Death Threats And Violence From The Peace Loving Leftwing

You sound like a former poster called RedStatesRule... First of all, I think Cusak is saying that tongue in cheek..but he is stupid for writing it since he is famous. People are people..Dems, repubs whatever, both sides have their nutjobs..

You going to try and tell me that their has never been any violent republicans?? Go ahead and take this little tid-bit and come here yelling...SEE SEEE LOOOK...Here is an example..All Democrats are CRAZY!!! :cuckoo:

I sense panic out there folks.

The left is becoming unhinged.

For a peace loving party it sure seems like a great deal of violence comes out of their mouths.

This one from John Cusack is just the latest:

John Cusack Calls for 'Satanic Death' of Fox News, GOP Leaders

By Jo Piazza

Published August 31, 2010

Actor John Cusack went on a caustic Twitter rampage Sunday evening, attacking former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Fox News.


Cusack has long been outspoken about politics. He supported Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election and has contributed to The Huffington Post, but this is the first known time he has stooped to the level of making threats. - John Cusack Calls for 'Satanic Death' of Fox News, GOP Leaders

Last week Brad Pitt wanted to throw BP in prison...put it's CEOs on workcamps.

It's normal when someone like Madonna says during a Madison Square Garden concert that if Sarah Palin doesn't get off of her fucken street she's gonna kick her ass and Sheryl Crow took the time to cuss out Mrs. Palin in a song.

I keep seeing all of this anger and violence from the left.......yet they never pass up on an opportunity to say the right is the ones being hateful.

The right says building a mosque at Ground Zero is wrong, that refusing to enforce our immigration laws is wrong, that spending us into abject poverty is wrong, and that forcing health care insurance down our throats is wrong.....and the first thing out of a Liberal's mouth is "You're a GD Racist!!"

The last refuge of a liberal

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, August 27, 2010

Liberalism under siege is an ugly sight indeed. Just yesterday it was all hope and change and returning power to the people. But the people have proved so disappointing. Their recalcitrance has, in only 19 months, turned the predicted 40-year liberal ascendancy (James Carville) into a full retreat. Ah, the people, the little people, the small-town people, the "bitter" people, as Barack Obama in an unguarded moment once memorably called them, clinging "to guns or religion or" -- this part is less remembered -- "antipathy toward people who aren't like them."

That's a polite way of saying: clinging to bigotry. And promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.

I mean folks...this is getting utterly stupid.

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin Is An Idiot! Keith Olbermann[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Fans Storm Tax Day Tea Party[/ame]

If you compare this garbage to the decent way rightwingers act at their rallies...the Glenn Beck rally last weekend in really seems like there's alot of angry folks out there. But they don't seem to be conservatives.
Death threat? Leave it to FOX to lie about what was said.

He was talking about building a satantic death cult next to FOX news to counterbalance a mosque in NYC.

In other words, he was being facetious.

no, moron, he wanted to REPLACE it
you just never understand written words, do ya?
:rolleyes: You're an idiot. Tissue?
now, if it were Chuck Norris, Ben Stein or Ted Nugent THEN it's ok to listen to entertainers..



Do you know any famous rightwingers that are saying out loud that we need to kill Progressive leaders.

Seems like the left looks the other way then gives them high paying gigs and awards for their courage.

before or after your kind get their Michigan Militia patches on?
now, if it were Chuck Norris, Ben Stein or Ted Nugent THEN it's ok to listen to entertainers..



Do you know any famous rightwingers that are saying out loud that we need to kill Progressive leaders.

Seems like the left looks the other way then gives them high paying gigs and awards for their courage.

before or after your kind get their Michigan Militia patches on?

You must be confusing the Michigan Islamic Society with some Red-necks in Pig Knuckles Arkansas.
Death threat? Leave it to FOX to lie about what was said.

He was talking about building a satantic death cult next to FOX news to counterbalance a mosque in NYC.

In other words, he was being facetious.

Yeah, eveytime a nut job leftie says something threatening or stupid the other lefties say they did not mean it that way, but then the nut job lefties take the truth the right says and twists it and gets all spitting mad. That is why the lefties are nothing but big angry cry babie idiots, idiots.

Like when this happened?

Death threat? Leave it to FOX to lie about what was said.

He was talking about building a satantic death cult next to FOX news to counterbalance a mosque in NYC.

In other words, he was being facetious.

Yeah, eveytime a nut job leftie says something threatening or stupid the other lefties say they did not mean it that way, but then the nut job lefties take the truth the right says and twists it and gets all spitting mad. That is why the lefties are nothing but big angry cry babie idiots, idiots.

Like when this happened?

CONGRESS writes the bills
I mentioned this earlier. Here's a recording of some of the hatefilled calls to Freedom Works headquarters:


Hateful Leftists Exposed [Strong Content Warning]

Posted by Melissa Clouthier on Apr 26 2010 Filed under Newsstand, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

When leftists talk, it is NOT safe for work. Here’s is an example from the video I’ll post below. Tabitha Hale of Freedom Works put together the audio from hateful leftists who called in and left messages at their headquarters. It was appalling, but not surprising.

Here’s the link at Right Wing News.

Here’s just one sample:

“We are going to destroy you fucking assholes. You guys are assholes. I can’t wait for Rush Limbaugh to die of a heart attack. Those two guys are dead, dead in the water. We’re going to destroy them.”

And another:

“You’re filthy scum. You’re traitors. You deserve the worst of everything.”


“What you really are are assholes. How do you like me now?”
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Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiht. Because all college kids are leftists.

What a moron. :rofl:
Most of the mass murders that have taken place the last several years have been on college campuses by students.

If they aren't Islamic fundamentalists they're Environmentalists or students gone crazy.

Today one of these left-wing loonies went nuts at the Discovery Channel Headquarters. - Gunman Shot and Killed After Hostage Standoff at Discovery Channel Building

A guy who thinks (er..thought, since he's now dead) that humans are parasites, that we should stop utilizing technology, that Discovery channel needs to focus on global warming...

My first thought..has Chris posted today? Which of our resident environuts are MIA?
Most of the mass murders that have taken place the last several years have been on college campuses by students.

If they aren't Islamic fundamentalists they're Environmentalists or students gone crazy.

Today one of these left-wing loonies went nuts at the Discovery Channel Headquarters. - Gunman Shot and Killed After Hostage Standoff at Discovery Channel Building

A guy who thinks (er..thought, since he's now dead) that humans are parasites, that we should stop utilizing technology, that Discovery channel needs to focus on global warming...

My first thought..has Chris posted today? Which of our resident environuts are MIA?
naw, chris wouldnt have had the BALLS to do what that guy did
i expect chris is in the fetal position somewhere wondering why he cant make any money in real estate right now

after all, Obama promised him it would get better
Most of the mass murders that have taken place the last several years have been on college campuses by students.

If they aren't Islamic fundamentalists they're Environmentalists or students gone crazy.

Today one of these left-wing loonies went nuts at the Discovery Channel Headquarters. - Gunman Shot and Killed After Hostage Standoff at Discovery Channel Building

And your next post is going to demonstrate that McVeigh was really a leftist? You remind me of Newtie and the lady that drowned her two children. He made points for about a week on how that was the result of liberal thought. Then it came out that her father had an incestous relationship with her from the time she was a small child. And that he was the head of the Republican Party in that county.

Dingbats occur in all kinds of people. However, for really murderous dingbats, you need to look to the really religious.

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