Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand


Yeah, that's going to work..... So my company, is going to pay for a worker to get a degree in Art History, and that worker isn't even going to stay with my company after graduation.

You think I'm doing that? I'll lay off my employees first, and move out of country, before wasting that much money on education.

Now if you mean paying for people to get education in something the company can use..... we already have that.

My company pays for training in positions we have on staff. And we've already been burned doing that. One of the women we trained just 6 months ago, sent her to a week of training, room and board, she already quit and is moving to a new job.

Why should we pay to educate people, when they leave?

And if you think that Wendy's is going to pay for someone's degree in marine biology, you are crazy.

Again, there are plenty of companies that do have training programs for free, and tuition reimbursement.

Had a lady that got a degree in management, through I believe Meijer. She's not a district manager.

The problem is not that there are not enough ways to get an education. The problem is people getting and education worth having, and being a person worth training.

The Dumbest (Real) College Courses

The people that 'go after it', end up getting somewhere. The people that don't, generally don't.

This isn't a problem of the cost of education. It's a problem is motivation, and having a work ethic.

Anyone can get a degree. Anyone. I had a co-worker that was taking one class a quarter. He was working a full time job, paying his way through, and got a degree in education and chemistry.

His parents were.... problematic. No support. No money. Nothing. He was paying for his own food. At least they let him sleep at his parents house, which was funny since neither parent lived at that house. (long screwed up story).... but the point is, a guy with no help, no money, but a willingness to work, was able to get a degree. Anyone can get a degree. It's a matter of effort and work ethic.

And he's debt free. Paid his way through.

You want to hire an employee with a masters in art pay for it
You want to hire an for that

Why should the government subsidize your employees that you profit off of ?

First.... the government shouldn't subsidize anything. Stop doing that. You engage in stupid, does not obligate me an employer, to pay for your stupid. Just stop doing stupid.

Second, what Wendy's is looking for a masters in Art History? In fact, what company anywhere is looking for Art History majors?

See that's my point. None of the people who want a degree, are working for companies that require degrees.

If you think that Verizon Wireless, is going to pay for the 4-degree in electronic engineer, for an employee over at Wendy's that may not even want to work for Verizon, or may say they want to work for Verizon, until they get the degree and get a better offer elsewhere.... YOU ARE CRAZY.

Reminds me of my nephews ex-wife. She went four years to college for advertising. She works at a bank now I believe.

What company would want to hire her where her worthless degree is involved if they had to pay for that nonsense?
In Today's College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Winds Up With the Superficial and Dishonest Mind of a Child

Typical Diploma Dumbo logic. The most productive system will be that an individual business pays the talented high-school graduate to major in what that business needs. You Low-IQs pretend that we are talking about a system that you can easily discredit. So, similar to pro-athlete recruits, your nephew's wife would have signed a contract to work in advertising for a certain number of years

Funny how all the ideas of the high-IQ people never work, but they have no problem being arrogant and looking down on others.

Those programs where you sign on for a certain number of years, already exist, and they suck. People hate them, because you end up trapped in a job that could be terrible.

Specifically my sister who was considering going in to be a teacher, was sent to a public school where if you sign on to work x number of years, you get their entire student loan forgiven. She almost went into it, until she started talking with all the teachers who had done it. It was miserable. Every single one said if they had known how it would be, they would have never done it.

I know people who have done this.

No, the best system is where students pay for the education they want. When they have to pay the bill, they will both be far more careful in what degree they get, and more likely to use the degree they get. T.
Planned Parrothood

So when we invented the wheel and everything else that prevents the unevolved from living like wild animals, none of that worked? You pick out some failed schemes that weren't even devised by High IQs, but really by mediocre hirelings who stupid people think are smart.

And your sister only got free tuition. I challenge your King Ape plutocratic idols to only pay for their brats' tuition and not a dime for their living expenses. I challenge top football colleges to do the same for the jocks they recruit. Athletes may not be smart enough to belong in college, but, unlike you jealous talent-hating Diploma Dumbos, they're smart enough to see that free tuition is no reward at all. If we applied your attitude to college sports, they'd be full of no-talent wannabes and no-talent Preppies who have the leisure time to practice. They'd be as pathetically inferior as our college student bodies are under your nerd-bashing supremacy.

