Dear White America: What About Black On Black Crime?

reading while white: crime statistics
Tuesday April 10th 2012 by abagond

I already wrote about how to think about black crime as a white racist. This post covers the advanced topic of American crime statistics:

  1. Whatever White Americans do is normal – no matter how high or low their numbers, they commit crimes at the proper rates. Always. This is a given. Because there is nothing wrong with them. To think otherwise would be racist! They are the measure against which everyone else is judged.
  2. Racialize crime – blame most of the crime on black people. Even where whites commit most of it. If challenged, make it about the crime rate:
  3. Crime rate – Where white people commit most of the crimes it is because most people are white. How is that wrong? But if blacks, who are 13% of America, commit more than 13% of any crime, even 14%, it is because there is something wrong with them:
  4. Higher black crime rates prove Criminal Tendencies – the great thing about statistics is that they seem so objective and yet get rid of all the context: the drug trade, racist policemen and judges, bad policing, racial profiling, poverty, etc. Context only matters when white people do bad stuff. When black people do bad stuff, it is because something is wrong with them. That is not racist, that is just Reality.
  5. Interracial crime – for added effect compare black-on-white crime to white-on-black crime. This is especially good for rape because of white male sexual insecurities and because the government report is particularly misleading. Black-on-white crime proves what everyone already knows: blacks are out to get whites! No matter how low the absolute numbers.
  6. Hispanics – If Hispanics are not separated from whites in some statistic point that out and state, without proof, that non-Hispanic whites (True White People) have a lower crime rate.
  7. Hate crimes – blacks commit most of the hate crimes. Everyone knows it. Except the FBI, whose numbers clearly cannot be trusted.
  8. Where African statistics are low they are wrong, where they are high repeat them. Rape or murder is low in Senegal? They are bad at recording crime. Do they even have pencils over there? Rape is high in South Africa? It must be right. If anything it is probably understated!
  9. Genocide, slavery, blah, blah, blah – whites killed tens of millions of people of colour to get to where they are. But if anyone brings that up just say it was too long ago to count, that they need to get over it. Or bring up Rwanda and use that as a fig leaf. Wars past and present are off the books too. So is Wall Street. The only true measure of how violent and immoral a race is are the street crimes they commit in an unjust society that favours one race over another.
  10. Why blacks disagree – not because you are wrong but because they like to whine and avoid responsibility, are given to emotional Negro thinking and have low IQs. If they had bigger brains and were objective like you, they would see the light – like those Reasonable Negroes they show on television.
reading while white: crime statistics
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The only reasonable answer is to arm more blacks

Only if they are the appropriate blacks -- Reagan had it right
Reagan understood how dangerous armed negroes can be

Our founding fathers never intended the second amendment to apply to negroes
The white racist guide to black crime
Wednesday April 4th 2012 by abagond

You too can look at black crime just like a white racist. Just follow my seven easy steps:

  1. Trust the news to give you a balanced picture. If most men arrested on the evening news are black, then blacks commit the most crimes! See how simple that is? If most of the black criminals on the news are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers, then that is because most black criminals are psychopathic killers and not two-bit robbers. No need to think. Just trust the good white people at the news room to get it right. Unlike black people, their judgement is not clouded by race.
  2. Attribution error: When white people do something bad it is due to circumstances, a bad upbringing, a psychological disorder or something. Because, apart from a few bad apples, white people are Basically Good. Everyone knows it. But when black people do something bad it is because they were born that way. They try to put up this front of being good but given the right circumstances their true nature comes out. Sad but true.
  3. Know your stereotypes! Stereotypes come from hundreds of years of white insight into the true nature of black people. The important stereotype here is the Black Brute: blacks were all savages till white people saved them and brought them to America. Whites taught them civilization, but deep down they are still savages. All those black criminal psychopaths on the evening news prove it! And, as if that was not bad enough:
  4. Black people want revenge! They are still whining about slavery over a hundred years later! They will not get over it and move on like whites have. They are just bursting with hatred for white people. They are just waiting for a chance to get back at them. Most black-on-white crimes are, truth be told, hate crimes.
  5. Know what Jesse Jackson said! No need to listen to all those whining speeches of his. Just remember the only reasonable thing he ever said:
    There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.

    See? And he is black! So how can it be racist to profile blacks and be afraid of them?

  6. Know the tell-tale signs: Black criminals dress like black people! Like wearing hoodies or wearing their pants hanging down. When whites dress that way it is for fashion or comfort. When blacks do it it means they are a criminal or want to be one. Know the difference!
  7. Do not read the FBI or DOJ numbers for yourself. Trust the experts at American Renaissance or Stormfront to twist the numbers for you. If someone points out how twisted those numbers are, just find some other source or some other way to twist them. Or just repeat them! After all, everyone knows blacks are criminal by nature. The numbers prove it!
The white racist guide to black crime
Why crime statistics cannot be trusted – in two charts
Tuesday March 18th 2014 by abagond

AKA: Racism is not dead – in two charts:

Black Americans use marijuana a bit more than Whites:

Yet are way more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession:

Also notice that the rise in arrest rates for Blacks bears no relationship to their rate of use.

Source: Washington Post

Why crime statistics cannot be trusted – in two charts
I heard this stat in a news report this morning. Chicago last weekend: 9 dead, 45 shot. Take a guess what neighborhoods.
I heard this stat in a news report this morning. Chicago last weekend: 9 dead, 45 shot. Take a guess what neighborhoods.

And I saw today that 122 victims of a child molester are asking for a University president to step down. Take a guess at what neighborhoods.
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:


How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Poppy seeds arent coming from white nations. Black drug dealers buy this product from people, then they sell it in their community. Blaming white people for what black drug dealers do in your community, is clearly racist.
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:


How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Poppy seeds arent coming from white nations. Black drug dealers buy this product from people, then they sell it in their community. Blaming white people for what black drug dealers do in your community, is clearly racist.

