you know?
Explain yourself, poster Flops.


Far-left Judge Arthur Engoron is now demanding information about possible perjury by Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg as he prepares to deliver a verdict in the civil fraud case against Trump.
Umm, sounds like common sense to me.
Judge finds out some witness lied that could effect the trial he oversees.
He should wanna know more.
Wouldn't we all if were a judge?
The relevance of FBI plants whipping up Trump supporters to violence?
No evidence that happened. You've barely proven that there were FBI guys in the crowd.

Have followers of Democrats exhortations to fight ever committed violent act and killed police officers? Is that seriously what you’re asking?

Yup. That's what I'm asking, because black folks didn't need democrats to tell them to riot, and most leaders called for peaceful protests.

So, bottom line on this “ruling them up idea: does a person who believes that an election was stolen have a right to say, “that election was stolen? “

Sure, they can say that all day. What they can't do is storm the Capitol and try to prevent the election from being certified, which is what Trump's goons did.

Of course, because we can see what a sham shotgun approach to prosecuting Trump has been. When prosecutors are confident of their cases, they prosecute one at a time they don’t throw everything including the kitchen sink at the wall, hoping something will stick.

Most prosecutors don't deal with guys who commit as many crimes as Trump has.

Her married boyfriend is doing even better, spending all that tax dollars that she gave him for the sex. Man, he must be some kind of stud to be worth all that money.
Well, he did nail Trump and Friends to a wall, so he is a stud.
I worry that the rejection of trumps argumentts in this case might impede his agenda during the second coming.
No intention to sidetrack this interesting thread away from today's 'Immunity" story, but......in a response above, there was a contributor who mentioned this, and called the magistrate a "far left judge".
My avatar responded (see below 'leftwinger' comments.

Far-left Judge Arthur Engoron is now demanding information about possible perjury by Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg as he prepares to deliver a verdict in the civil fraud case against Trump.
Umm, sounds like common sense to me.
Judge finds out some witness lied that could effect the trial he oversees.
He should wanna know more.
Wouldn't we all if were a judge?

Anyway, below is a quote I pulled from today's New York Times:

“I of course want to know whether Mr. Weisselberg is now changing his tune, and whether he is admitting he lied under oath in my courtroom at this trial,” Justice Engoron wrote to the lawyers on both sides......"

A lawyer representing Mr. Trump in the civil case, Christopher M. Kise, declined to comment.
Mr. Weisselberg’s lawyer, Seth Rosenberg, has declined to comment on the negotiations through a spokesman for his firm...

BREAKING: Donald Trump unleashes a deeply unhinged response to a federal court's ruling that he does NOT have presidential immunity from prosecution for his role in the January 6th insurrection.

You can feel the panic in every word he typed. This man is absolutely terrified of going to prison...

Taking to Truth Social for his rant, Trump insisted that a president "must have Full Immunity" so that he can "properly function" and "do what has to be done for the good of the Country."

Of course, attempting to overthrow our democracy because you lost an election is the furthest thing from working towards the "good of the country."

Trump called the court's ruling "Nation-destroying," which is ironically exactly what he tried to do on January 6th when he whipped his MAGA fanatics into a lather and unleashed them on the Capitol.

He went on to claim that the ruling "cannot be allowed to stand" and that it must be "overturned" because it will "terribly injury" the presidency as well as the "Life, Breath, and Success of our Country."

"A President will be afraid to act for fear of the opposite Party’s Vicious Retribution after leaving Office," wrote Trump.

"I know from personal experience because I am going through it right now," he went on. "It will become a Political Weapon used for Election Interference. Even our Elections will be corrupted and under siege. So bad, and so dangerous for our Nation. SAVE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!"

It's worth pointing out that a president should be afraid of breaking the law by attempting a violent coup. The idea that a president can do whatever he likes, break the law at whim, and then simply slither off scot-free is just about the most unAmerican idea imaginable.

May be an image of 1 person

It would apply to both sides.......if........if the side in question is attached to evidence that persuades a prosecutorial staff and/or a magistrate that indictments are warranted/

From Captain Obvious's seminar on 'Common Sense'.

I did not know that. It appears that Don Trump's indictments on the J6 'tourist visit' include the following:

  1. Conspiracy to defraud the government,
  2. Conspiracy against the right to vote,
  3. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
  4. Cbstruction of an official proceeding.
So, good poster Foxfyre, which other Presidents, or former Presidents have been indicted on one or more of those 4 enumerated charges?

Thanx in advance for your informative response.

Well, poster Flops.....do this: Start with the four indictments listed just above. Then go to the actual court document that details such. Perhaps within that document you will see the DOJ's rationale for just what you ask for.

What FBI assets?
Name names.
Name your sources.
Name quantity.
Name their actions.
Describe to the forum how you know what you allege above.
In short, reassure the forum that you know whereof you speak.
That there is a there there with your avatar. Some gravitas and credibillity.

And then do not do this: Do not go all QAnon-ish on the forum and just make allegations, assertions or implications without giving the forum credible informed explanations.
It'll help the forum in their consideration of your suggestions.....and you.
Now and in the future.


