Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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What facts? That no matter what you do, whitey will always be in your way? That's an opinion, not a fact. Do you know the difference?
You blame black people all the time for white racism

"Black people are inferior"
"Black people have a low IQ"
"Black people are violent"

Then you have the nerve to say I'm blame shifting ?

White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

When coal mines shut down in West Virginia and crime and poverty among whites go through the roof, it is called “bad times”. Right ?

When steel mills shut down in Chicago and crime and poverty among blacks go through the roof, it is called “Well, that's what those black people do”.

Whites can blame the economy, the government, social trends, food additives, Mexicans, Muslims, blacks and even reverse racism.

But Blacks are only allowed to blame ourselves. Right ? Otherwise it is called “whining” and “not taking responsibility”.
Black people as a group DO have a lower average IQ. That's not racism, that's a fact.
Black people ARE more incarcerated as a group, another fact.
Black people haven't invented anything since the 'fro comb. Another fact. Not racism.

Whites blame the economy because we constructed it and run it, so ya, we should blame ourselves on that one. :biggrin:
Don't forget that they also invented ebonics, crack houses and $5.00 hookers.

...only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
He's back !

The Asian white supremacist (lol)
only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
He's back !

The Asian white supremacist (lol)

LOL...spare me the weak poses Paul and kindly inform us all what happened!!!!??? How did Blacks fall from such a 'superior' position to the collective nightmare of illiteracy, belligerent stupidity...criminality...academic and economic stasis...welfare dependency...excuse-peddling and internecine savagery we see everywhere today?
LOL...spare me the weak poses Paul and kindly inform us all what happened!!!!??? How did Blacks fall from such a 'superior' position to the collective nightmare of illiteracy, belligerent stupidity...criminality...academic and economic stasis...welfare dependency...excuse-peddling and internecine savagery we see everywhere today?
Before I get on to your questions.

What race are you ?

And then we can go through all your talking points that I have heard before

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Economics
5) Savagery
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LOL...spare me the weak poses Paul and kindly inform us all what happened!!!!??? How did Blacks fall from such a 'superior' position to the collective nightmare of illiteracy, belligerent stupidity...criminality...academic and economic stasis...welfare dependency...excuse-peddling and internecine savagery we see everywhere today?
Before I get on to your questions.

What race are you ?

And then we can go through all your talking points that I have heard before

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Economics
5) Savagery

Nothing to review Paul...all of the categories are indicative of the unquestionable Black superiority you and other delusional racists here make reference for my 'race' it is quite irrelevant to the exchange...the only reason you continue to press that question is because you incorrectly believe that it might give you a polemical advantage...
He is the only rapper who even tried to make songs.
Is he the only rapper you ever heard of? The reason I ask is because so far your post wins the retarded post of the day award.
Apparently you don't understand the elements of music.
If Blacks had not taught whites music you would still think scraping sticks across the cave walls and floors was music. :laugh:
Mozart and Beethoven have been teaching black people what music is for centuries, idiot.

Clearly the knuckle-draggers need to imagine or invent a proud history...the reality doesn't offer much...LOL
They know how to play the bongo drums.
Nothing to review Paul...all of the categories are indicative of the unquestionable Black superiority you and other delusional racists here make reference for my 'race' it is quite irrelevant to the exchange...the only reason you continue to press that question is because you incorrectly believe that it might give you a polemical advantage...
I'm just asking what race you are.

I'm a black man and I'm proud to be a black man.

You said you are not white.

So all I'm asking is "What race are you ?"

And trust me if you think it's not relevant, then roll up 2 an Aryan nation rally and see what they say.

I don't get why you are so ashamed of your race. Look I've met scores of non white people who hold the same views about black people as you do, so what your saying is nothing original or shocking.

All I'm asking is what race you are then we talk about those talking points you said

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Savagery
Nothing to review Paul...all of the categories are indicative of the unquestionable Black superiority you and other delusional racists here make reference for my 'race' it is quite irrelevant to the exchange...the only reason you continue to press that question is because you incorrectly believe that it might give you a polemical advantage...
I'm just asking what race you are.

I'm a black man and I'm proud to be a black man.

You said you are not white.

So all I'm asking is "What race are you ?"

And trust me if you think it's not relevant, then roll up 2 an Aryan nation rally and see what they say.

I don't get why you are so ashamed of your race. Look I've met scores of non white people who hold the same views about black people as you do, so what your saying is nothing original or shocking.

All I'm asking is what race you are then we talk about those talking points you said

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Savagery

You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
White people built a system where they have it pretty good. What's wrong with that?
LOL...spare me the weak poses Paul and kindly inform us all what happened!!!!??? How did Blacks fall from such a 'superior' position to the collective nightmare of illiteracy, belligerent stupidity...criminality...academic and economic stasis...welfare dependency...excuse-peddling and internecine savagery we see everywhere today?
Before I get on to your questions.

