Dear Uncle Trump: Please EO away bilingual signs and declare English official language

No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p

Why should we need to? I took foreign languages in High School and college but have never had a use for them.
We all did overseas and kept on speaking them...people here tell me how they studied french, Spanish or other languages in high school.... when I try talking to them they can't.

I used my French a lot when I was first working. Our town had a company which employed a lot of Quebecois and once they learned I could speak French to them, I spent Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 6:00 handling their banking for them. Once I left the bank, I had few chances to use my French, but in the early 1990's I worked for an international commerical lawyer and got to use both my French and my (by now) very limited German. Visits to Quebec helped me "recover" my dwindling French, and I could still read business papers, but then I left that lawyer and never used either language again. I still don't regret having learned to speak the languages, and it certainly looks good on the resume.

On my recent visit to Montreal, it was all quite overwhelming when I got off the train, but by the time I left for home, I had absorbed a LOT of the language. All signage in Quebec is in French and only French. That helped a lot with (re)learning words. I have more trouble with spoken French. Quebec French is not Parisian French. It's like a dialect, making it more difficult to understand. And they talk really really fast. I start out by saying. Plus lentement (more slowly), comme vous parle a une enfant. Like you would talk to a child.

I plan on spending more time in Quebec, and I expect that my French will improve immensely if I do. I think the next time I visit my sisters, I will insist that they only speak French to me.
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
a lot of Spanish speaking countries are SHITHOLES
it would be stupid to learn/convert to that language

Yes, acquiring a new language and adding to your ability to work in the world is such a stupid thing to do. Why oh why did I waste all of that time learning French and German? I guess I learned to speak other languages because it enabled me to work at the highest levels of my field, and make more money than co-workers who lacked my ability to speak to and deal with clients in Europe.

One of my best friends was every dumber than me. She spoke French, Italian, German and Dutch, in addition to English. Total waste of time according to you. But my friend, who was the lead soprano of the Canadian Opera Company in the 1970's, used her language skills to sing opera in concert halls around the world, including LaScala, the Paris Opera House, and Carnegie Hall. French, Italian and German are the languages of opera. She learned Dutch because her husband is Dutch. During the last year of her life, she was offered a teaching job at the University of Stuttgart, but poor health forced her to decline. She would have to have taught the class in German. What a waste of time learning all those languages!

Spain is second only to Great Britain in exploring and colonizing the world, and as such, Spanish is second most spoken language in the world. 21 countries in the world speak Spanish. That second only to English with over 60.

So when you say that it would be "stupid" to learn Spanish, the only "stupid" thing that I see, is your comment.
sure--let's acclimate to the cultures that are shitholes--that makes sense

The ignorance of Republicans knows no bounds. That you're parrotting Trump's "shithole countries" lie show that you lack critical thinking skills.

If you want to do business with people, you need to speak their language. It's just good business. But here's the thing: All of these business offer their services in English. It's not like you have to speak Spanish to do business with these people. They're offering the OPTION of Spanish to help their customers. Why do you have a problem with that?

I also think that it behoves you to learn the language if you plan on living in a country, but learning takes time and practice. Ethnic enclaves make the transition easier, especially when confidence in the new language is lacking. It's ridiculous that you see this as a bad thing, but as I said in the first place, the ignorance of Republicans knows no bounds.
Well wonder most racists are Republicans.
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
a lot of Spanish speaking countries are SHITHOLES
it would be stupid to learn/convert to that language

Yes, acquiring a new language and adding to your ability to work in the world is such a stupid thing to do. Why oh why did I waste all of that time learning French and German? I guess I learned to speak other languages because it enabled me to work at the highest levels of my field, and make more money than co-workers who lacked my ability to speak to and deal with clients in Europe.

One of my best friends was every dumber than me. She spoke French, Italian, German and Dutch, in addition to English. Total waste of time according to you. But my friend, who was the lead soprano of the Canadian Opera Company in the 1970's, used her language skills to sing opera in concert halls around the world, including LaScala, the Paris Opera House, and Carnegie Hall. French, Italian and German are the languages of opera. She learned Dutch because her husband is Dutch. During the last year of her life, she was offered a teaching job at the University of Stuttgart, but poor health forced her to decline. She would have to have taught the class in German. What a waste of time learning all those languages!

Spain is second only to Great Britain in exploring and colonizing the world, and as such, Spanish is second most spoken language in the world. 21 countries in the world speak Spanish. That second only to English with over 60.

So when you say that it would be "stupid" to learn Spanish, the only "stupid" thing that I see, is your comment.
sure--let's acclimate to the cultures that are shitholes--that makes sense

The ignorance of Republicans knows no bounds. That you're parrotting Trump's "shithole countries" lie show that you lack critical thinking skills.

If you want to do business with people, you need to speak their language. It's just good business. But here's the thing: All of these business offer their services in English. It's not like you have to speak Spanish to do business with these people. They're offering the OPTION of Spanish to help their customers. Why do you have a problem with that?