Besides, the real mistake your sister's friends made was that they didn't realize how chaotic the classroom has become, not that they were stuck there. Which makes your post even more stupidly self-contradicting , because what you're really saying is that they didn't do what your sister did and find out what they were getting into. You miss the point, which is how lousy teachers have it today, not at all about being "stuck" in a contract.

Why should rookie athletes sign pro contracts when they might not like their team or even its city, just as NBA blue-chipper Steve Francis didn't like Vancouver. Did he go and warn everybody, "Go live awhile in the city that drafts you before you sign up with its team"? Sorry if using real-life examples offends your silly self-serving fantasies.

What you and the other bird-brained parrots here propose is that people buy their jobs, or have their Daddies buy jobs for them. And again you contradict yourself. What if a job-buying job thief finds out he had an unrealistic anticipation about the job he or his Daddy bought? Having wasted 4 to 10 years getting that job is as bad as being stuck in a contract for that long.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.
So we should pay their tuition and pay them to go to school. Where do I sign up?
This Terminal Society Rewards Mamas' Boys Who Suck Their Thumbs in College

Typical Low-IQ distortion of a proposal that makes him feel uncomfortable. Under my proposed system, you don't sign up; you are recruited. I can tell by your flippant attitude that you wouldn't qualify to be recruited, so you had no more right to go to college than you had to be on the college football team, which is also about talent. You pretend you're capable of understanding things at that level, but your defensive remark shows that even you know you can't.
Then a doctor would only go to college if the hospital was satisfied with his surgeries? A law firm would see how well their employers do in court before they get their law degree. How many bridges would a person people have to build to prove they deserved to go to college to a get a civil engineering degree. You need to rethink your plan.
You and Your Masters Need Us More Than We Ever Needed You and Them

You need to learn how to think instead of popping in a pre-conceived self-disproving notion about my plan for economic prosperity. Employers can easily devise tests to see if someone has talent for the jobs they need. High SATs and grades in high-school chemistry is as good as actually putting him in one of their labs and letting him sink or swim.

Jealous inferior IQs are always twisting what High IQs tell them to make our ideas sound stupid. But it is your spin that is stupid, because you can't help saying stupid things in defense of yourself. Besides, this is going to be a substitute for paying taxes; they can easily justify it to the IRS by pointing to the kid's test scores. Only someone with as much brain-envy as you have would say the future employers would be fined for not putting the kid in a lab or trial first before funding his college lifestyle.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.

How is this class biased indentured servitude?

Would not the people who are under indentured servitude, be the people expected to work to pay the taxes to fund all your programs?

And why would students being paid free tuition not be worth anything? What does whether or not their tuition is paid, have anything to do with how good they are at their jobs?

I've met people who got scholarships all through college, who where useless, and others that worked their way through college, that were fantastic, and the inverse of that.

Generally speaking, my experience has been that those who work their way through college are much better employees, than those who have never had to work a full day in their life, and then they walk into my company thinking it will be the same.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.
So we should pay their tuition and pay them to go to school. Where do I sign up?
This Terminal Society Rewards Mamas' Boys Who Suck Their Thumbs in College

Typical Low-IQ distortion of a proposal that makes him feel uncomfortable. Under my proposed system, you don't sign up; you are recruited. I can tell by your flippant attitude that you wouldn't qualify to be recruited, so you had no more right to go to college than you had to be on the college football team, which is also about talent. You pretend you're capable of understanding things at that level, but your defensive remark shows that even you know you can't.
Then a doctor would only go to college if the hospital was satisfied with his surgeries? A law firm would see how well their employers do in court before they get their law degree. How many bridges would a person people have to build to prove they deserved to go to college to a get a civil engineering degree. You need to rethink your plan.
You and Your Masters Need Us More Than We Ever Needed You and Them

You need to learn how to think instead of popping in a pre-conceived self-disproving notion about my plan for economic prosperity. Employers can easily devise tests to see if someone has talent for the jobs they need. High SATs and grades in high-school chemistry is as good as actually putting him in one of their labs and letting him sink or swim.

