DC Mayor Literally Hates Guns

I don't hate you
I already know the answer. Everyone always wants gun control for their enemies.

You are mistaken. If a Muslim American gains a firearm just as any American gains one - legally - I have no problem with it. You are not a mind reader, PMH, and you do not know what I think unless you ask.
You want Radical American Muslims to own guns? No, you don't, no one does.

I want them to have free speech just as I have free speech. I want them to obey the law - radical or not. If they are law abiding citizens and can get a gun permit? They get the gun. End of story.
Spin. I said Radical Muslims, meaning you enemies, and no one wants their enemies to be armed, no one.
Until they break the law you do not get to decide who is and is not allowed to own firearms.

Absolutely, Sarge. If you are a legal American and buy a gun from a gun store? I have no problem with it - no matter who you are. You can pray on your face 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, made the trip to Mecca and wrap your gun in a prayer rug at night for all I care. Just obey the laws of the land and we're fine.
Nice of you to ask a question and answer it too. I guess it saves time, huh?
I already know the answer. Everyone always wants gun control for their enemies.

News flash, PMH. You're not everyone. You do not speak for everyone and you do not decide for everyone.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.
You are mistaken. If a Muslim American gains a firearm just as any American gains one - legally - I have no problem with it. You are not a mind reader, PMH, and you do not know what I think unless you ask.
You want Radical American Muslims to own guns? No, you don't, no one does.

I want them to have free speech just as I have free speech. I want them to obey the law - radical or not. If they are law abiding citizens and can get a gun permit? They get the gun. End of story.
Spin. I said Radical Muslims, meaning you enemies, and no one wants their enemies to be armed, no one.

Let me repeat this for you, PMH. Radical Muslims can get a gun permit and own a gun in America. So long as Americans can own their own firearm? It's not a problem. Why are you so paranoid? Is the idea of self-defense too much for you?
A gun isn't for self-defense, it's for killing things, period.

According to the second amendment it's for self - defense. If you want to hunt with yours? That is your business. But it's for self-defense.
You want Radical American Muslims to own guns? No, you don't, no one does.

I want them to have free speech just as I have free speech. I want them to obey the law - radical or not. If they are law abiding citizens and can get a gun permit? They get the gun. End of story.
Spin. I said Radical Muslims, meaning you enemies, and no one wants their enemies to be armed, no one.
Until they break the law you do not get to decide who is and is not allowed to own firearms.
That is not the question, that is the reality. Do you want Radical Muslims to own guns, yes or no?
I answered your question, I want all US Citizens that are not barred by having a crime on their record to be able to buy firearms. Pretty simple concept, you do not get to second guess what they believe or why they want the firearm.
So, you approve of gun control as well. Carry on.
I already know the answer. Everyone always wants gun control for their enemies.

News flash, PMH. You're not everyone. You do not speak for everyone and you do not decide for everyone.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
I already know the answer. Everyone always wants gun control for their enemies.

News flash, PMH. You're not everyone. You do not speak for everyone and you do not decide for everyone.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.
My plan is simpler, disarm everyone and should you have a gun and aren't in uniform, you're dead on sight, no questions asked.
You are mistaken. If a Muslim American gains a firearm just as any American gains one - legally - I have no problem with it. You are not a mind reader, PMH, and you do not know what I think unless you ask.
You want Radical American Muslims to own guns? No, you don't, no one does.

Oh, so first you answer the question for him. Then when he corrects you, you insist that you are right about what he wants?

I know what he wants dummy. It's why he's spinning because if he was honest he'd have to admit he does approve of gun control, for his enemies that is. Everyone does.

But this is not about gun control ONLY for anyone's enemies, now is it?

And your claim to know what he wants is simply another lie.
No, it isn't. No one wants their enemies to be armed dummy.

Is a radical muslim my enemy? Until he actually does something he is just a loud-mouth with crappy ideas. You know, kinda like you.
News flash, PMH. You're not everyone. You do not speak for everyone and you do not decide for everyone.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.
News flash, PMH. You're not everyone. You do not speak for everyone and you do not decide for everyone.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.
My plan is simpler, disarm everyone and should you have a gun and aren't in uniform, you're dead on sight, no questions asked.

Not gonna happen.
You want Radical American Muslims to own guns? No, you don't, no one does.

Oh, so first you answer the question for him. Then when he corrects you, you insist that you are right about what he wants?

I know what he wants dummy. It's why he's spinning because if he was honest he'd have to admit he does approve of gun control, for his enemies that is. Everyone does.

But this is not about gun control ONLY for anyone's enemies, now is it?

And your claim to know what he wants is simply another lie.
No, it isn't. No one wants their enemies to be armed dummy.

Is a radical muslim my enemy? Until he actually does something he is just a loud-mouth with crappy ideas. You know, kinda like you.
And you want him armed eh? No, you don't.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.
And EXACTLY how do you propose to collect arms from gangs and criminals?
The reason the Russians want us disarmed is very simple. They are planning a day of attack against us. It is far easier to take this nation with the American people disarmed then to have 150 million people armed to the teeth. They would be outnumbered and they know it. Ask Donald.
Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.
And EXACTLY how do you propose to collect arms from gangs and criminals?
Easy, we know who they are also.
The reason the Russians want us disarmed is very simple. They are planning a day of attack against us. It is far easier to take this nation with the American people disarmed then to have 150 million people armed to the teeth. They would be outnumbered and they know it. Ask Donald.
The Russians need this country like the hole in your paranoid little head.
Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.
And EXACTLY how do you propose to collect arms from gangs and criminals?

He hasn't gotten that far along in his plan yet. PMH does not think military. Military always has their exit strategy figured out first.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.
And EXACTLY how do you propose to collect arms from gangs and criminals?
Easy, we know who they are also.
So you plan to violate the law and the Constitution to attempt to seize weapons from people you do not actually know are armed?
The reason the Russians want us disarmed is very simple. They are planning a day of attack against us. It is far easier to take this nation with the American people disarmed then to have 150 million people armed to the teeth. They would be outnumbered and they know it. Ask Donald.
The Russians need this country like the hole in your paranoid little head.

You think they are going to invade Israel without taking us out first? You're dreaming.

I can see chess is not your game, PMH.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.

If you pass a constitutional amendment, which you know you will never have the numbers to do.

And if the legislatures were willing to allow street executions without a trial.

And if the gun owners didn't shoot you first.
I am well aware of that. It changes nothing about reality, which you ignore.

Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.

That is up to God. Not you and your company. Go tell them to come and get me. I can't wait.
Reality is that 2nd amendment rights save lives throughout America all the time. The police cannot be everywhere at once... Private citizens have saved the day more than once because they had a concealed carry permit and had a firearm.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.

Oh, so you think banning guns will mean there are no guns out there?? Why didn't we think of that with drugs? Oh yeah, it didn't work. This magical place in your fantasy that banning guns will disarm criminals is absolute lunacy.

Disarm the criminals first. Then we will talk about banning handguns and the like.

The criminals will always have firearms and the serial numbers can be filed off so you cannot trace them. That would never work and even if it did I would not surrender the rights of Americans on the 2nd Amendment. Not a chance.
If you didn't, and we know who you are, you're dead.

If you pass a constitutional amendment, which you know you will never have the numbers to do.

And if the legislatures were willing to allow street executions without a trial.

And if the gun owners didn't shoot you first.
Ya shooting people in the street even when armed goes over so well in black neighborhoods,as Paint knows full well, never gonna happen.

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