DC Juries - nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.


Washington DC jury pool is made up of many civil servants!

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DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.

Well this is a bizarre thread based on a shameless and obvious lie. It's so strange when grown ass men lie about stuff that is so easily debunked.
DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.

Where should they come from? Bumfuck, Mississippi.
What better place can they perpetuate their slanderous election fraud than a place like DC that is in a frenzy to hurt Trump. Democrats suck. MAGA
DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.

If there are 12 jurors, I think they should draw dotted lines that show 12 areas in the US in accordance with similar population to the others, and for important cases that show effect from coast to coast plus Hawaii and Alaska. In that way, regional goals may benefit. However if it's a political jig, it should be remanded to Representatives from each state which would be 50 jurors who must agree to be fair in accordance with the evidence.
DC juries are the worst. A complete farce and no one on the Republican side can get a fair trial in a DC courtroom. Just an abomination.

These jurors think they are victims.

Boy, do they! Another reason January 6 defendants will never get a fair trial in DC is the fact that nearly all the potential jurors WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, even the courts! I knew on day one it was rigged against us. Jury selection proved it.

No Republican should be forced to stand trial in Washington DC.
when a government is trying to convict you of a crime you dont have employees of that governemnt as jurors,,,

thats the definition of a tainted jury,,

imagine if the jury on the trump/ carrol case were all trump employees,,

you would lose your mind,,
Save it dude, juries are vetted during the selection process. Every jury is not going to work a government job. In the history of this country, you didn't have a problem placing an all white jury when the defendant was black. In the history of this country there were blacks convicted, sentenced and executed on the same day.

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