Dear White America: What About Black On Black Crime?

Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?
I believe it is an American problem and one that we should all be concerned about.

From “Tears We Cannot Stop” by Michael Eric Dyson:
“Beloved, all of what I have said should lead you to empathy. It sounds simple, but is benefits are profound. Whiteness must shed its posture of competence, its will to omniscience, its belief in its goodness and purity, and then walk a mile or two in the boots of blackness. Empathy must be cultivated. The practice of empathy means taking a moment to imagine how you might behave if you were in our positions. …imagine how you would act if you were us. Imagine living in a society where your white skin marks you for disgust, hate and fear. Imagine that for many moments. Only when you see black folk as we are, and imagine yourselves as we have to live our lives, only then will the suffering stop.”

"Beloved, your white innocence is a burden to you, a burden to the nation, a burden to our progress. It is time to let it go, to let it die in place of the black bodies that it wills into nonbeing. In its place should rise a curiosity, but even more, a genuine desire to know and understand just what it means to be black in America.”

From “The Beast Side” by D. Watkins: To the question” What about black on black murders? Like white on white murder doesn’t exist. The U.S. Justice Department’s statistics bureau reports that 84 percent of white murder victims are killed by white people. The number for blacks if 94 percent – it’s not that big of a difference. American is segregated, and that’s the primary reason why people kill people who look like them. Look at how blacks are treated in this country. I’m not talking about the cops here, but about the schools, the job market, the prison-industrial complex, the health care system, the food supply. Rage comes naturally for black men and women growing up in America. And once that fury begins to sprout within you, it’s all too easy in our country to use a gun to give it full expression.”
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:


How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral

By Kim Farbota

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:

100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.

50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)

19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.

This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren't Neutral | HuffPost
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Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral

By Kim Farbota

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:

100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.

50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)

19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.

This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren't Neutral | HuffPost

There are differences in sentencing, and that needs to be eliminated by punishing white criminals more.

That said, there is no doubt blacks commit more crimes
Blacks don't account for 82 percent of anything but maybe players in the NBA. But when will whites start looking at white on white crime which is actually higher?
They refuse to recognize their own shortcomings.

Because this rate skews the numbers of all crime, it gives the entire country a Black Eye (no pun intended)

And, this crime normally happens in neighborhoods that are mostly Black. The neighborhoods have a difficult time re-gentrifying or attracting new business and jobs while these crime numbers remain high.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well before that can be answered -- one must ask themselves -- was there ever a time that blacks were not considered savages?
How about not being a jackass first.
Second yes there are people who don't consider them savages...they're called republicans.
Third....yes black people have to be the ones to solve this. why?
Because the lefties and democrats poisoned race relations for their own gain to the point anything whitey does is racist.....thereby not allowing us to help the issue.

Fourth blacks are the ones suffering, they are the ones that need to shame members of their group into not doing that stuff as well as they are the ones that usually have information on those crimes and if lefties didn't make them distrust the police, they would be able to give more information about crimes and get those animals off the street.

Actually it has been laws and policies made by whites that created the problems. Whites and that includes republicans.
so we shouldn't have laws?

That's a stupid ass question.

True, but he was addressing a stupid ass statement
Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral

By Kim Farbota

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:

100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.

50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)

19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.

This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren't Neutral | HuffPost

There are differences in sentencing, and that needs to be eliminated by punishing white criminals more.

That said, there is no doubt blacks commit more crimes

There is doubt because that doesn't happen.
Well before that can be answered -- one must ask themselves -- was there ever a time that blacks were not considered savages?
How about not being a jackass first.
Second yes there are people who don't consider them savages...they're called republicans.
Third....yes black people have to be the ones to solve this. why?
Because the lefties and democrats poisoned race relations for their own gain to the point anything whitey does is racist.....thereby not allowing us to help the issue.

Fourth blacks are the ones suffering, they are the ones that need to shame members of their group into not doing that stuff as well as they are the ones that usually have information on those crimes and if lefties didn't make them distrust the police, they would be able to give more information about crimes and get those animals off the street.

Actually it has been laws and policies made by whites that created the problems. Whites and that includes republicans.
so we shouldn't have laws?

That's a stupid ass question.

True, but he was addressing a stupid ass statement

Not if you know anything about the laws and policies that have been passed or are continued to be enacted at various levels of government.
Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral

By Kim Farbota

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:

100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.

50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)

19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.