Whites buy the drugs from people in those nations then fly it here. If whites didn't do that, the black drug dealer couldn't buy the drug from the white distributor. Truth. Learn to face it.
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:


How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Poppy seeds arent coming from white nations. Black drug dealers buy this product from people, then they sell it in their community. Blaming white people for what black drug dealers do in your community, is clearly racist.

Whites buy the drugs from people in those nations then fly it here. If whites didn't do that, the black drug dealer couldn't buy the drug from the white distributor. Truth. Learn to face it.
So a non white Afghani grows and sells heroin to a white middle man, who then sells it to a black drug dealer. This is the scenario youre describing? Why are you putting the blame on the middle man? because hes white?
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:

How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Poppy seeds arent coming from white nations. Black drug dealers buy this product from people, then they sell it in their community. Blaming white people for what black drug dealers do in your community, is clearly racist.

Whites buy the drugs from people in those nations then fly it here. If whites didn't do that, the black drug dealer couldn't buy the drug from the white distributor. Truth. Learn to face it.
So a non white Afghani grows and sells heroin to a white middle man, who then sells it to a black drug dealer. This is the scenario youre describing? Why are you putting the blame on the middle man? because hes white?

IMNot doesn't want to come to grips with the fact that people are themselves responsible for their own actions. No one makes anyone take drugs but THEMSELVES just as guns don't make you shoot another Black BUT A BLACK. Blacks are their own biggest problem and blacks are their first, best solution.

Because this rate skews the numbers of all crime, it gives the entire country a Black Eye (no pun intended)

And, this crime normally happens in neighborhoods that are mostly Black. The neighborhoods have a difficult time re-gentrifying or attracting new business and jobs while these crime numbers remain high.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well before that can be answered -- one must ask themselves -- was there ever a time that blacks were not considered savages?

Welfare screwed the black community.
Back in the day they had strong families.
Whites sell and distribute guns and drugs in black communities and you don't even begin to touch that.
Heres a drug line in Chicago. Are you telling me it leads to a white guys apartment? Pff, shut up you fool. :laugh:


How purposefully ignorant can a group of people be?

South America and Mexico drive much of the availability of heroin in the U.S. Around 90 percent of heroin in the world originates in Afghanistan, but only around four percent of U.S. heroin is from Afghanistan.Pure heroin, which is a white or off-white, bitter powder, usually comes from South America in U.S. markets. This heroin is most often found in the areas east of the Mississippi River. Black tar heroin, on the other hand, is usually produced in Mexico and sold in markets to the west of the Mississippi. The reason it’s so dark is the result of the crude processing that happens in Mexico, leaving impurities in the drug.A small percentage of heroin can come from Afghanistan as mentioned, and other Southeast Asian countries, but this has been on the rise recently, and drug enforcement professionals believe that Afghanistan heroin producers have made more distribution in the U.S. a goal. A lot of heroin is starting to come in through Canada, and then moving into the U.S. as well.While Mexico remains one of the primary suppliers of heroin to the U.S. the country doesn’t have the kind of drug problem the U.S. has in terms of the population actually consuming the drug.

Where Does Heroin Come From?

The poppy seeds that made the heroin did not grow in that black community.

Now since nearly of the stuff needed to make heroin comes from outside the US and blacks don't own an airline or shipping company while whites own them all, who distributes this drug to these communities? But you cowards don't want to say anything about that part. But you are sure glad tp post a picture of some blacks standing in drug lines.
Poppy seeds arent coming from white nations. Black drug dealers buy this product from people, then they sell it in their community. Blaming white people for what black drug dealers do in your community, is clearly racist.

Whites buy the drugs from people in those nations then fly it here. If whites didn't do that, the black drug dealer couldn't buy the drug from the white distributor. Truth. Learn to face it.
So a non white Afghani grows and sells heroin to a white middle man, who then sells it to a black drug dealer. This is the scenario youre describing? Why are you putting the blame on the middle man? because hes white?

This is the scenario that happens. I have worked in the black community and deny nothing but you want to blame everybody but the white man.

Because this rate skews the numbers of all crime, it gives the entire country a Black Eye (no pun intended)

And, this crime normally happens in neighborhoods that are mostly Black. The neighborhoods have a difficult time re-gentrifying or attracting new business and jobs while these crime numbers remain high.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well before that can be answered -- one must ask themselves -- was there ever a time that blacks were not considered savages?

Welfare screwed the black community.
Back in the day they had strong families.

white paternalism
Monday June 3rd 2013 by abagond

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?
I see what you did there.....:71:
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?

Blacks prefer to remain segregated and so do all other races. Most blacks will agree that diversity is bullshit. Put all of the gays in California and build a wall around it.

Because this rate skews the numbers of all crime, it gives the entire country a Black Eye (no pun intended)

And, this crime normally happens in neighborhoods that are mostly Black. The neighborhoods have a difficult time re-gentrifying or attracting new business and jobs while these crime numbers remain high.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well before that can be answered -- one must ask themselves -- was there ever a time that blacks were not considered savages?

Welfare screwed the black community.
Back in the day they had strong families.

white paternalism
Monday June 3rd 2013 by abagond

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

Where you trying to make a point?
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?
It's OK.

The Republican part of White America loves seeing unarmed blacks being shot dead in the street.

Chicago is run by liberals.
And......? What's with your love of Chicago? They aren't even in the top 10 dangerous cities for crime.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?

Blacks prefer to remain segregated and so do all other races. Most blacks will agree that diversity is bullshit. Put all of the gays in California and build a wall around it.

Really? And are you black?

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