Quesiton --- specific to the Trump issue now in the news: Why should Don Trump request immunity? From what?

After all, as we have all heard him say ad infinitum.....he did nothing wrong. His actions in all things were perfect....perfect phone calls, perfect letters, etc.
Why does he need immunity?

We know, 22lc, we know.
And it doesn't just apply to whatever "we do"....whoever "we" is.
Your sentiment also applies to you.
Meaning, no matter what Trump ever does you will vote for him.
We know.
(ps.....stay off 5th Avenue if Trump taking target practice. You will just be another downrange silhouette. Good luck.

They are?
I didn't know that.
Which ones are doing this so called "crumble"?
And how would you know?
Explain yourself, poster Flops.


Umm, sounds like common sense to me.
Judge finds out some witness lied that could effect the trial he oversees.
He should wanna know more.
Wouldn't we all if were a judge?
You seem to miss the point that to a lesser but very real degree the Obama administrationand to a great degree the Biden administration are the first in American history to weaponize the government against political opposition. They are persecuting/silencing/obstructing and/or prosecuting people for 'crimes' that would barely merit a criticism by a partisan media up until the Obama administration. And the Biden administration has put those tactics into overdrive.
It would apply to both sides.......if........if the side in question is attached to evidence that persuades a prosecutorial staff and/or a magistrate that indictments are warranted/

From Captain Obvious's seminar on 'Common Sense'.
Or . . . have agents and lawyers like Strzok and Page working for the DOJ who are so Trump Deranged that they think they "can protect the country on many levels" by ginn'ing up phony charges
Well, poster Flops.....do this: Start with the four indictments listed just above. Then go to the actual court document that details such. Perhaps within that document you will see the DOJ's rationale for just what you ask for.
Lot of words to say "I don't know."

What FBI assets?
Name names.
Name your sources.
Name quantity.
Name their actions.
Describe to the forum how you know what you allege above.
In short, reassure the forum that you know whereof you speak.
That there is a there there with your avatar. Some gravitas and credibillity.
The FBI won't tell us. They don't deny that they exist, they just say it is none of our business.

It will take subpoena from the courts, I imagine.
Quesiton --- specific to the Trump issue now in the news: Why should Don Trump request immunity? From what?

After all, as we have all heard him say ad infinitum.....he did nothing wrong. His actions in all things were perfect....perfect phone calls, perfect letters, etc.
Why does he need immunity?
If he did nothing wrong and the DOJ is going after him like this, then of course he needs immunity.

Is your stance that government prosecutors and investigators are never wrong, and never have an axe to grind?

Whence comes your faith in them?

From their treatment of MLK?
Obama administration ....the Biden administration ......are.... persecuting/silencing/obstructing and/or prosecuting people for 'crimes' that would barely merit a criticism...... Biden administration has put those tactics into overdrive.

Ummm, ?????
Explain yourself, poster Foxfyre.
Exactly what are you referring to?
Court cases? Individuals? Alleged or adjudicated crimes?

Tell us what you mean with some details so we can judge your sincerity and due diligence.

Ummm, ?????
Explain yourself, poster Foxfyre.
Exactly what are you referring to?
Court cases? Individuals? Alleged or adjudicated crimes?

Tell us what you mean with some details so we can judge your sincerity and due diligence.

I won't bother Chllicothe. Anybody who has been following all these threads re Trump, MAGA, Patriots, Republicans, Tea Party etc. or follows the news at all knows exactly what I'm saying.
I won't bother Chllicothe. Anybody who has been following all these threads re Trump, MAGA, Patriots, Republicans, Tea Party etc. or follows the news at all knows exactly what I'm saying.
You never do bother. Because you make up ridiculous stuff you cannot explain or support.

Yes the cult agrees with your nonsense. And literally nobody else. Naturally.
Ummm, ?????
Explain yourself, poster Foxfyre.
Exactly what are you referring to?
Court cases? Individuals? Alleged or adjudicated crimes?

Tell us what you mean with some details so we can judge your sincerity and due diligence.

You're not our judge. Go blow a goat.
lawyers like Strzok and Page working for the DOJ who are so Trump Deranged that they think they "can protect the country on many levels" by ginn'ing up phony charges
What did Strzok and Page that was against Trump and illegal? Or unethical....against Trump.
They had an affair and shared a revulsion on the character of Don Trump.
So? Millions and millions of Americans share that with them.
Did that manifest itself in any illegality?
What "phony charges" were 'gin'd up' by them?
How would you know?

Lot of words to say "I don't know.
I ain't the one asking "what evidence". You are.
My poor avatar was merely directing you to a source that could answer your question. Sort of a beneficial gesture to help you. And not unimportantly, to a source that is likely the best source. The actual indictments.
If you cannot find it there poster Flops......then I am sure it will be revealed in any trial. So patience, Grasshopper.

They don't deny that they exist
Nor do they admit they did.

But you have, to date, given the forum nothing but a conspiracy-theory that they must exist because....well, because the FBI doesn't say they do or don't.

You do understand your rather sketchy logic on that, doncha?
You need to contribute more than QAnon-style conspiracy-nuttery. No?

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