Debate winners & losers.

I think Ben Carson won. He had excellent ideas.
Notice that you are excited debating about who you think won the debate.

Do you people actually understand how PISSED the left is? They want each and every one of you to go back to sleep. What they really want to happen is Bush gets (Mcain) gets the nod, or Kasich (Romney) appears as wonderful.

Let me explain this........the left is scared to death. They can not have massive differences between themselves, and YOUR GOP nominee. Why not? Because they want the sleeping giant to continue sleeping, lol. They want as few differences as possible between the GOP and LIBBY LEFT. What they actually want, is for each of you to become despondent, and not vote at all, letting "her majesty" Hittlery, to be anointed.

What each of you need know is........the left wingers, are faaaaaaaaar more worried about you, then you should be worried about them, no matter how they try and spin it! They are scared to death that people who actually WORK (BLUE COLLAR) are going to join you to put them under. They are also scared to death, that BLACK America might go along with Carson.

Truth is, the lefties are melting down. They have no chance unless they can make the GOP candidates evil, and I do not think that is going to happen. The OUTSIDERS have it in the bag. The only thing we need think about is who/whom we want elected. The left is seriously done, and if the paid LEFTY posters on here want to pretend it is not happening, let them, and yank their chains, lol.

Everyone who can think sees the left is done............except the left, lol. Now what we have to do is control the message. The left will have no message besides............OMG, how did that happen, lololol!
Notice that you are excited debating about who you think won the debate.

Do you people actually understand how PISSED the left is? They want each and every one of you to go back to sleep. What they really want to happen is Bush gets (Mcain) gets the nod, or Kasich (Romney) appears as wonderful.

Let me explain this........the left is scared to death. They can not have massive differences between themselves, and YOUR GOP nominee. Why not? Because they want the sleeping giant to continue sleeping, lol. They want as few differences as possible between the GOP and LIBBY LEFT. What they actually want, is for each of you to become despondent, and not vote at all, letting "her majesty" Hittlery, to be anointed.

What each of you need know is........the left wingers, are faaaaaaaaar more worried about you, then you should be worried about them, no matter how they try and spin it! They are scared to death that people who actually WORK (BLUE COLLAR) are going to join you to put them under. They are also scared to death, that BLACK America might go along with Carson.

Truth is, the lefties are melting down. They have no chance unless they can make the GOP candidates evil, and I do not think that is going to happen. The OUTSIDERS have it in the bag. The only thing we need think about is who/whom we want elected. The left is seriously done, and if the paid LEFTY posters on here want to pretend it is not happening, let them, and yank their chains, lol.

Everyone who can think sees the left is done............except the left, lol. Now what we have to do is control the message. The left will have no message besides............OMG, how did that happen, lololol!

oh yeah, it's coming their way. Obama has been the best for Everyone but the Democrat party. People were pissed when they came out and said: we had to pass the bill to see what's in it. and what did we get: ANOTHER monster Government scam/Entitlement with billions in raised taxes on our backs. they have woken up the SLEEPING Giant as they should get a clue by whose leading and it's not some Career Politician from either party.

they lost the House and then the Senate but they still seem to think everyone is in love love love with their party. it's almost funny to watch if it wasn't so sad. FOR THEM....
Notice that you are excited debating about who you think won the debate.

Do you people actually understand how PISSED the left is? They want each and every one of you to go back to sleep. What they really want to happen is Bush gets (Mcain) gets the nod, or Kasich (Romney) appears as wonderful.

Let me explain this........the left is scared to death. They can not have massive differences between themselves, and YOUR GOP nominee. Why not? Because they want the sleeping giant to continue sleeping, lol. They want as few differences as possible between the GOP and LIBBY LEFT. What they actually want, is for each of you to become despondent, and not vote at all, letting "her majesty" Hittlery, to be anointed.

What each of you need know is........the left wingers, are faaaaaaaaar more worried about you, then you should be worried about them, no matter how they try and spin it! They are scared to death that people who actually WORK (BLUE COLLAR) are going to join you to put them under. They are also scared to death, that BLACK America might go along with Carson.