Jealous inferior IQs are always twisting what High IQs tell them to make our ideas sound stupid. But it is your spin that is stupid, because you can't help saying stupid things in defense of yourself. Besides, this is going to be a substitute for paying taxes; they can easily justify it to the IRS by pointing to the kid's test scores. Only someone with as much brain-envy as you have would say the future employers would be fined for not putting the kid in a lab or trial first before funding his college lifestyle.

Hey sage.... you are one of the dumbest walking piles of snot on this forum. How about you find your father, and have him teach you want a decent person looks like, before coming on here and showing us what a walk trash heap of crap looks like.
Our society is demanding more education. Not just college but technical

Make the employers pay


Yeah, that's going to work..... So my company, is going to pay for a worker to get a degree in Art History, and that worker isn't even going to stay with my company after graduation.

You think I'm doing that? I'll lay off my employees first, and move out of country, before wasting that much money on education.

Now if you mean paying for people to get education in something the company can use..... we already have that.

My company pays for training in positions we have on staff. And we've already been burned doing that. One of the women we trained just 6 months ago, sent her to a week of training, room and board, she already quit and is moving to a new job.

Why should we pay to educate people, when they leave?

And if you think that Wendy's is going to pay for someone's degree in marine biology, you are crazy.

Again, there are plenty of companies that do have training programs for free, and tuition reimbursement.

Had a lady that got a degree in management, through I believe Meijer. She's not a district manager.

The problem is not that there are not enough ways to get an education. The problem is people getting and education worth having, and being a person worth training.

The Dumbest (Real) College Courses

The people that 'go after it', end up getting somewhere. The people that don't, generally don't.

This isn't a problem of the cost of education. It's a problem is motivation, and having a work ethic.

Anyone can get a degree. Anyone. I had a co-worker that was taking one class a quarter. He was working a full time job, paying his way through, and got a degree in education and chemistry.

His parents were.... problematic. No support. No money. Nothing. He was paying for his own food. At least they let him sleep at his parents house, which was funny since neither parent lived at that house. (long screwed up story).... but the point is, a guy with no help, no money, but a willingness to work, was able to get a degree. Anyone can get a degree. It's a matter of effort and work ethic.

And he's debt free. Paid his way through.

You want to hire an employee with a masters in art pay for it
You want to hire an for that

Why should the government subsidize your employees that you profit off of ?

It's not the employers responsibility to wipe after you. It's your responsibility to pay for your own school.
Flat-Lined by Flattery

The King Ape Low-IQ economic bullies freeload off the development of minds far superior to theirs. It certainly is his responsibility. Not only that, he will make more money after a few years if he invests it in salary and tuition for those he recruits.

But to get this development of our most potentially productive human resources going, businesses should be granted this investment as a substitute for corporate taxes, even though it is the most lucrative investment a corporation can make. You oppose it because you know you don't have the talent to get recruited and would never get anywhere if the talented replaced you bootlickers who take the bosses' side even though, as is obvious in any other investment, the boss is foolishly for listening to the way you support his self-destructive stinginess.

High IQs created all the world's wealth. But we will have to shake you out of your smug conceit by pointing out that we also created all the world's weapons.
Employers began paying for a college education for employees back in the fifties. It increased in popularity till almost every major company was doing it. Paying for education was treated tax wise just like all benefits, they were deductions from income. About 25 or 30 years ago college costs started rising rapidly and employee retention began to fall. That trend has contend to this day. The result has been employers have either totally dropped the education benefit or curtailed it's use. It really doesn't make much sense today for employers or employees because it generally takes 6 to 8 years for students with full time jobs, to get a bachelor's degree. This means it is very likely that the employee will have changed jobs long before they graduated. The employer wouldn't have got any real benefit and the employee would probably be faced with transferring credits to a new school which he might have pay for himself.

