Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

If you can remember your age and your's and your spouse's names and birthdays ... you are qualified to be president. (-:
I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.


The problem with all of this "free college" bullshit, is that it will encourage people to go to school and continue to take useless courses like Lesbian Studies and French Poetry.

IMHO, I think that the government should only be loaning money to students taking useful courses of study where they will have jobs in afterwards. Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and urology are what 3 of my nephews took up and are not having any problem with debt.

If someone is taking something stupid, they should be referred to local shylocks for financing.
How about we not spend it on anything and let the people keep their money.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.

I would much rather be a low-class, low-IQ, blue collar worker, that has decency and honor, and knows how to treat others with respect, and has parents that are proud of his character.... than an intelligent scum sucking asshole, that will have "jerk" engraved on his tomb stone when the shame of his parents finally dies off this Earth, and no one misses.

No one will miss you Sage. No one. The way you have acted here, I've met people like you. All the people you think respect you, tell each other what trash you are, when you are not in the room. We have a guy just like you where I work. He's the joke of the entire company, and he's the only one that doesn't know it.

No one cares how high your IQ is, when you are a garbage human being.
Although IQ is important, creativity, perseverance and bravery are just as important if not more so. Just having a high IQ is not enough.

I'm not even sure if that is entirely true. There was a black guy from Africa, who started driving truck. He worked his butt off, and now has several people driving truck for him. He's running his own truck company.

Then you look at this Janitor who ended up with $8 Million.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

It wasn't IQ that mattered. What mattered was just hard work. OR as you put it, 'perseverance and bravery'.

IQ to me, is one of the least important aspects of success. Speaking as a person with a very high IQ, and little success.
I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.
I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.

The federal government didn't loan money to students at Trump University. Prospective students had to find their own financing.
I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.

Well deregulating, is how you get more options in the market. As for Trump U, it's obvious that in a free-market situation, education that is trash, will fail out of the market.

Government has been one of the largest obstacles to getting more options in the market. One of the big ones, was a requirement that to be accredited you had to have a large library of books. So even online universities had to have a physical library, even if all the books in the world were available online.

Deregulation works. Bad schools will fail, and close, as students move towards schools that have good reputations for education.
I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.

Well deregulating, is how you get more options in the market. As for Trump U, it's obvious that in a free-market situation, education that is trash, will fail out of the market.

Government has been one of the largest obstacles to getting more options in the market. One of the big ones, was a requirement that to be accredited you had to have a large library of books. So even online universities had to have a physical library, even if all the books in the world were available online.

Deregulation works. Bad schools will fail, and close, as students move towards schools that have good reputations for education.
Show proof for your assertion that deregulation of college education produces a better/cheaper product, or die.
I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.


The problem with all of this "free college" bullshit, is that it will encourage people to go to school and continue to take useless courses like Lesbian Studies and French Poetry.

IMHO, I think that the government should only be loaning money to students taking useful courses of study where they will have jobs in afterwards. Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and urology are what 3 of my nephews took up and are not having any problem with debt.

If someone is taking something stupid, they should be referred to local shylocks for financing.

I'm not so enamored of government student funding that I think it should be compounded by government ALSO dealing itself into life decisions.

As long as people repay the loan, they can waste it however they like. Just don't whine at me afterward that you graduated college and can't find a job.
You Resent Being Dependent on High IQs; That's Why You Humiliate Us and Wind Up Losing Our Wealth-Production

Where do you think their money comes from? And there'd be a lot more of it coming there way if people with productive natural talent were paid up front instead of sacrificing their youth to get a job that they were owed from the beginning.

Nothing irritates me more than some self-important person, staring at his own reflection in a mirror, saying they were 'owed' something.
You Jealous Bootlickers Will Be the Reason There Will Once Again Be No More Brain-Created Progress

You are, of course, referring to the King Ape plutocratic parasites who think I owed them submission to educational servitude to prove that I was humiliated enough to let those inferior minds make all their wealth off me. Only we are smart enough to hack into what they stole from our manhood-deprived predecessors and not get caught.

I would much rather be a low-class, low-IQ, blue collar worker, that has decency and honor, and knows how to treat others with respect, and has parents that are proud of his character.... than an intelligent scum sucking asshole, that will have "jerk" engraved on his tomb stone when the shame of his parents finally dies off this Earth, and no one misses.

No one will miss you Sage. No one. The way you have acted here, I've met people like you. All the people you think respect you, tell each other what trash you are, when you are not in the room. We have a guy just like you where I work. He's the joke of the entire company, and he's the only one that doesn't know it.

No one cares how high your IQ is, when you are a garbage human being.
Although IQ is important, creativity, perseverance and bravery are just as important if not more so. Just having a high IQ is not enough.