Truth is, the lefties are melting down. They have no chance unless they can make the GOP candidates evil, and I do not think that is going to happen. The OUTSIDERS have it in the bag. The only thing we need think about is who/whom we want elected. The left is seriously done, and if the paid LEFTY posters on here want to pretend it is not happening, let them, and yank their chains, lol.

Everyone who can think sees the left is done............except the left, lol. Now what we have to do is control the message. The left will have no message besides............OMG, how did that happen, lololol!

oh yeah, it's coming their way. Obama has been the best for Everyone but the Democrat party. People were pissed when they came out and said: we had to pass the bill to see what's in it. and what did we get: ANOTHER monster Government scam/Entitlement with billions in raised taxes on our backs. they have woken up the SLEEPING Giant as they should get a clue by whose leading and it's not some Career Politician from either party.

they lost the House and then the Senate but they still seem to think everyone is in love love love with their party. it's almost funny to watch if it wasn't so sad. FOR THEM....

One has to understand the climate they live in Steph. It's an inside the beltway climate.

Ok look at it this way. Having been at the top of a game and seriously kick ass with a husband as audacious and as successful as me on playing the game young bucks get the job of a congressman.

They are immediately thrown into the world of DC.

You following me. Their wives are catered to. Their children become more important.

It's all out of whack. Our reps and ditto up here become elite instead of servants of the people.

This is wrong.
I barely noticed Rubio honestly, he just had a bunch of scripted speeches ready which were all boring as hell....zzzzzzzz.
If he knows what he's talking about it's scripted?

It's hysterical that a bed wetter would even mention "scripted speeches". Their moonbat messiah delivers NOTHING BUT scripted bullshit.

That faggot is no more than a meat muppet with Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

yep, and Georgie Soros is the one Yanking on his strings along with every other American Hating radical
Notice that you are excited debating about who you think won the debate.

Do you people actually understand how PISSED the left is? They want each and every one of you to go back to sleep. What they really want to happen is Bush gets (Mcain) gets the nod, or Kasich (Romney) appears as wonderful.

Let me explain this........the left is scared to death. They can not have massive differences between themselves, and YOUR GOP nominee. Why not? Because they want the sleeping giant to continue sleeping, lol. They want as few differences as possible between the GOP and LIBBY LEFT. What they actually want, is for each of you to become despondent, and not vote at all, letting "her majesty" Hittlery, to be anointed.

What each of you need know is........the left wingers, are faaaaaaaaar more worried about you, then you should be worried about them, no matter how they try and spin it! They are scared to death that people who actually WORK (BLUE COLLAR) are going to join you to put them under. They are also scared to death, that BLACK America might go along with Carson.

Truth is, the lefties are melting down. They have no chance unless they can make the GOP candidates evil, and I do not think that is going to happen. The OUTSIDERS have it in the bag. The only thing we need think about is who/whom we want elected. The left is seriously done, and if the paid LEFTY posters on here want to pretend it is not happening, let them, and yank their chains, lol.

Everyone who can think sees the left is done............except the left, lol. Now what we have to do is control the message. The left will have no message besides............OMG, how did that happen, lololol!

oh yeah, it's coming their way. Obama has been the best for Everyone but the Democrat party. People were pissed when they came out and said: we had to pass the bill to see what's in it. and what did we get: ANOTHER monster Government scam/Entitlement with billions in raised taxes on our backs. they have woken up the SLEEPING Giant as they should get a clue by whose leading and it's not some Career Politician from either party.

they lost the House and then the Senate but they still seem to think everyone is in love love love with their party. it's almost funny to watch if it wasn't so sad. FOR THEM....

One has to understand the climate they live in Steph. It's an inside the beltway climate.

Ok look at it this way. Having been at the top of a game and seriously kick ass with a husband as audacious and as successful as me on playing the game young bucks get the job of a congressman.

They are immediately thrown into the world of DC.

You following me. Their wives are catered to. Their children become more important.

It's all out of whack. Our reps and ditto up here become elite instead of servants of the people.

This is wrong.