It was a good concept but it's time has past. Employers are interested in what you can do for them today, not in 8 or 10 years. Businesses move so fast that many of them don't last 8 or 10 years so why should they make a large investment in employee education.

Business's today spend a lot money on training to improve the employees job performance on current tasks not to develop their long term potential.
Saying That the Rich Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

That's not my plan at all. That's your plan, and that's why it doesn't work. Where do I refer to employees? Nowhere. And you compound that error by making them keep working at their jobs while going to school. Do baseball's minor-leaguers get recruited from players needing to learn a different position but still playing for the parent club at the same time?

And why do you give the businessman's point of view as the only one that matters? Even in your plan, it is the employer's fault if he can't keep his workers from running out on him.
Free shit for your vote. Except its not free and someone has to pay. The loons, answer tax the rich out of prosperity and then work your way down until everyone is equally miserable and dependent on the benevolence of the Government. Democratic socialism.
It’s not free

It’s deciding how we spend our general revenue. Should we help the people or should you spend on a military deployed tens of thousand of miles away?

It’s all about priorities
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.
I don't put much stock in the IQ test even though I score in the top 2% on everyone I've taken and no one is owed a job.
Anyone With Pride Would Say, "We Don't Owe a Living to Those Who Own the World"

The Unabomber was also a self-hating High IQ. Welcome to his world.
Free shit for your vote. Except its not free and someone has to pay. The loons, answer tax the rich out of prosperity and then work your way down until everyone is equally miserable and dependent on the benevolence of the Government. Democratic socialism.
It’s not free

It’s deciding how we spend our general revenue. Should we help the people or should you spend on a military deployed tens of thousand of miles away?

It’s all about priorities
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.
Free shit for your vote. Except its not free and someone has to pay. The loons, answer tax the rich out of prosperity and then work your way down until everyone is equally miserable and dependent on the benevolence of the Government. Democratic socialism.
It’s not free

It’s deciding how we spend our general revenue. Should we help the people or should you spend on a military deployed tens of thousand of miles away?

It’s all about priorities
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.

I would much rather be a low-class, low-IQ, blue collar worker, that has decency and honor, and knows how to treat others with respect, and has parents that are proud of his character.... than an intelligent scum sucking asshole, that will have "jerk" engraved on his tomb stone when the shame of his parents finally dies off this Earth, and no one misses.

No one will miss you Sage. No one. The way you have acted here, I've met people like you. All the people you think respect you, tell each other what trash you are, when you are not in the room. We have a guy just like you where I work. He's the joke of the entire company, and he's the only one that doesn't know it.

No one cares how high your IQ is, when you are a garbage human being.
Nobody points out the financially disturbing fact that each one of these candidates proposes giving this or that out for free while paying for it by taxing the wealth of the nation to fund these hollow proposals. Apparently none of these candidates are capable of reading a financial statement, do not understand monetary policy, nor comprehends the economic consequences resulting from their proposals, yet the handouts continue with each trying to outspend the other at the expense of a money pot that simply does not exist.
The problem is taxing the wealthy will not pay for everything the loons want so they will have to raise taxes on everyone.
Mind-Control's False Alternatives

They are the misruling class's fake opponents to the sterile status quo, assigned to purposely make it look good by comparison. The impracticality of their proposals doesn't make your IQ-hating status quo smart. If you think the egalitarians are the opposite side, that just proves how superficial and narrow-minded your own authoritarian gurus are.

Besides, their "educational" welfare is generic, for wannabes and not recruits, just like you brain-envy nobodies are successfully ambitious imbeciles. Even if free tuition were a natural human motivation, it still should be given only to the smartest students and no one else should be allowed to go to college even if willing to pay tuition.
Nobody points out the financially disturbing fact that each one of these candidates proposes giving this or that out for free while paying for it by taxing the wealth of the nation to fund these hollow proposals. Apparently none of these candidates are capable of reading a financial statement, do not understand monetary policy, nor comprehends the economic consequences resulting from their proposals, yet the handouts continue with each trying to outspend the other at the expense of a money pot that simply does not exist.
The problem is taxing the wealthy will not pay for everything the loons want so they will have to raise taxes on everyone.
Mind-Control's False Alternatives

They are the misruling class's fake opponents to the sterile status quo, assigned to purposely make it look good by comparison. The impracticality of their proposals doesn't make your IQ-hating status quo smart. If you think the egalitarians are the opposite side, that just proves how superficial and narrow-minded your own authoritarian gurus are.

