Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for 100's of years, then and only then can calling any black person "angry" will make sense.

LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago Blacks are killing one another in a volume that defies every major U.S. city the same grim story...52 years after abolishing Jim Crow laws; after forced busing, forced school integration, and forced community integration by the federal government and the courts; after the sundry Affirmative Action laws; after Johnson’s “war on poverty”; after endless “disparate impact” rulings allowing state-sponsored discrimination against whites in favor of blacks; after trillions of dollars in food, medical, and other aid to Africa; after sacrificing blood and treasure in black hell-holes from Haiti to Somalia; after ending Apartheid; after forgiving every sin and failure of every black due to the legacy of “slavery” and “racism”; after pouring trillions into a school system that is obsessively focused on closing the “achievement gap” between blacks and other races (all the while doing nothing whatsoever to close that gap, but successfully sinking to rank lowest among developed nations); after electing and appointing blacks into positions of power throughout the land—up to and including the nation’s highest office; after coming up with every excuse imaginable as to why so many blacks continue to be stupid, ignorant, violent, corrupt, criminal, rude, nasty, and hopeless after so much time, money, effort, blood, sweat, and good will has been showered upon them to the exclusion of all other races…at what point do we say enough is enough? At what point do we admit that, while the experiment was noble, it has utterly failed? That blacks are, on the whole, a failed race? That we have done enough—more than enough—so we now will let them sink or swim on their own merits, or lack thereof?
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Holy shit, what a racist POS. ^^^

The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary

He could be the angry white teenager playing around on the Internet for all we know.

Ironically his biggest obstacle is himself...he is garden-variety dumb and looking for scapegoats...just angry and spitting vitriol
You are a sad pathetically trapped in narrow ideas of group prejudice that you cannot see beyond the racial punctuations, and abridgments...
I have group prejudice ? This coming from the man who says about black people
only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
But I have group prejudice. OK. Right.

If you can’t see the irony embedded in you're remarks - after all, to accuse me of "group prejudice" and then to cut loose with a racist group prejudice generalizations is the epitome of self-contradiction, then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything

"No. No. They're just the facts. Right !! Honest. They're just the facts !!".

I have group prejudice even though
  • I do not make fun of how whites, Asian or Latinos talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food whites, Asian or Latinos eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white, Asians,Latino people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against whites, Asian or Latinos saying that whites kill each other all the time.
  • I do not say that whites, Asian or Latinos intellectually inferior
  • I do not make racist jokes whites, Asian or Latinos.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
52 years after abolishing Jim Crow laws; after forced busing, forced school integration, and forced community integration by the federal government and the courts; after the sundry Affirmative Action laws; after Johnson’s “war on poverty”; after endless “disparate impact” rulings allowing state-sponsored discrimination against whites in favor of blacks; after trillions of dollars in food, medical, and other aid to Africa; after sacrificing blood and treasure in black hell-holes from Haiti to Somalia; after ending Apartheid; after forgiving every sin and failure of every black due to the legacy of “slavery” and “racism”; after pouring trillions into a school system that is obsessively focused on closing the “achievement gap” between blacks and other races (all the while doing nothing whatsoever to close that gap, but successfully sinking to rank lowest among developed nations); after electing and appointing blacks into positions of power throughout the land—up to and including the nation’s highest office; after coming up with every excuse imaginable as to why so many blacks continue to be stupid, ignorant, violent, corrupt, criminal, rude, nasty, and hopeless after so much time, money, effort, blood, sweat, and good will has been showered upon them to the exclusion of all other races…at what point do we say enough is enough? At what point do we admit that, while the experiment was noble, it has utterly failed? That blacks are, on the whole, a failed race? That we have done enough—more than enough—so we now will let them sink or swim on their own merits, or lack thereof?
You are a sad pathetically trapped in narrow ideas of group prejudice that you cannot see beyond the racial punctuations, and abridgments...
I have group prejudice ? This coming from the man who says about black people
only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
But I have group prejudice. OK. Right.

If you can’t see the irony embedded in you're remarks - after all, to accuse me of "group prejudice" and then to cut loose with a racist group prejudice generalizations is the epitome of self-contradiction, then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything

"No. No. They're just the facts. Right !! Honest. They're just the facts !!".