As I said before. a job in Congress was never meant to be a Career Position. but it's up the people to get Involved. the Republican base is still pretty active on things. but the Democrat base, they have some of the OLDEST people who has been in Congress for 20, 30, 40 years. Look at Bernie Sanders, my gawd he's a 100 years old (or seems like it anyway) and has done NOTHING outstanding the whole time (which is what? 30, 40 years) he's been sucking a living of us taxpayers. so they now believe they are better than us LITTLE people they Represent. We need to educate on our Government in school like they used to in my day. We had to pass a test on the Constitution in order to go into high school. but we have to fight not only against these politicians but our own citizens.
one has to understand the debate winners will eventually get the nomination and lose to Clinton ...

ergo; another case of RW winning losers.
Notice that you are excited debating about who you think won the debate.

Do you people actually understand how PISSED the left is? They want each and every one of you to go back to sleep. What they really want to happen is Bush gets (Mcain) gets the nod, or Kasich (Romney) appears as wonderful.

Let me explain this........the left is scared to death. They can not have massive differences between themselves, and YOUR GOP nominee. Why not? Because they want the sleeping giant to continue sleeping, lol. They want as few differences as possible between the GOP and LIBBY LEFT. What they actually want, is for each of you to become despondent, and not vote at all, letting "her majesty" Hittlery, to be anointed.

What each of you need know is........the left wingers, are faaaaaaaaar more worried about you, then you should be worried about them, no matter how they try and spin it! They are scared to death that people who actually WORK (BLUE COLLAR) are going to join you to put them under. They are also scared to death, that BLACK America might go along with Carson.

Truth is, the lefties are melting down. They have no chance unless they can make the GOP candidates evil, and I do not think that is going to happen. The OUTSIDERS have it in the bag. The only thing we need think about is who/whom we want elected. The left is seriously done, and if the paid LEFTY posters on here want to pretend it is not happening, let them, and yank their chains, lol.

Everyone who can think sees the left is done............except the left, lol. Now what we have to do is control the message. The left will have no message besides............OMG, how did that happen, lololol!

oh yeah, it's coming their way. Obama has been the best for Everyone but the Democrat party. People were pissed when they came out and said: we had to pass the bill to see what's in it. and what did we get: ANOTHER monster Government scam/Entitlement with billions in raised taxes on our backs. they have woken up the SLEEPING Giant as they should get a clue by whose leading and it's not some Career Politician from either party.

they lost the House and then the Senate but they still seem to think everyone is in love love love with their party. it's almost funny to watch if it wasn't so sad. FOR THEM....

One has to understand the climate they live in Steph. It's an inside the beltway climate.

Ok look at it this way. Having been at the top of a game and seriously kick ass with a husband as audacious and as successful as me on playing the game young bucks get the job of a congressman.

They are immediately thrown into the world of DC.

You following me. Their wives are catered to. Their children become more important.

It's all out of whack. Our reps and ditto up here become elite instead of servants of the people.

This is wrong.

As I said before. a job in Congress was never meant to be a Career Position. but it's up the people to get Involved. the Republican base is still pretty active on things. but the Democrat base, they have some of the OLDEST people who has been in Congress for 20, 30, 40 years. Look at Bernie Sanders, my gawd he's a 100 years old (or seems like it anyway) and has done NOTHING outstanding the whole time (which is what? 30, 40 years) he's been sucking a living of us taxpayers. so they now believe they are better than us LITTLE people they Represent. We need to educate on our Government in school like they used to in my day. We had to pass a test on the Constitution in order to go into high school. but we have to fight not only against these politicians but our own citizens.

we have to elect some one who has the balls to do it.
I looked over some segments of the Debate, it seems like Fox was on team Rubio throughout most of it. They gave him lots of easy questions and chances to pitch his positives out to the crowd.

Kinda reminds me how they were anti-Trump and pro-Bush in the last debate they hosted.
one has to understand the debate winners will eventually get the nomination and lose to Clinton ...

ergo; another case of RW winning losers.

Will you leave the country if you're wrong?

it wouldn't be he first time .. I'm on record saying Obama was unelectable before he won the first election .

will you blow your brains out if I'm right ?
I looked over some segments of the Debate, it seems like Fox was on team Rubio throughout most of it. They gave him lots of easy questions and chances to pitch his positives out to the crowd.

Kinda reminds me how they were anti-Trump and pro-Bush in the last debate they hosted.
FBN ignored their own poll and claim Carson won the debate based on a Facebook poll.
Trump had 40% on drudge and 48% on FBN's own poll but they didn't say a thing about that.

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