dear you clearly lack the iqs to be here

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal, a Nazi, or the monster under your bed.

dear, our founders made all those who support big central govt illegal regardless of rationale.

Do you understand?
dear you lack the iq to be here so the new socialist communism nazi government will make you illegal

praise your liberal fascist muslim overlord, future president bernie sanders

dear, our founders made all those who support big central govt illegal regardless of rationale.

Do you understand?
read your history, dear, you dirty liberal muslim, communism is the best in the entire world because everyone has a job so no one has an excuse to be poor. Either you don't work or you don't eat.
dear, our founders made all those who support big central govt illegal regardless of rationale.

Do you understand?
Lol special ed is a fuckin idiot.

Capitalism is so severely self regulating that every company without the BEST IN THE WORLD goes out

Special ed, either you think only 1 total company would exist.....

Or you dont know what "best in the world" means.

I think you meant to say "amongst the" best in the world, special ed.

See why we say you are special? Dear.
Special Ed Qaeda, Dear, if you were less boring than a doorknob and anyone found your schtick at all interesting...

You'd sell books.

Do you understand?

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