I have group prejudice even though
  • I do not make fun of how whites, Asian or Latinos talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food whites, Asian or Latinos eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white, Asians,Latino people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against whites, Asian or Latinos saying that whites kill each other all the time.
  • I do not say that whites, Asian or Latinos intellectually inferior
  • I do not make racist jokes whites, Asian or Latinos.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Paul: "Whenever I say something bad about whites it almost always has to do with their racism"

Because everyone knows that Whites are a unitary group baptized in "racism"...and yet you literally pollute the board with your simple-minded 'racism' Pauly...any thoughts on this apparent double-standard sluggo???? Can you offer informed commentary on the sheer weight and pervasive sway of Black racism...? Probably not...
Now that is a LOT of stereotyping.

So, your story is that blacks don't do those things? And they especially don't do them to white people?
If we had a black hospital. We could never use whites as guinea pigs in our hospitals. The way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in there hospitals. We could never red-line whites areas from credit the way white banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up white people CV'S and resumes. The way many white companies rip black CV's and resumes. We could never poison the water supply in white areas. The way whites poison the water supply in black areas.

We could never treat whites the way whites have treated blacks.

God just did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago
Let's just stop at Chicago.

Let's take one point at a time. Right ? Because your just rambling on. Let's really look at Chicago.

So let's unpack that. Shall we ?
LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago
As I said to someone else about Chicago

The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

Or are you one those Asian people deeply soaked in a white supremacist way of thinking that you think “well, ya know, that’s what those blacks are like

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings are not keeping silent out of a no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when children are being killed. You saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often.

There is no way possible for all that killing to go on without some dirty cops being involved.

Most of these kids can barely afford a burger from McDonald’s. How can can they afford these guns?

The guns they have can’t even be barely legally, not only that, there are no gun shops in Chicago.

Where do they get the bullets from?

Also city taxes pay for camera’s on every block and when a shooting takes place no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

But let one of their own get murdered ? They'll know the killer their in less 48 hrs.

But anybody else ?

It's always


A lot of the gang wars were initially instigated by police and government agents to destabilize the communities and drive down property values for eventual gentrification and ethnic cleansing. So Chicago has long been a place of violent criminal activity and it was started perpetrated by white people.

Also it was white people who got this ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson. Also events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. What’s ironic is that people like the ones mentioned are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

These peoples planted the seeds of street crime.
in every major U.S. city the same grim story...
Michael A. Wood Jr was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. The police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests – like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or read about white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

His father gets him out. After that Schoolcraft went to live at his father’s house hundreds of miles away. Despite the distance, New York police officers have appeared at his door ten times so far.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with theRamparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

But if you want to act like a 10 naive year kid and swallow everything the police tell you about crime stats, that's on you.

LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago Blacks are killing one another in a volume that defies logic.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago Blacks are killing one another in a volume that defies every major U.S. city the same grim story..
And let's look at crime.

Bernie Madoff got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

Just one white guy.

And, as we now know it (financial crisis was partly caused by these guys), there were dozens more in the billions club in Wall street.

Bernie Madoff was described as a criminal mastermind. If Madoff was a black guy named Jerome Jenkins, how long would he have gotten away with it ?

Madoff; one of the biggest criminals ever and yet his doings are seen somehow “victimless” even though he stole billions which means tens of thousands lost their pention funds, money, houses, life savings etc. It is also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.

Now, I would like you to show me a single black American embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

And I’m pretty sure Madoff (like the rest) would probably would score highly on just about any standardized test you chose to give him.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago Blacks are killing one another in a volume that defies every major U.S. city the same grim story.?
I also notice how don't talk about white crime.

And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white organized crime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members

We know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder, and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands. Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were litterally dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that.

And that number is just their murders and just by the italianamerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Not to mention those guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s.

How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

And you dare talk about black people being violent ?

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how you promoting the idea of black criminality somehow forgets all of that.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! 'when?' ...apparently your blinders are reliable guards against reality...take a good long look at what passes for the 'Black community' ...In Chicago Blacks are killing one another in a volume that defies every major U.S. city the same grim story.?
I also notice how don't talk about white crime.

And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white organized crime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members

We know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder, and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands. Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were litterally dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that.

And that number is just their murders and just by the italianamerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Not to mention those guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s.

How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

And you dare talk about black people being violent ?

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how you promoting the idea of black criminality somehow forgets all of that.

Okay all of that febrile static negates the appalling stats on Black domination of violent crime how? Feel free to answer because I didn't really notice any other poster claiming that Whites don't commit crime Goober, but of course you energies are devoted to scapegoating...
"...and did you know that whites are roughly 72% of the domestic population? Blacks are 13%------and the problematic demographic---black males 14 to 30---are less than 3%, yet they account for 60% of violent offenses and homicides---mostly other black folk...when you can apply those stats to whites you might have a case...LOL
Now that is a LOT of stereotyping.