Besides, their "educational" welfare is generic, for wannabes and not recruits, just like you brain-envy nobodies are successfully ambitious imbeciles. Even if free tuition were a natural human motivation, it still should be given only to the smartest students and no one else should be allowed to go to college even if willing to pay tuition.
Throwing out a load of nonsensical bullshit doesn't make you intelligent.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.

How is this class biased indentured servitude?

Would not the people who are under indentured servitude, be the people expected to work to pay the taxes to fund all your programs?

And why would students being paid free tuition not be worth anything? What does whether or not their tuition is paid, have anything to do with how good they are at their jobs?

those who work their way through college are much better employees, .
The Movie Twenty-One Showed What You Think Is All We Are Good For

Your Masters have given you the illusion that those who deserve to be in college only benefit themselves and not the tax-paying public, as if every major was something like "How to Make Money in Casino Gambling."

If the rest of mankind wants to benefit off those with evolved minds, they goddamn right do owe these people, who are the real producers of wealth. Superior minds must get the same positive feedback, from childhood on, that superior athletes get in this fanboy couch-potato society. Or else they have the duty to go beyond just benefiting themselves, which you accuse them of, but must also get even with you and destroy your plutocratic idols for getting in the way. For your insults and ingratitude, you parasites must be punished by those who created all the world's weapons.

College is work, even if under your system it is work without pay. So the phrase not referring to it, "worked his way through college" is as dishonest, insulting, and jealously stupid as those who parrot it.

Only stupid people equate working without pay with laziness. Only bullying corporate parasites would force us to believe that those who aren't motivated to work very hard in school tells us anything about their work ethic after they graduate and finally get paid for using their minds. One of the most tragic lines in the movie Twenty-One was when the genius said that gambling at the casino was the first time in his life he ever made money off being smart. Someday, when A students become Alpha Males, that will be a trumpet call for total revenge.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.
So we should pay their tuition and pay them to go to school. Where do I sign up?
This Terminal Society Rewards Mamas' Boys Who Suck Their Thumbs in College

Typical Low-IQ distortion of a proposal that makes him feel uncomfortable. Under my proposed system, you don't sign up; you are recruited. I can tell by your flippant attitude that you wouldn't qualify to be recruited, so you had no more right to go to college than you had to be on the college football team, which is also about talent. You pretend you're capable of understanding things at that level, but your defensive remark shows that even you know you can't.
Then a doctor would only go to college if the hospital was satisfied with his surgeries? A law firm would see how well their employers do in court before they get their law degree. How many bridges would a person people have to build to prove they deserved to go to college to a get a civil engineering degree. You need to rethink your plan.
You and Your Masters Need Us More Than We Ever Needed You and Them

You need to learn how to think instead of popping in a pre-conceived self-disproving notion about my plan for economic prosperity. Employers can easily devise tests to see if someone has talent for the jobs they need. High SATs and grades in high-school chemistry is as good as actually putting him in one of their labs and letting him sink or swim.

Jealous inferior IQs are always twisting what High IQs tell them to make our ideas sound stupid. But it is your spin that is stupid, because you can't help saying stupid things in defense of yourself. Besides, this is going to be a substitute for paying taxes; they can easily justify it to the IRS by pointing to the kid's test scores. Only someone with as much brain-envy as you have would say the future employers would be fined for not putting the kid in a lab or trial first before funding his college lifestyle.