What race are you ?

And then we can go through all your talking points that I have heard before

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Economics
5) Savagery

Why do you need to know what race someone is before having a discussion?
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.
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LOL...spare me the weak poses Paul and kindly inform us all what happened!!!!??? How did Blacks fall from such a 'superior' position to the collective nightmare of illiteracy, belligerent stupidity...criminality...academic and economic stasis...welfare dependency...excuse-peddling and internecine savagery we see everywhere today?
Before I get on to your questions.

What race are you ?

And then we can go through all your talking points that I have heard before

1) IQ
2) Crime
3) Africa
4) Economics
5) Savagery

Why do you need to know what race someone is before having a discussion?

Because Paul is a reflexive racist and he positions his replies based upon race...if I told him that I was Black he would label me a traitor or 'self-hating Black"...If I confessed that I am part Asian he would accuse me of a superiority-complex...if I said White the reply would be as predictable as gas after a Mexican meal...I ignore people like this...
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Holy shit, what a racist POS. ^^^
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

You are a sad pathetically trapped in narrow ideas of group prejudice that you cannot see beyond the racial punctuations, and abridgments...
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Holy shit, what a racist POS. ^^^

The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary
You are a sad pathetically trapped in narrow ideas of group prejudice that you cannot see beyond the racial punctuations, and abridgments...
I have group prejudice ? This coming from the man who says about black people
only the tip of the iceberg...they invented excuse-peddling...recreational gun-play...welfare low-IQ...cultural futility and moral deprivation...FEEL THAT PRIDE!!!
But I have group prejudice. OK. Right.

If you can’t see the irony embedded in you're remarks - after all, to accuse me of "group prejudice" and then to cut loose with a racist group prejudice generalizations is the epitome of self-contradiction, then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything

"No. No. They're just the facts. Right !! Honest. They're just the facts !!".

I have group prejudice even though
  • I do not make fun of how whites, Asian or Latinos talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food whites, Asian or Latinos eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white, Asians,Latino people are like”.
  • I do not excuse violence against whites, Asian or Latinos saying that whites kill each other all the time.
  • I do not say that whites, Asian or Latinos intellectually inferior
  • I do not make racist jokes whites, Asian or Latinos.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Whenever I say something bad about whites it almost always has to do with their racism.
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The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for 100's of years, then and only then can calling any black person "angry" will make sense.
The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary
When black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating sun-down towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white people en mass via de jure and de facto racism for 100's of years, then and only then can calling any black person "angry" will make sense.

Now that is a LOT of stereotyping.

So, your story is that blacks don't do those things? And they especially don't do them to white people?
You are so thoroughly bitter and filled with vitriol and mindless ignorance that it is clearly pointless to even play your silly race is completely irrelevant to the we aren't attending an Aryan Nation rally dullard...unlike you my race is neither a source or shame or doesn't need to be. I suspect you follow me around here because on some rejected or suppressed level you are well aware that I'm right, and this awareness foments confused rage...go away and annoy someone else...
The reason I ask "What race are you?" is because you have said that you're not white.

So you're under the global system of white supremacy, just as much as I am.

Let's say you're Asian then Asians experience positive racism. They're seen as good non white people who serve whites. Blacks experience negative racism

Because we have deep history of protesting and going head to head with white supremacy and have tried to improve our lot.

We're seen as bad non-white people.

Asians try to work harder despite the system. Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !”

By the way, if you are Asian then Charles Murray (Author of The Bell Curve) married an Asian woman and had two hapa children and this is the author of the most-cited white supremacist handbooks.

Are you a hapa kid ? I get the feeling you are

Irony is now the leaders of the Alt-Right are complaining about the growing number of Hapa's attending their white nationalist conferences that their white supremacist fathers dragged them to.

Hapa kids often end up fucked up in the head because they thought they'd get the same amount of privilege their white parent gets.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

But instead of being mad at white supremacy. They're pissed that they're half Asian and starting hating on black people to raise their damaged self esteem.

And even if you're full Asian, they may say "Asians have a higher IQ" but they'll also say "Asians are less creative" than Whites. They will still typecast Asian males as nerdy and effeminate and their women as submissive and at the mercy of white western males.

So that's one way white supremacists get around the Asian IQ roadblock. Also they'll still dehumanize Asians into "emotionless think tanks". This is why in Silicon Valley they deny Asians opportunities at leadership positions and give them jobs only as programmers.

Holy shit, what a racist POS. ^^^

The scathing irony is that Paul is a common stereotype---THE ANGRY BLACK MAN----trying to convince himself that his vitriol doesn't blind him...scary

He could be the angry white teenager playing around on the Internet for all we know.
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