I'm not even sure if that is entirely true. There was a black guy from Africa, who started driving truck. He worked his butt off, and now has several people driving truck for him. He's running his own truck company.

Then you look at this Janitor who ended up with $8 Million.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

It wasn't IQ that mattered. What mattered was just hard work. OR as you put it, 'perseverance and bravery'.

IQ to me, is one of the least important aspects of success. Speaking as a person with a very high IQ, and little success.

I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.

Seems to me that it's the students who AREN'T living at home on Daddy's dime who actually need the reduced tuition, if anyone does.
'A clear divide exists among 2020 presidential Democrats who are rolling out plans to tackle the student debt crisis, whether tuition-free or debt-free policies are the way to win voter support.

By the numbers: Student debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion, and is responsible for much of millennials and generation Z's anguish.

In Congress
  • Congressional committees have launched hearings to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which looks to discuss more affordability in college costs, student loan programs and more. Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) reintroduced legislation to help students become debt free within 5 years of graduating.
Tuition free
These programs provide students 2 years of free tuition at participating state community colleges, associate-degree programs and vocational schools. The majority fall into the category of "last dollar" scholarships, indicating the program pays the difference in tuition after financial aid and grants have kicked in, per CNBC.

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is still running on his 2016 campaign promise to make college tuition free and debt free. In 2016, Sanders introduced a bill called the "College for All Act," making public college tuition-free to students through a partnership between the federal government.
  • Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro supports tuition-free college.
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wants to eliminate tuition and fees at 4-year public colleges and universities. She also supports free community college tuition for everyone.
  • New-age spiritual guru Marianne Williamson supports universal pre-school and free college.
Debt free
This idea aims to cover the costs associated with attending public college without requiring students to take out loans, by establishing federal matches for state spending on higher education and using those funds to fill unmet need for people pursuing degrees

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is running her campaign on students being debt free by using proceeds from her wealth tax. Warren is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. She has sponsored and co-sponsored several others including one in 2014 that allowed federal student loan borrowers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): She believes universal pre-K and college should be a "fundamental right," to be debt-free, The Atlantic reports. She is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill.
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.): Introduced a bill in 2018 for baby bonds, which attempted to close the racial-wealth gap in education. Booker is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill.
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke has supported debt-free ideals. In 2018, he tweeted: "We should allow Texans who commit to working in in-demand fields and in underserved communities the chance to graduate debt free." O`Rourke co-sponsored Student Loan Affordability Act until 2015.
  • Former tech executive Andrew Yang: Debt forgiveness plans and loan repayment plans, according to his campaign website.
Refinance student loans
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) rejected the idea of tuition-free college at a CNN town hall, but called for has called for free 2-year community college degrees. She offered up the idea to refinance loans and expand Pell grants.
  • Former representative John Delaney has called for reforming bankruptcy laws so student loan debt can be discharged like all other debts as well as refinancing.
Mixed statements
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is a co-sponsor for the Schatz-Pocan bill and the Sanders bill. In February, she tweeted she'd "allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%" if she were elected president.'
Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

I can understand universal healthcare and the $15 minimum wage (I don't fully agree with them - but I can certainly understand the logic behind them).

But this is just bat shit nuts.

No one put a fucking gun to these students heads to go massively into was 100% their choosing. Why the 'f' do students suddenly deserve to have their tuition paid off by taxpayers? Why this generation and not previous generations? And what makes student loans more important then mortgages? Or business loans? Why have taxpayers pay off student loans but do nothing for low income people with heavy mortgages/debts or business loans (NOT that I am for paying those off either - but at least they make far more sense then just paying off student loans)? What is fucking next? Progressives want taxpayers to pay off their credit cards? Car payments? Gambling debts?

This is progressives being flat out selfish. Many progressives are under 30 with HUGE student debt. So naturally their first thought is themselves.

I will say it again - HELLO? You people voluntarily took the huge student loans. You have no one to blame for them but yourselves. They are 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop pawning your bad decisions on to the rest of America. You fucked up - you get yourselves out of it. It's called 'taking responsibility for your actions'. DUH.

You want to lower costs for college.....get the government out of the student loan business...... they loan money, the colleges and universities increase the costs and fees accordingly......the cycle repeats....
As long as people repay the loan, they can waste it however they like. Just don't whine at me afterward that you graduated college and can't find a job.