Hey sage.... you are one of the dumbest walking piles of snot on this forum. How about you find your father, and have him teach you what a decent person looks like, before coming on here and showing us what a walking trash heap of crap looks like.
You Preppylovers Hated Your Fathers for Not Getting Rich and Spoiling You

Only High IQs are human. We invented everything that prevents you Neanderthal hybrids from living like dumb savages. For your insults and ingratitude, it's time we do our evolutionary duty and use our brains solely to create a virus that will wipe you anthropoid dinosaurs off the face of the earth.

You drooling slurping bootlicking retards need to take a bath to get rid of the saliva stink.
It’s not free

It’s deciding how we spend our general revenue. Should we help the people or should you spend on a military deployed tens of thousand of miles away?

It’s all about priorities
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.

I would much rather be a low-class, low-IQ, blue collar worker, that has decency and honor, and knows how to treat others with respect, and has parents that are proud of his character.... than an intelligent scum sucking asshole, that will have "jerk" engraved on his tomb stone when the shame of his parents finally dies off this Earth, and no one misses.

No one will miss you Sage. No one. The way you have acted here, I've met people like you. All the people you think respect you, tell each other what trash you are, when you are not in the room. We have a guy just like you where I work. He's the joke of the entire company, and he's the only one that doesn't know it.

No one cares how high your IQ is, when you are a garbage human being.
The Neanderthals Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

The expiration date of unevolved Low-IQs is long overdue. Obviously, you can't be supreme in a future that doesn't reward dumb brute strength; that's why you are reacting with a desperate animal instinct telling you that people like you are doomed.
It’s not free

It’s deciding how we spend our general revenue. Should we help the people or should you spend on a military deployed tens of thousand of miles away?

It’s all about priorities
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.

I would much rather be a low-class, low-IQ, blue collar worker, that has decency and honor, and knows how to treat others with respect, and has parents that are proud of his character.... than an intelligent scum sucking asshole, that will have "jerk" engraved on his tomb stone when the shame of his parents finally dies off this Earth, and no one misses.

No one will miss you Sage. No one. The way you have acted here, I've met people like you. All the people you think respect you, tell each other what trash you are, when you are not in the room. We have a guy just like you where I work. He's the joke of the entire company, and he's the only one that doesn't know it.

No one cares how high your IQ is, when you are a garbage human being.
Although IQ is important, creativity, perseverance and bravery are just as important if not more so. Just having a high IQ is not enough.
The measurement of ones IQ serves no other purpose then that of the wow factor which in turn begs the question if one is so smart why do they lack common sense and contribute so little to society?
Reminds me of politicians that were former attorneys, couldn’t practice law in the private sector, so they became politicians, yet they were so smart.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.
Believing in Getting a Job Just for Going 4 Years Without a Job Shows How Stupid We All Are

Tell it to the spoiled Preppie pukes and their dumb-jock circus performers. If students aren't paid a salary plus free tuition, they aren't worth anything. As usual, the public debate is intentionally shifted away from the fact that this is class-biased indentured servitude even with free tuition.

How is this class biased indentured servitude?

Would not the people who are under indentured servitude, be the people expected to work to pay the taxes to fund all your programs?

And why would students being paid free tuition not be worth anything? What does whether or not their tuition is paid, have anything to do with how good they are at their jobs?

I've met people who got scholarships all through college, who where useless, and others that worked their way through college, that were fantastic, and the inverse of that.

Generally speaking, my experience has been that those who work their way through college are much better employees, than those who have never had to work a full day in their life, and then they walk into my company thinking it will be the same.
No matter what job you have, you acquire job skills which includes knowing how to be a good employee, a good co-worker, managing your time, dealing with customers, managing your money, and handling difficulty job situations. Students who work while going to school not only make better employees when they graduate but they make better grades as long as they don't overdue it.
Those are the few and far minority. And if an employer is going to pay such a pittance that one can't afford a house they are lucky to find a good employee.

If you think your ability to afford what you want is your employer's responsibility instead of yours, you are lucky to find anyone to employ you at all, and you will NEVER find anyone who considers you "good".
I'm out alot. You want good productivity for 10 bucks an hour? Surely you Gest.

You think you get to accept a job, knowing the wage, and then decide it "only deserves" half-assed productivity? No wonder no one wants to hire you.

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