DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Not Guilty, so says the Senate. Good luck with overturning that in front of the SCOTUS.
The issue before the Supreme Court isnt about over turning the Senates vote on impeachment....

How lost are you?
Remember Dems are already on the SCOTUS shit list. You think the SCOTUS has forgotten the shit Dems pulled on them? Dems your chickens have come home to roost. It's time for Dems to get what's coming to them.

I think you're applying your limited political perspective to what is essentially an act of self interest, beyond the common sense. The Supreme Court, the Executive and Congress are co-equal branches of government. Ruling the President alone is immune from criminal prosecution, even after leaving office, would destroy any ability to act as a check or balance to the power of the Executive office. Do you really think the Supreme Court is going to relinquish its power to and for Trump? How dumb are all of you? Seriously.
It's time to put the boot on their neck

See. It isn't about the law its just about your cuckolded desires for violence and revenge. In that case you shouldn't of elected pansy ass Republicans more interested in appearing as impartial originalists.
Watch and learn, the time of Dems bastardizing the law are over!

The never-ending WITCH HUNT started in 2016 when they decided to start with Russian Collusion. They are still at it. Up to the day of the election...headlines like this one.
******************************In New Twist in Civil Fraud Case, Judge Engoron is Now Demanding Details About Possible Perjury by Trump Org CFO Weisselberg in 11th Hour Attack on Trump.

Far-left Judge Arthur Engoron is now demanding information about possible perjury by Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg as he prepares to deliver a verdict in the civil fraud case against Trump.

The non-jury Soviet-style show trial played out in court for 11 weeks. Judge Engoron delayed the verdict to mid-February.

The judge cited a report from The New York Times on Weisselberg’s reported plea deal with prosecutors where he will have to admit he lied on the witness stand in Manhattan Supreme Court. Weisselberg will also have to admit he lied to Letitia James’ investigators as part of his plea deal with the Manhattan DA’s office.

Recall that Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg was railroaded by far-left New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan after he was indicted on trumped-up tax crimes.
Sorry I was distracted reading the breaking news that 70 Democrat government employees were just arrested on charges of BRIBERY.
And? I looked. I don't see any story mentioning 70 democrats. But it looks like the justice department continues to do good work. I have no problem with them busting corrupt officials, it's more telling of you that you only cry about it being unfair when they bust Republicans.
It's front page news, on real news channels. Why is the left so ignorant?
The story I'm looking at says public housing officials, it doesn't mention anything about 70 democrats but if you have a story that does I'm not bothered by it. How about a link? :dunno:
Sorry I was distracted reading the breaking news that 70 Democrat government employees were just arrested on charges of BRIBERY.
Notice how no grown men here will then embarrass themselves and throw a multi year baby hissy fit, as you have over the orange ccriminal.

By the way, housing authority employees are not political appointments and are not all democrats. That isn't how reality works, dumbass.
Of course, it would be for the FBI to turn over the names. Unless you think the FBI has some sort of immunity?

I think he has to prove relevance...

By telling them to march peacefully to the capital? Or is it the word fight that you object to? Should I play the tape of Democrat after Democrat urging people to fight?

Did they riot and kill a Capitol police officer?

That’s absurd. He made a speech and told them to be peaceful. What we really need to know is how many of the people like Ray Epps, who were actually whipping up people to go into the capital or FBI plants. The FBI refused the subpoena from Congress to answer that question. Maybe subpoenas from the court will Get them to tell the American people what we have a right to know.

Throwing in the word "peaceful" after 3 months of riling these lunatics up doesn't get him off the hook. Your bizarre conspiracy theories about Ray Epps, who has been indicted for his role, doesn't make Trump less liable.

Which he can easily do. One by one the prosecutions are crumbling. I guess that is one advantage of this whole
Let’s indict the former president because he was from the other party. It has been comedy gold watching your guys fail. Of course the millions and millions of dollars in taxpayer money they are spending is not so funny.

Oh, you are living in a fantasy world. Let's just have the four cases run, see how many convictions he gets hit with, no more delaying or shenanigans. Then you guys can say, "I don't care if he is a convicted felon, he's my guy!"

How is bowlegged fanny Willis doing these days?
She's doing fine. Won't effect her prosecution at all.
Then Obama should be charged with murder.
Try it. You're the only ones that are going to cry over the justice system applying equally to your guys because you're all entitled little pussies just like your leader except he fucked around too much and is now finding out. Don't you do the same. :itsok:
I think he has to prove relevance...

The relevance of FBI plants whipping up Trump supporters to violence?
Did they riot and kill a Capitol police officer?
Have followers of Democrats exhortations to fight ever committed violent act and killed police officers? Is that seriously what you’re asking?
Throwing in the word "peaceful" after 3 months of riling these lunatics up doesn't get him off the hook. Your bizarre conspiracy theories about Ray Epps, who has been indicted for his role, doesn't make Trump less liable.
So, bottom line on this “ruling them up idea: does a person who believes that an election was stolen have a right to say, “that election was stolen? “
Oh, you are living in a fantasy world. Let's just have the four cases run, see how many convictions he gets hit with, no more delaying or shenanigans. Then you guys can say, "I don't care if he is a convicted felon, he's my guy!"
Of course, because we can see what a sham shotgun approach to prosecuting Trump has been. When prosecutors are confident of their cases, they prosecute one at a time they don’t throw everything including the kitchen sink at the wall, hoping something will stick.
She's doing fine. Won't affect her prosecution at all.
Her married boyfriend is doing even better, spending all that tax dollars that she gave him for the sex. Man, he must be some kind of stud to be worth all that money.
Try it. You're the only ones that are going to cry over the justice system applying equally to your guys because you're all entitled little pussies just like your leader except he fucked around too much and is now finding out. Don't you do the same. :itsok:
If you wanted to apply the law equally you would charge Obama with murder. You're the entitled ones.

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