Death Knell For The Democrats?

We want Trump! We want Trump! Trump! Trump! We want Trump!

And the Trump train rolls on. (while the hillary train runs out of fuel and sputters) LOL. :laugh:
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Good to see the symbol of hate being left in the dustbin of History.

What is the symbol of Affirmative Action hate ? Would this be it ? >>> View attachment 76415

And what is the symbol of MEChA hate ? This ? >>>View attachment 76416

Notice how the eagle is holding a stick of dynamite, with a lit fuse in its mouth.
And the good news is.............................
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

yep the Republican base

Pew Research Center survey indicates that white Christians are now just 44 percent of the U.S. population. That’s down from a majority, 55 percent, as recently as 2007. :banana::badgrin:
There are NUMEROUS things that could/should be death knell for the Democrats. Only the surface has been scratched so far.
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One of the more tired, lame, and ridiculous lies out of the rightwing playbook: ‘democrats aren’t patriotic.’

Are most conservatives so stupid as to think anyone actually believes this.
Democrats are WORSE than not patriotic. They are TREASONOUS. They support the Muslim Brotherhood front groups, and in turn those seditious groups whose aim is to destroy America, support her. She even has one of them as her close aide, Huma Abedin, and this showed up very clearly when Hillary was Sect of State.

Hillary also supports the govt of Mexico which as been waging imperialist war on the US for 70 years, invading the USA, committing imperialism with its cheap labor 'troops", as it has been for 70 years, and is engaging in international burglary, looting our economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more per year in welfare to Mexicans in the US, through misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, the anchor baby racket, & false documentation, while stealing Americans' jobs in the process. Nothing "decent' about that.

Democrats also align with the Muslim Brotherhood front groups supporting Hillary Clinton, whose goal is to destroy America.

They're also with Benjamin Crump, (Hillary endorser)part of Obama's race hustlers group (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc) who go around instigating riots.

They're also with the National Org of Women, which endorses Hillary, and which hypocritically claims to support women, yet says nothing about about the worst oppression of women in America, that being the oppression of Muslim women by Muslim men.

They're also with the racist NAACP (which endorses Hillary), and hypocritically claims to be for civil rights, but supports and pushes Affirmative Action racial discrimination against white people.
And the good news is.............................
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

yep the Republican base

Pew Research Center survey indicates that white Christians are now just 44 percent of the U.S. population. That’s down from a majority, 55 percent, as recently as 2007. :banana::badgrin:
So what are you ? A racist hater of Whites and Christians ?
and you assholes buying american flags made in china and being so fucking proud of yourselves for doing so and being 'great or true americans' will pass up a group of veterans seeking donations in a fucking heartbeat.....i love to watch when the dav sets up a stand....its the suv's with gop stickers that pass on by....not donating.....fuck you bunch of patrioteers
And the good news is.............................
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

yep the Republican base

Pew Research Center survey indicates that white Christians are now just 44 percent of the U.S. population. That’s down from a majority, 55 percent, as recently as 2007. :banana::badgrin:
So what are you ? A racist hater of Whites and Christians ?
the numbers are reported by pew research

According to Pew Research Center data published in the National Journal, white Christians are finally in the minority, dropping from 55% of the population in 2007 to 46% today.:crybaby::itsok::laugh2:

And they are the republican base!!!
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I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Okay, so you fly a flag.

So why are you registered with a political party that is trying to destroy all it represents?
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Then you should rethink your party loyalty!

Are you trying to say that Republicans are beyond reproach? Free of sin? Never made complete asses of themselves?
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Okay, so you fly a flag.

So why are you registered with a political party that is trying to destroy all it represents?
Why are you so willing to embrace utter idiocy and hyperbole?
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?
A flag doesn't get weathered so quickly that it would require disposing. I'd say you buy them yearly so you can destroy them which demonstrates how democrats hate our Flag.
I fly a flag for one year. Flying a faded, tattered flag is, in my opinion, a sign of disrespect.
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Okay, so you fly a flag.

So why are you registered with a political party that is trying to destroy all it represents?
Why are you so willing to embrace utter idiocy and hyperbole?

So -

1) You accuse someone of saying something that was not said.
2) You avoid the probing response.
3) You respond with a question of your own to deflect.

