Death Of A Nation

I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough
Its why dumbocracy will die. Its up to it if it dies a quick death or a slow one. :) You can't complain about "conspiracy theories" when you clowns think EVERYTHING to do with Clinton's emails and now investigation is a "Russian conspiracy"

You're not going to do anything about it. Trump and Repugs are going to lose and they are going to lose big on Nov 8. And I'm going to relish every minute of it.

You Trumpkin racists are evil and you must be stopped. You all are basically the modern day Confederacy. Seriously.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:

Repugs in the Senate have initiated more filibusters in the Senate during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined. They have done everything in their power to obstruct President Obama's agenda. Hardly "just standing there".

You have no idea what you are talking about because you an uneducated, unsophisticated racist Confederate goober.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Any time you need to use the phrase, "conspiracy theory" to dismiss your opponents pointing out of the deep state's corruption? You have already lost political and electoral legitimacy.

Sorry buddy.

Even great thinkers on the left have been admitting that the corruption has grown endemic. This is probably the best thing that could have happened for the nation. If it doesn't stop now, things will only get worse. If you care about the nation, perhaps you should wake up and help end the corruption... .

Or, you could just keep living in denial.

Here, listen to a great conversation by a friendly bunch of folks on the left.

I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:

Repugs in the Senate have initiated more filibusters in the Senate during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined. They have done everything in their power to obstruct President Obama's agenda. Hardly "just standing there".

You have no idea what you are talking about because you an uneducated, unsophisticated racist Confederate goober.

We sent our senators to Washington to oppose Obama, don't like it find a new country with a different constitution to live in.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.

I hate to say it, but the "far right" is now the normal Republican Party. That's why Trump is the nominee and all of these modern day racist Confederates are loving it.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:

Repugs in the Senate have initiated more filibusters in the Senate during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined. They have done everything in their power to obstruct President Obama's agenda. Hardly "just standing there".

You have no idea what you are talking about because you an uneducated, unsophisticated racist Confederate goober.

We sent our senators to Washington to oppose Obama, don't like it find a new country with a different constitution to live in.

Then why did you say Republicans in Congress are just "standing there", dipshit???
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.

Again you are just mad as hell that Trump went down to the basement on your level.
Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:

Repugs in the Senate have initiated more filibusters in the Senate during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined. They have done everything in their power to obstruct President Obama's agenda. Hardly "just standing there".

You have no idea what you are talking about because you an uneducated, unsophisticated racist Confederate goober.

We sent our senators to Washington to oppose Obama, don't like it find a new country with a different constitution to live in.

Then why did you say Republicans in Congress are just "standing there", dipshit???

God you are dense, did you drink too much last night? Are you a Nancy Pelosi constituent or something?
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.

I hate to say it, but the "far right" is now the normal Republican Party. That's why Trump is the nominee and all of these modern day racist Confederates are loving it.
No, BOTH Parties have moved LEFT.

It's just that the Democrats have embraced full fledged COMMUNISM.

Now, to the Left, NORMAL is "far right."

You would have HATED George Washington & Thomas Jefferson.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Republicans finally lowered themselves to fight the sleeze bag democrats on there level nothing more nothing less

Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.

Again you are just mad as hell that Trump went down to the basement on your level.

Keep telling yourself that, goober. Democrats don't incite violence at their political rallies, like Trump has done. Democrats don't promote racist bullshit theories about a sitting President, like Trump has done.
I'm not talking about America.

I'm talking about the current state of conservative red faced unglued hysteria that is accepted as normal behavior. The willingness to accept any proclamation from someone like Trump no matter how crazy it is. To accept any conspiracy theory as having merit.

The wail and cry from this off-the-map segment of the conservative right is now and will be here today 'well both sides do it'. No they don't. There is not a 'two sided coin' to every thought or statement or movement. What we have today is a coin with a person on one side and on the other side the image of a possessed and demonic Regan from The Exorcist. The false equivalency is in fact one of the fake arguing positions of this fanatical movement. They use all the tools available to blur the picture and portray themselves as just the 'opposition party'.

There was an opposition party 25 years ago. Anyone old enough knows the political parties used to argue loudly about things but they then got the business of the country done by compromise. Today the, call it whatever you like, alt-right, far right, tea baggers, whatever, they demand no compromise and instead demand their political leaders force everyone else to do their bidding and if you don't like it tough shit.

Sorry that isn't how democracy works. It never has and never will. The political death of this fanatical segment of the nation is what is needed.

Leonard Pitts: For the Republicans, defeat is not enough

Very well stated. I'm terrified at the prospect of Trump actually winning and giving legitimacy to all of his imbecile followers.

The fact that the U.S. Senate has had more filibusters during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined shows that the Republicans are an obstructionist party, not an opposition party. They have absolutely no interest in governing this country, they only care about power.

Most Republicans are evil people and very dangerous to democracy. Choosing a completely unqualified racist like Donald Trump as their nominee says it all.

I would say there are many sane conservatives out there that see what is happening to the Republican party and are as horrified as anyone. I know they are out there. As Leonard Pitts says in his article, the best solution here would be for the current Republican party to burn to the ground and these people, the sane conservatives that are left, to build a new party of civility and values again. I've said many times if Kasich were the nominee for the Republican party this year I would be voting for him. A great ticket for the country I think would be Sanders-Kasich, which will never happen but this is what is needed. Normal civil adults.

The current vein of hateful vitriol coming from the far right has to go.

I hate to say it, but the "far right" is now the normal Republican Party. That's why Trump is the nominee and all of these modern day racist Confederates are loving it.
No, BOTH Parties have moved LEFT.

It's just that the Democrats have embraced full fledged COMMUNISM.

Now, to the Left, NORMAL is "far right."

You would have HATED George Washington & Thomas Jefferson.

The Repugs have moved left, yet a total racist like Trump is your nominee.

You're a fucking idiot. Seriously.
Essentially its what it boils down to. The people found a candidate that would get in the dirt with the democraps and now the democraps are crying because he wants to play by their own rules when they are used to a candidate from the GOP rolling over and being a punk.

Exactly correct. The MSM has conditioned the GOP to just stand there and let the Democrats kick them in the nuts, if they dare fight back the MSM will attack them like a pack of rabid dogs. Trump told the MSM to go fuck themselves and is playing just as dirty as the Democrats and the Dem's are crying foul. Boo hoo Dem's :crybaby:

Repugs in the Senate have initiated more filibusters in the Senate during Obama's Presidency than in the previous 200 years combined. They have done everything in their power to obstruct President Obama's agenda. Hardly "just standing there".

You have no idea what you are talking about because you an uneducated, unsophisticated racist Confederate goober.

We sent our senators to Washington to oppose Obama, don't like it find a new country with a different constitution to live in.

Then why did you say Republicans in Congress are just "standing there", dipshit???

God you are dense, did you drink too much last night? Are you a Nancy Pelosi constituent or something?

You didn't answer the question, lightweight, because you can't. You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

But you've got plenty of racism and stupidity.
You can see what Pitts is talking about in this and most threads posted here and elsewhere. It is a segment of the population that always existed in the fringe previously but the Republican party brought them into the mainstream and convinced these people their crazy had just as much credibility as rational thought.
The Repugs have moved left, yet a total racist like Trump is your nominee.

You're a fucking idiot. Seriously.
You've just made my point! You think Trump is "far right."

That's what puts you in the Looney left.

You dumb fucks don't give a shit about any of Trump's ever-changing and non-existent policy positions. The only thing you Confederates care about is Trump's racism and xenophobia.

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