I also think that it behoves you to learn the language if you plan on living in a country, but learning takes time and practice. Ethnic enclaves make the transition easier, especially when confidence in the new language is lacking. It's ridiculous that you see this as a bad thing, but as I said in the first place, the ignorance of Republicans knows no bounds.
Well wonder most racists are Republicans.

This topic does not require that partisan nonsense.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?
It's the difference between living in a diverse and free nation of immigrants or a Nazi Fascist Confederate Republican Plutocracy.

Yes Virginia, it really is just that simple.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

I think you have it wrong, those signs are for English only, speaking whites, after 2045 Whites will be a minority group, I think there should be more minority languages attached to signs to make up for the fast growing minorities demographics.
It's going to get rough for the low educated white population.
] think the whites better start incorporating more language into their daily lives. starting with Spanish.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

I think you have it wrong, those signs are for English only, speaking whites, after 2045 Whites will be a minority group, I think there should be more minority languages attached to signs to make up for the fast growing minorities demographics.
It's going to get rough for the low educated white population.
] think the whites better start incorporating more language into their daily lives. starting with Spanish.

You better hope for a shift in demographics...look around the world, every single brown nation is a disgusting shithole.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

I think you have it wrong, those signs are for English only, speaking whites, after 2045 Whites will be a minority group, I think there should be more minority languages attached to signs to make up for the fast growing minorities demographics.
It's going to get rough for the low educated white population.
] think the whites better start incorporating more language into their daily lives. starting with Spanish.

You better hope for a shift in demographics...look around the world, every single brown nation is a disgusting shithole.

Sounds like you would fit right in.
It’s interesting how insecure “press 1” makes some people.

If you see a smaller sign in Spanish under the one in English in Target indicating the Housewares Department and it fills you with rage, you might want to stop and consider what’s wrong with you.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?
So you get all snowflaky when given a choice?
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
a lot of Spanish speaking countries are SHITHOLES
it would be stupid to learn/convert to that language
Not true...most Spanish speaking countries have a good and bad...just like the US...dont be ignorant.
then why do they want to come to the US??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
most immigrants/illegals come from Central, South America and Mexico

AGAIN!! you people spew crap and look very stupid because you provide NO EVIDENCE
where as I do


etc etc
It’s interesting how insecure “press 1” makes some people.

If you see a smaller sign in Spanish under the one in English in Target indicating the Housewares Department and it fills you with rage, you might want to stop and consider what’s wrong with you.
/----/ How Mexico caters to English speaking tourists.


Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?


Your Orange God is President, not Emperor, no matter how much you want him to be.
The little lop eared, kenyan, muslim dog turd was your messiah that sent a tingle up your leg. You had no problem with him signing E.O.'s like he was possessed.
Still obsessed with Former President Obama, I see.
English should be the official language and states or the Federal government shouldn't be required to print/accomodate for every language. The onus should be on the immigrant to want to melt into American culture, not maintain their mother country in the U.S.
Do we really need to post all those signs written in both English and Spanish? The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 stated "Where an employer’s workforce is comprised of a significant portion of workers who are not literate in English, the employer shall be responsible for providing the notice in a language in which the employees are literate.

The National Labor Relations Board also mandated that when 20 percent or more of an employer’s workforce is not proficient in English and speaks a language other than English, employers must provide the posting in the “language employees speak.”

“Do We Need to Post Labor Law Posters in Spanish?” - GovDocs

Some states have also passed their own laws requiring signs be printed in both English and Spanish. Many times, you also hear the "Press 2 for Spanish", when listening to an automated phone service.

Couldn't President Trump do away with that by means of an Executive Order? And maybe declare our official national language to be American English?

And no more of this 'sign language' crap! What are they trying to pull, anyway?
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
I guarenteeyou that if I move to a foreign country I will learn their language. Only an idiot would expect the citizens of a new country to learn my language if I were too lazy to learn the language of my new country. We seem to be the only country in the world that needs to accommodate foreign invaders under their terms. Build the wall and force the rest of the world to follow our immigration laws or stop all immigration until such a time the world starts following our laws to come here. Screw the rest of the world. Most of the people come here illegally hate us anyway and just want free stuff.
No surprise dumb ass Trump supporters aren't capable of learning another language :p
I guarenteeyou that if I move to a foreign country I will learn their language. Only an idiot would expect the citizens of a new country to learn my language if I were too lazy to learn the language of my new country. We seem to be the only country in the world that needs to accommodate foreign invaders under their terms. Build the wall and force the rest of the world to follow our immigration laws or stop all immigration until such a time the world starts following our laws to come here. Screw the rest of the world. Most of the people come here illegally hate us anyway and just want free stuff.
Most people come here to work hard and better their are just an ignorant racist. And I agree that people should learn English.

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