So, your story is that blacks don't do those things? And they especially don't do them to white people?
If we had a black hospital. We could never use whites as guinea pigs in our hospitals. The way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in there hospitals. We could never red-line whites areas from credit the way white banks redline black areas from credit. We could never rip up white people CV'S and resumes. The way many white companies rip black CV's and resumes. We could never poison the water supply in white areas. The way whites poison the water supply in black areas.

We could never treat whites the way whites have treated blacks.

God just did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.

Really Mr Delusional????> you might want to check the appalling statistics for Black-on-White crime: everything from homicide, armed assault...rape...B&E...Flash-Mobs...wilding...racial targeting...Beat-downs...subways slashings...example: google Channen Christian and Chris Newsom...nahhhh Blacks are gentle as a sparrow
If Blacks had not taught whites music you would still think scraping sticks across the cave walls and floors was music. :laugh:

Yeah because Beethoven, Brahm, Wagner, Mozart, Vivaldi, etc...etc.. were surrounded by Black music tutors...what a racist idiot you are:asshole:
That never happened until after the Moors educated you regressed whites in music. Sorry buddy. Looks like the only thing you whites invented was raping sheep and even that hasnt caught on beyond the white race.

Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.
Who is patting Asians on the head?
Yeah because Beethoven, Brahm, Wagner, Mozart, Vivaldi, etc...etc.. were surrounded by Black music tutors...what a racist idiot you are:asshole:
That never happened until after the Moors educated you regressed whites in music. Sorry buddy. Looks like the only thing you whites invented was raping sheep and even that hasnt caught on beyond the white race.

Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.

sure you aren't projecting again knuckle-dragger...?
Nothing to review Paul...all of the categories are indicative of the unquestionable Black superiority you and other delusional racists here make reference for my 'race' it is quite irrelevant to the exchange...the only reason you continue to press that question is because you incorrectly believe that it might give you a polemical advantage...
I'm just asking what race you are.

I'm a black man and I'm proud to be a black man.

You said you are not white.

So all I'm asking is "What race are you ?"

And trust me if you think it's not relevant, then roll up 2 an Aryan nation rally and see what they say.

I don't get why you are so ashamed of your race. Look I've met scores of non white people who hold the same views about black people as you do, so what your saying is nothing original or shocking.

All I'm asking is what race you are then we talk about those talking points you said

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Savagery
Hes a white guy. His insecurity keeps him from admitting it but you can tell he is white by how he replies to things.
That never happened until after the Moors educated you regressed whites in music. Sorry buddy. Looks like the only thing you whites invented was raping sheep and even that hasnt caught on beyond the white race.

Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.

sure you aren't projecting again knuckle-dragger...?
Says the guy that has copious amounts of neanderthal DNA.
Yeah because Beethoven, Brahm, Wagner, Mozart, Vivaldi, etc...etc.. were surrounded by Black music tutors...what a racist idiot you are:asshole:
That never happened until after the Moors educated you regressed whites in music. Sorry buddy. Looks like the only thing you whites invented was raping sheep and even that hasnt caught on beyond the white race.

Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.

I don't know how you say you're not a racist?
That never happened until after the Moors educated you regressed whites in music. Sorry buddy. Looks like the only thing you whites invented was raping sheep and even that hasnt caught on beyond the white race.

Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.

I don't know how you say you're not a racist?
You dont know a lot of things but thats not really my issue...its yours. If you want to think I am racist I'm good with it. I give you my permission.
Oh my God are you ignorant!!! Why don't you prove this radical thesis low-brow knuckle-dragger? I promise to wait right here while you fetch that info...because prior to the 'Moors' we all know that Whites had no concept of music...and yet a casual glance today reveals Whites at the pinnacle of success in every respect and their Black counterparts languishing in squalor and internecine savagery, shooting one another for recreation in every major American city---BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF BLACK CIVILIZATION...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You have already proven you are too stupid to debate. If you were intelligent I could prove it to you. Sorry but you dont merit any serious debate white boy. You just take my word for it. If the Moors had not saved your savage asses you would still be eating each other for brunch.

"take my word for it?"...and then the simpleton veers into a lecture on debate? I cannot contain my laughter...
Spare us all the diversionary static knuckle-dragger, and prove your thesis---or accept the obvious fact that you are a febrile, uneducated clown who is predisposed to invent a history that doesn't exist...
Says the inbred monkey.

I don't know how you say you're not a racist?
You dont know a lot of things but thats not really my issue...its yours. If you want to think I am racist I'm good with it. I give you my permission.

You know everything, huh?
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