Deal or No Deal?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

Could of posted a couple links. But funny and true.
I'd settle for more than half of the country caring enough to vote.
North Korea - Deal or No Deal?
Are they firing missiles now............Nope
NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?
Agreement close in Mexico........Yep.......NAFTA renegotiation in progress.......Yep
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?
Been cutting them.........downsizing in some areas......Oh well........
Iran - Deal or No Deal?
Sanctions reapplied.............Obama legacy on the brink of Civil War......Economy tanking
European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?
TPP DOA................
Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?
RINO's.........who cares..........

Supreme decision coming up.:113:
GDP growing. :113:
Regulations dying :113:
Energy sector booming :113:
TPP dead. :113:
Unemployment low :113:
Tax cuts. :113:
Offshore money coming home. :113:
Manufacturing jobs starting to come back. :113:

In regards to the Congress and Senate.............Senate is killing everything.......been doing so for a long time now.....

It is the graveyard of bills..........No compromise.........lines in the sand.......same as it's been for a while now......At least they can't pass more BS Laws..........:113:

Budget fight coming..........OMNIBUS.....just in time for the election...........Not doing a budget as it's supposed to be done.......well ........they haven't done it correctly for about 30 what's new.........

Business as usual in the Swamp.:11_2_1043:
I'd settle for more than half of the country caring enough to vote.

It's possible the people that don't vote, actually vote for neither of the two options by not voting. Caring, for some reason, doesn't necessarily provide us with better policies and politicians to vote for.

Yet amazingly Trump is keeping campaign promises........

Nobody is now upset.........the shame.......
North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

Actually Trump obtained major concessions from Mexico on auto, including 40-45% of all workers in Mexico in the auto industry must make $16/hr, thats a massive increase from $3. Also a hybrid Sunset Clause and more energy access.

Now he is pinning Canada down as he should now that he has one nation signed on. Canada never had any intention of moving at all on NAFTA, they prefer a three way deal as it increases Canadas weak leverage. Canada wanted to run out the clock and laugh all the way to the bank once again. Now it is Trump with the ball and he can easily just maintain the Mexican/U.S deal, and walk away from NAFTA, ultimately Mexico threw Canada under the bus. Fitting, considering what Canada does to it's citizens and U.S corporations perpetually.

If Trump places a tariff on cars, I guarantee a deal within a week. For anyone who lives in covert police state Canada, they know how important it is for the state patsies to be in high paid management positions. A tariff would hurt the auto industry enough that many low performing state patsies would lose their jobs. The hierarchy in Canada is how so many low performing people and their lineage survive.

America must FORCE Canada to capitalism. Without knowing it, it will help save our nation. If I am Trump I honestly wouldn't even concern myself with bending to Canada.

The "leak" you all heard was by design, the Canadian apparatus trying to put the blame on Trump, when they know damn well they had no interest in moving on NAFTA. The old sneaky projection tactic. It didn't work, nobody with any understanding buys that Canada, for more than a year, hardly moved in negotiations while Mexico completed it in essentially 3 weeks.
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North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

/---/ Who gave you the final say if those deals are dead, Mr Buttsore?
/---/ Who gave you the final say if those deals are dead, Mr Buttsore?

The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.
/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
Trump train.jpg
The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.

/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
View attachment 214133

Good to know. Deliberate and unnecessary punk-ass jab at my intelligence notwithstanding.

Now, armed with this useful information and, in my continually being educated humble opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree about the success of The Trump Administration thus far. And no, thank you..... I think that I have all of the facts that I need to formulate an opinion on the matter, facts being the operative word.

Beer? :beer:
Government employees already make more than their private sector counterparts so do tell, what did they do to earn a raise beyond simply being there?

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