How typical. And BTW, there is nothing idiotic about fact and historical record.
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Okay, so you fly a flag.

So why are you registered with a political party that is trying to destroy all it represents?
Why are you so willing to embrace utter idiocy and hyperbole?

So -

1) You accuse someone of saying something that was not said.
2) You avoid the probing response.
3) You respond with a question of your own to deflect.

How typical. And BTW, there is nothing idiotic about fact and historical record.
Incredible! Ordinarily, one would have to go to a trailer park, a tractor pull or a Trump rally to hear hyperbole and irrationality used as an argument.

The Democrat party is trying to destroy America.

The argument used by the irresponsible, the uniformed, the hyper partisan who, by the way, are dividing this nation, perhaps irreparably.
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and you assholes buying american flags made in china and being so fucking proud of yourselves for doing so and being 'great or true americans' will pass up a group of veterans seeking donations in a fucking heartbeat.....i love to watch when the dav sets up a stand....its the suv's with gop stickers that pass on by....not donating.....fuck you bunch of patrioteers
Whatever. I've given a dollar or two to veterans and non-veterans who are begging in the parking lots, and I'n barely a notch above them myself economically. Only difference is I'm 70 years old, so I've got my secure Social Security and a VA pension both, even together they just barely cover my expenses. Right now on the 30th of the month, I'm flat broke, and wishing the pawn shops weren't closed for Memorial Day, so I could go down there and sell a some DVDs.

Not everybody is like you describe. I wouldn't be so judgemental. There's plenty of patriotic people who aren't stingy. Incidentally, I belong to the DAV myself, and the ASPCA too.
Incredible! Ordinarily, one would have to go to a trailer park, a tractor pull or a Trump rally to hear hyperbole and irrationality used as an argument.

The Democrat party is trying to destroy America.

The argument used by the irresponsible, the uniformed, the hyper partisan who, by the way, are dividing this nation, perhaps irreparably.
HA HA. Listen to a Democrat liberal saying that conservatives are uniformed. Like a turtle telling a horse he's slow. I've been saying all through this thread and a couple of other ones, liberals are the most information-deprived (and thereby ignorant) individuals in America. And sadly, they don't know how much they don't know. It's easy to tell how ignorant they are in these threads. They are totally unaware of what is happening in the immigration fiasco, or with Muslims, or gun rights, or the death penalty, or a dozen other issues.

I have never lost a debate with these guys on these things, and in every case, they boldly step into the debate, and suddenly find out there's whole bunch of important things they didn't know. Of course, because liberal media doesn't report those things. I remember when Donald Trump's latest book, Crippled America came out. I went right out and got the book and read it. It is a warehouse of information about Trump's policies, as is his website. So what do liberal media report ? Not that stuff. Then programmed liberals watch those shows loaded with misinformation and a lack of true information

I watched MSNBC and PBS on TV every day for months after that book came out. I never once heard the words Crippled America, or any reference to the book, or its content. Same with the Trump website.
I buy a new flag every year from the American Legion Emblem and Seal website. Every year I take my previous flag to my local American Legion post for proper disposal.

And I am a registered Democrat.

What manner of arrogance do you have to think that only Conservative Republicans fly, revere and respect our flag? What manner of ignorance permits you to politicize our flag?

Aren't you just a little ashamed of your thread, or does arrogance and ignorance prevent any such feelings of shame?

Okay, so you fly a flag.

So why are you registered with a political party that is trying to destroy all it represents?
Why are you so willing to embrace utter idiocy and hyperbole?

So -

1) You accuse someone of saying something that was not said.
2) You avoid the probing response.
3) You respond with a question of your own to deflect.

How typical. And BTW, there is nothing idiotic about fact and historical record.
Incredible! Ordinarily, one would have to go to a trailer park, a tractor pull or a Trump rally to hear hyperbole and irrationality used as an argument.

The Democrat party is trying to destroy America.


The argument used by the irresponsible, the uniformed, the hyper partisan who, by the way, are dividing this nation, perhaps irreparably.

Since 1856, none have so divided this nation more than Barack Obama and his Democrats.

It was the Democrats who were responsible then, as well.

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