Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Trump should be off ballot in more states

She is audacious to promote removing Trump from the ballot when the DNC ADMITTEDLY LIES AND RIGS THEIR ELECTIONS.
She's incorrect.

Trump should be off the ballot in all states. So says the Constitution.

Traitors will disagree, but since they're commie cocksuck traitors, nobody cares what they think.
If he were involved in an insurrection, I'd agree.

but organizing a protest?


Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!
Maybe Biden should be taken off the ballot too.
Maybe Biden should be taken off the ballot too.

Talk about sedition. He is a foreign intelligence asset.


Biden actually is taking money from Russia, China, Ukraine and Romania. He should be off the ballot.
Washerwoman-Schultz is the living embodiment of Medusa.


Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!

"Democratic Socialists'', is a euphemism used by the left as a burqa to cover their agenda. Socialism / Leninism / Stalinism within the context of 20th century is all-consuming totalitarianism. That defines the angry, self-loathing left.

Totalitarianism is literally screeched out when the left defines who can run for elections, when you're not allowed Constitutional 1st and 2nd amendment rights and when you can't have ceiling fans and gas stoves.

The DSA manifesto

Is plagiarized straight out of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto -- just in a slightly updated form. Sloppy Joe, the Plagiarist-in-Chief would be proud, He spent his career stealing speeches from others. The DSA / Dem / Socialist agenda is all about creating and then winning a class war. It also means the total control of economic planning” and control of all “resources and production”.

From the DSA website,

"We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power... We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution... We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population."

Doesn't all this sound very familiar?
Bullshit, and he'll be on the Colorado ballot too. Sorry to burst your wet dream, kitty.

Well, the great thing is that Biden will be off the ballot too. We'll let the SC of each state decide our elections. That's basically what CO has done. So now the race will be to further politicise the so-called independent judiciary.

I can't wait for next year. It's going to be a hoot.
Trump engaged in a rebellion aganst the United States. Not only should he be removed from every ballot in the Country, he should be locked up for the rest of his life.

There are people rotting in federal prisons for years for doing less than what your buddy Trump did.
/——-/ Keep spreading the lie. It’s all you’re good for anyway.
Colorado supreme court isn't following the Constitution, though.
They know it, and that's why Trump isn't off the ballot yet. :eusa_whistle:

And 3 judges opposed the ruling.

This is all literally because of 1 person. It was a 4-3 vote.

For Schultz to push communism and authoritarianism is disgusting. She should be censured.

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