The problem is that a lot of these deadbeats aren't repaying their loans. Its tough for the government to really muscle these people around and get the money back. That's why I would suggest subbing out the loans to shylocks who are better at that kind of thing.
I'm not sure online education works as well, or more importantly whether employers value it. I know there are very prestigious post-grad programs that make some use of it, but there it's really about letting people continue their careers as they further their qualifications

One problem for online was there is no proctoring for testing, or making sure kids don't cheat. Obviously teachers can be bribed, but it shouldn't be too hard or expensive to have monitored test taking at local places like community colleges. And social media just continues to increase people's ability to do real face time.

With brick and mortar, I know a teacher, a counselor and a couple of nurses who did their first two years living at home and working for three four years, and then matriculated to get their degrees, and their loans are being forgiven for their working in low income areas.

In most places, I don't thing the issue is really a lack of affordable education. What I know occurs is some students have no intention of either graduating or paying back loans, and they view it as better than working.
Nobody points out the financially disturbing fact that each one of these candidates proposes giving this or that out for free while paying for it by taxing the wealth of the nation to fund these hollow proposals. Apparently none of these candidates are capable of reading a financial statement, do not understand monetary policy, nor comprehends the economic consequences resulting from their proposals, yet the handouts continue with each trying to outspend the other at the expense of a money pot that simply does not exist.
The problem is taxing the wealthy will not pay for everything the loons want so they will have to raise taxes on everyone.

They should do it now. Over 45% of our people pay no federal income tax. When the government wants more, they turn to the people that are paying all the taxes already.
I have no use for free college. But why not have 2 year assoc degrees where kids can live at home and get reduced tuition with no housing and a sliding income scale. And then let them work off debt by working as teachers for little. The Trump approach seems to be deregulate for for-profit universities to suck up all the debt they can create ..... Trump U.

Seems to me that it's the students who AREN'T living at home on Daddy's dime who actually need the reduced tuition, if anyone does.
Exactly. But when students have avenues to get part of their education while simultaneously working, it alleviates partially the high cost of four year brick and mortar facilities.

They still need facilities. You can't become a nurse teacher pharmacist accountant etc without a physical facility. But there are still all those pesky prerequisites to higher level courses.

The Bernie types like to avoid this avenue, and focus more on everyone having a right to the same educational experience of four years of debauchery. (-:
Yes they are, but shouldn't us taxpayers be reimbursed for the tens of thousands of dollars we spent on those kids?
Yes we should

By those who profit off of those skills

Well then if it's the employers responsibility to pay for your personal education to better yourself, shouldn't they be paying for your home as well? After all, it's to the employers advantage their workers have a place to live. And how about your auto payments? It's to the employers advantage their employees are well fed too.

I'm so glad I wasn't born a Democrat. I would never want to go through life believing that I should be coddled by everybody else to get by in life.

The employer is not making a profit off that house.

The employer makes a profit with the machines he uses to create the product, should he pay for the education of the engineers that designed it? He makes a profit off the electricity he uses to make the product, should he pay for the education of the people who created the electric grid?
The Seflfish Are Criminally Anti-Social. Also, They Deprive Themselves Because of Their Jealousy of the Talented.

You're too stupid to understand a sequence of logic. The manufacturer of the machines your fatcat idol buys should pay for the tuition and living expenses of the engineers he freeloads off; he himself should pay for his own employees' educational preparation. Same with the electric company's bosses, or we should pull the plug on all these parasites.

Therefore, the reason you oppose paying students is that you realize that only the smartest would be allowed to go to college and you obviously aren't smart enough. You love this bullying economic system because it puts inferior people like you and the other education sadists on this thread in superior positions.

An employer is not responsible (nor should be) for educating his workers. That's up to the individual. Employers simply offer jobs and people who have the skills the employer needs apply and take them. They are usually paid higher wages than those without an advanced education, and that's all the employer owes.

Now I'm trying to have a discussion with you like an adult; something you seem to lack the capability of. Keep up the insults and I won't respond to your posts any longer.
The focus should be on a manageable level of debt weighed against your most likely earning power for the 10 years after graduating. If you can't show that the debt is eliminated in 10 years, start over with a new school, and/or a new degree and/or different living/dining/transportation arrangements.

I don't see why kids just don't work until they're 21 and then attend college. Live at home, invest your money in a growth account, and then you can go to school for a few years after you've lived life a little. You can even work part-time during the school year. Not only would that help a person financially, but they would then have the experience to resist the liberal indoctrination that takes place in most every college.

For many, asking 17 year olds to decide on a career when they've never worked a day in their life is like asking them what the lottery numbers are going to be. I think these individuals would make better decisions if they were more mature and experience the working world for a while. In their high school years, all the they think about when considering college are the girls and the partying. Money? I'll worry about that later. When you have to work and pay that money up front, it will make you think twice about majoring in photography.

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