This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren't Neutral | HuffPost

There are differences in sentencing, and that needs to be eliminated by punishing white criminals more.

That said, there is no doubt blacks commit more crimes

There is doubt because that doesn't happen.

I definitely agree with your points. Blacks are arrested, charged and convicted more and blacks get higher sentences on average. There's no doubt.

But if you think crime rates are actually the same other than the system, then you're nuts and I can't take you seriously.

You could argue reasonably you think that blacks commit crimes the same as whites if you adjust for their demographics. That one I don't know. But again, to claim that just flat out black crime rates are no higher than whites as a whole is just ignorant and kills your credibility since no one is ignorant enough to believe that other than leftists who are just using you for votes anyway.

Leftists are playing you like a violin to keep blacks dependent on government which they control. They don't give a shit about blacks.

At least conservatives do think you should be treated equally to whites
Yes, the minority ethnicity in question has always had a problem of being victimized by their own people.

Some people do not talk about it because:

a. It is not politically correct.
b. It is considered to be an intractable problem.


Here in Los Angeles, in a historic African-American neighborhood (which is now changing because of immigration), a group of ladies hold an annual dinner to thank the police for protecting them from the criminals who roam the area.


How wonderful it would be -- IMHO -- if Black Lives Matter would spend its time trying to alleviate this problem of crime within their own community. Of course, many African Americans are extremely embarrassed by this problem.
Yes, the minority ethnicity in question has always had a problem of being victimized by their own people.

Some people do not talk about it because:

a. It is not politically correct.
b. It is considered to be an intractable problem.


Here in Los Angeles, in a historic African-American neighborhood (which is now changing because of immigration), a group of ladies hold an annual dinner to thank the police for protecting them from the criminals who roam the area.


How wonderful it would be -- IMHO -- if Black Lives Matter would spend its time trying to alleviate this problem of crime within their own community. Of course, many African Americans are extremely embarrassed by this problem.
If Black Lives Matter would take some law enforcement training classes and started policing their own ghettos -- maybe the problem will go away -- stop relying on police to police your neighborhoods -- if you see a drug deal going down- step in and stop it -- do more than just complain and protest white people.
Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral

By Kim Farbota

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)

(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.

Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:

100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.

50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)

19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.

This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren't Neutral | HuffPost

There are differences in sentencing, and that needs to be eliminated by punishing white criminals more.

That said, there is no doubt blacks commit more crimes

There is doubt because that doesn't happen.

I definitely agree with your points. Blacks are arrested, charged and convicted more and blacks get higher sentences on average. There's no doubt.

But if you think crime rates are actually the same other than the system, then you're nuts and I can't take you seriously.

You could argue reasonably you think that blacks commit crimes the same as whites if you adjust for their demographics. That one I don't know. But again, to claim that just flat out black crime rates are no higher than whites as a whole is just ignorant and kills your credibility since no one is ignorant enough to believe that other than leftists who are just using you for votes anyway.

Leftists are playing you like a violin to keep blacks dependent on government which they control. They don't give a shit about blacks.

At least conservatives do think you should be treated equally to whites

Bullshit. I've studied and researched this for over 30 years. Whites commit at least double the crime of blacks. And I am talking about whites who actually participate in crimes as well as other races who participate in crimes instead of trying to involve entire populations in something entire populations aren't doing. And the only people trying to play someone is you on the right. What you can't take seriously doesn't matter. You haven't done the study or research necessary to know and all you are doing is repeating a dumb racist belief that is not supported by fact.
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?
The only reasonable answer is to arm more blacks
Yes, the minority ethnicity in question has always had a problem of being victimized by their own people.

Some people do not talk about it because:

a. It is not politically correct.
b. It is considered to be an intractable problem.


Here in Los Angeles, in a historic African-American neighborhood (which is now changing because of immigration), a group of ladies hold an annual dinner to thank the police for protecting them from the criminals who roam the area.


How wonderful it would be -- IMHO -- if Black Lives Matter would spend its time trying to alleviate this problem of crime within their own community. Of course, many African Americans are extremely embarrassed by this problem.

How wonderful it would be if whites would just shut the fuck up about us and concerned themselves with the real serious and increasing problems in their own communities.
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?
The only reasonable answer is to arm more blacks

It's really sad just how these guys let the message of this article just fly over their heads.
How wonderful it would be if whites would just shut the fuck up about us and concerned themselves with the real serious and increasing problems in their own communities.
You mean like blacks moving in?

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