Death of an American Veteran. He never had a chance.

Oh, and I would be HAPPY to provide to any on this board the information on MY dd214, with HONOR.

trobinett said:
As a veteran, I find ALL of psycho's posts disgusting, an a affront to those that have truly served.:finger:

As I've said before, he most certainly does not fit the mold when one thinks in terms of career military person. I've know liberals/Democrats that made a career of the military, but none of them were extremist leftwingnuts like psycho.

I can't imagine him getting promoted to a high enough rank to be allowed to make the military a career.
Maybe Presidential Citations, or Unit Citation, maybe a National Defense Ribbon? Get freaking REAL, gunny. How about a Bronze Star? Or maybe even a Silver Star? Medal of Honor? Forgetaboutit!!!!!! I don't think any of you ever even earned a Purple Heart.

My service is as I have stated. Nothing less, nothing more unless you speak with my grand kids. That's OK. They are entitled by birth and inherited intelligence to believe anything they might deduce or otherwise understand as fact. I strongly encourage them to distrust myth and superstition.


GunnyL said:
NOBODY's DD214 is classified. It's an unclassified document, and no classified information is placed on it. It is a statement of service, nothing more nothing less, and any classified information (such as classified operations) would not be placed on it because it would not be in his unclassified personnel file; which, is where the info on the DD214 comes from.
Psychoblues said:
Maybe Presidential Citations, or Unit Citation, maybe a National Defense Ribbon? Get freaking REAL, gunny. How about a Bronze Star? Or maybe even a Silver Star? Medal of Honor? Forgetaboutit!!!!!! I don't think any of you ever even earned a Purple Heart.

My service is as I have stated. Nothing less, nothing more unless you speak with my grand kids. That's OK. They are entitled by birth and inherited intelligence to believe anything they might deduce or otherwise understand as fact. I strongly encourage them to distrust myth and superstition.

I would not advise ANY veteran to post his 214 in any public forum and especially on the Internet. Not even Psycho!

As for my medals, I could care less what you "think" I have earned or been awarded. I have stated categorically that the number and types of medals or years of service lend no special credence to your or anyone else's political opinion.

It is not your lack of proof of service that makes me skeptical of your story, but then I suspect you know that.
You are absolutely correct, CSM. Thanks for the time that you spend here and like you, I am very skeptical of any post made by anyone that uses a form of military rank or position as their handle in these converstations.

Chief Master Sergeant Psychoblues

ps See what I mean? It just doesn't make any sense. :beer:

CSM said:
I would not advise ANY veteran to post his 214 in any public forum and especially on the Internet. Not even Psycho!

As for my medals, I could care less what you "think" I have earned or been awarded. I have stated categorically that the number and types of medals or years of service lend no special credence to your or anyone else's political opinion.

It is not your lack of proof of service that makes me skeptical of your story, but then I suspect you know that.
Psychoblues said:
Maybe Presidential Citations, or Unit Citation, maybe a National Defense Ribbon? Get freaking REAL, gunny. How about a Bronze Star? Or maybe even a Silver Star? Medal of Honor? Forgetaboutit!!!!!! I don't think any of you ever even earned a Purple Heart.

My service is as I have stated. Nothing less, nothing more unless you speak with my grand kids. That's OK. They are entitled by birth and inherited intelligence to believe anything they might deduce or otherwise understand as fact. I strongly encourage them to distrust myth and superstition.


In other words I don't have any proof but because i'm Psychblues you have to take my word for it.

I don't think that Psycho YOU have ever served much less earned a purple heart, I smell bullshit on your part.

If you provide such documentation as to your service at that time I will offer a public apology but until such time you are known as a liar here and will be treated as such.
"Known"? That's a pretty interesting adjective coming from one that is known to eat so much feces. I heard that you were so tough that you had already eatten 500 lbs. of cat crap and you haven't been sick from it yet.

Have a nice day, oca.


OCA said:
In other words I don't have any proof but because i'm Psychblues you have to take my word for it.

I don't think that Psycho YOU have ever served much less earned a purple heart, I smell bullshit on your part.

If you provide such documentation as to your service at that time I will offer a public apology but until such time you are known as a liar here and will be treated as such.
Psychoblues said:
"Known"? That's a pretty interesting adjective coming from one that is known to eat so much feces. I heard that you were so tough that you had already eatten 500 lbs. of cat crap and you haven't been sick from it yet.

Have a nice day, oca.


That was quite possibly the lamest fucking insult I have ever heard in my life. I have nothing to say anymore to this guy, what a waste of time.
That, USMB'erCDevilDog, is fine with me. For every one dimensional have nothing other than a veterans status imbecile that I meet, like a few of you here in USMB, I personally know a thousand very genuine vets that would rather keep their status personal and private. Fortunately, for me, I have earned the privelege of becoming very personal with them and I very seriously enjoy their company and share their problems.


USMCDevilDog said:
That was quite possibly the lamest fucking insult I have ever heard in my life. I have nothing to say anymore to this guy, what a waste of time.
Psychoblues said:
"Known"? That's a pretty interesting adjective coming from one that is known to eat so much feces. I heard that you were so tough that you had already eatten 500 lbs. of cat crap and you haven't been sick from it yet.

Have a nice day, oca.


When proven wrong or backed into a corner this is how Psycho acts......or he runs like a yellow coward.

Why not provide evidence of your service and end it now?
Someday we may meet face to face, OCA. At that time I just might, only a might, give you further evidense of my service to America. I also might just dismiss you as a fruitcake and flip you off and go on about my business. Or, I might just lose it all and teach you a serious lesson about name calling and lying directed towards me and my life. We WILL settle it at that time as far as YOU are concerned. I will prove without a doubt to YOU about my being a "yellow coward". What do you mean when you reference "this is how Psycho acts"?


OCA said:
When proven wrong or backed into a corner this is how Psycho acts......or he runs like a yellow coward.

Why not provide evidence of your service and end it now?
Psychoblues said:
Someday we may meet face to face, OCA. At that time I just might, only a might, give you further evidense of my service to America. I also might just dismiss you as a fruitcake and flip you off and go on about my business. Or, I might just lose it all and teach you a serious lesson about name calling and lying directed towards me and my life. We WILL settle it at that time as far as YOU are concerned. I will prove without a doubt to YOU about my being a "yellow coward". What do you mean when you reference "this is how Psycho acts"?


Psycho, you aren't going to settle shit, you are a drunken blowhard blabbering from behind his keyboard.

How you act? Psycho you post one of your illiterate anti-American screeds then when cornered you either say something completely stupid or you simply cut and run and start another equally ridiculous thread, that makes you yellow.

Board opinion is you have not served America at anytime, that you only use the fantasy you have of serving to further your anti-american feelings and causes.
Psychoblues said:
Someday we may meet face to face, OCA. At that time I just might, only a might, give you further evidense of my service to America. I also might just dismiss you as a fruitcake and flip you off and go on about my business. Or, I might just lose it all and teach you a serious lesson about name calling and lying directed towards me and my life. We WILL settle it at that time as far as YOU are concerned. I will prove without a doubt to YOU about my being a "yellow coward". What do you mean when you reference "this is how Psycho acts"?


Hey chumpnuts .... ANY time you want to come on down here to your alleged alma mater -- you know, where you allegedly went to basic -- and teach ME a lesson, it's on.

Warhawk Gym, Lackland Air Force Base. We can do it in the ring, or the parking lot. Makes NO difference to me.

I'm tired of your shit talking. Now put up or shut up.
GunnyL said:
Hey chumpnuts .... ANY time you want to come on down here to your alleged alma mater -- you know, where you allegedly went to basic -- and teach ME a lesson, it's on.

Warhawk Gym, Lackland Air Force Base. We can do it in the ring, or the parking lot. Makes NO difference to me.

I'm tired of your shit talking. Now put up or shut up.

ooh-fucking-rah man, can you video tape that shit? just got called out buddy.
Yeah, I laughed my ass off at the call-out, USMCDD. gunny will know me when he sees me but I will never make any effort or any trip to see his dumb ass.


USMCDevilDog said:
ooh-fucking-rah man, can you video tape that shit? just got called out buddy.
Psychoblues said:
Yeah, I laughed my ass off at the call-out, USMCDD. gunny will know me when he sees me but I will never make any effort or any trip to see his dumb ass.


Talk the talk:blah2: , then don't back it up. Gee, why am I NOT surprized.
Because I and many others here on USMB think you such a hoot, I guess gunny. Threaten all you like. I'll see the threat in your eyes when I see you face to face. But, that ain't likely.


GunnyL said:
Talk the talk:blah2: , then don't back it up. Gee, why am I NOT surprized.
Psychoblues said:
Because I and many others here on USMB think you such a hoot, I guess gunny. Threaten all you like. I'll see the threat in your eyes when I see you face to face. But, that ain't likely.

Gee Psycho, I've not see the 'many others' who think Gunny's a hoot, unless he is trying to be. I'd say he's one of the most respected members on the board, as is MtnBiker, someone very difficult to rile. Interesting how you have that effect on people that don't get ticked off easily. :dunno:
It's a God given talent, Kathianne. I ain't braggin' though, but it's celestial is all I can come up with.


Kathianne said:
Gee Psycho, I've not see the 'many others' who think Gunny's a hoot, unless he is trying to be. I'd say he's one of the most respected members on the board, as is MtnBiker, someone very difficult to rile. Interesting how you have that effect on people that don't get ticked off easily. :dunno:

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