Debt under Obama: money well spent (mostly)

You have to love how they crow unemployment benefits boost the economy.

why the hell wouldn't money stolen from Taxpayers to give out to someone living off them for Two frikken years boost the economy...

dear gawd save us we are in deep doo doo

Again, you aren't reading the OP.

Christ almighty.

I added the U.S. Unfunded Liabilities and the debt clock, that's
a far more serious problem for the generations to come.

Also ..borrowing $1 out of every $3 dollars spent is logically unsustainable.
You have to love how they crow unemployment benefits boost the economy.

why the hell wouldn't money stolen from Taxpayers to give out to someone living off them for Two frikken years boost the economy...

dear gawd save us we are in deep doo doo

Again, you aren't reading the OP.

Christ almighty.

I added the U.S. Unfunded Liabilities and the debt clock, that's
a far more serious problem for the generations to come.

Also ..borrowing $1 out of every $3 dollars spent is logically unsustainable.

Yes, we need to both decrease spending and raise revenue. That is how we fix the problem.
Again, you aren't reading the OP.

Christ almighty.

I added the U.S. Unfunded Liabilities and the debt clock, that's
a far more serious problem for the generations to come.

Also ..borrowing $1 out of every $3 dollars spent is logically unsustainable.

Yes, we need to both decrease spending and raise revenue. That is how we fix the problem.

Well , the ponzi scheme that is Obamacare ought to raise enough revenue so that the middle-class is in the poorhouse.. Do our politicians have the eggs to decrease spending..NOPE

We'll be seeing you at the bottom of the cliff.. no matter today's excuses..
The only thing worse than the Bush fluffers are the Obama fluffers.

The only thing worse than a republican is one that resorts to hyperbole when they know they will lose an argument.

Facts are facts.

LOL. So, tell me... money well spent you say?

How about the $696 million spent on a website that is as of now busted?

Or hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on watching shrimp run on a treadmill? How about flimsy investments in now bankrupt solar energy companies? And by continually extending unemployment benefits, Obama has cost this country over half a trillion dollars.

Well spent? No, not really. You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.
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The only thing worse than the Bush fluffers are the Obama fluffers.

The only thing worse than a republican is one that resorts to hyperbole when they know they will lose an argument.

Facts are facts.

LOL. So, tell me... money well spent you say?

How about the $696 million spent on a website that is as of now busted?

Or hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on watching shrimp run on a treadmill? How about flimsy investments in now bankrupt solar energy companies? And by continually extending unemployment benefits, Obama has cost this country over half a trillion dollars.

Well spent? No, not really. You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

I agree the ObamaCare launch has been very problematic and has wasted money. However, not very much. Unfortunately, at this point, spending is how the website is fixed.

The investments Obama made were pretty small.

I agree this shrimp story you cons keep bringing up sounds like a waste, but it is a very small waste.
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You love that, it's been very problematic and has wasted money, but not very much...come on taxpayers you have nothing to be angry over...Obama spends money Wisely and for your own good..

good grief give us a break
how many threads like this are you going to start?
Oh great...another thread that somehow is supposed to "prove" something".

Deficits are caused when revenues don't keep up with expeditures.

And not every president has it equally as bad.

Reagan got Carter's sh&tstorm and Obama got Bush's.

The fact remains that while Obama may not have spent (not saying he didn't) up a ton....his revenues fell and he kept on spending. That isn't what you do at home and that isn't what Obama should have done.

Sorry...don't have the bucks.....putaway the card.

And the stimulus....5 years later has turned out to be a huge failure.
looks like another one who doesn't know what they're talking about
you mean flushing the money down the toilet a.k.a. solyndra and failed web for healthcare?

yeah, I can see how that money is "well spent" - into the pockets of obama supporters.

It's called corruption, dear, and is a criminal offense.

solyndra was only one company that failed ... how many solar companies didn't fail is the real question
Oh great...another thread that somehow is supposed to "prove" something".

Deficits are caused when revenues don't keep up with expeditures.

And not every president has it equally as bad.

Reagan got Carter's sh&tstorm and Obama got Bush's.

The fact remains that while Obama may not have spent (not saying he didn't) up a ton....his revenues fell and he kept on spending. That isn't what you do at home and that isn't what Obama should have done.

Sorry...don't have the bucks.....put away the card.

And the stimulus....5 years later has turned out to be a huge failure.

Yeah you're right. Obama has spent a lot.

No, the stimulus was very much not a failure.
Five years later, over $1 trillion in fake stimulus spending, $85 billion being pumped into the market by the Fed each month, and economic growth still can't break the 3% barrier?

If that's success, I'd like to know what failure looks like.

it looks just like the republicans in the house that's what failure looks like
You love that, it's been very problematic and has wasted money, but not very much...come on taxpayers you have nothing to be angry over...Obama spends money Wisely and for your own good..

good grief give us a break
how many threads like this are you going to start?

as many as it takes to get you to pull your head out of your ass, to grasp what the republicans have done to this country... they racked up huge deficits, then passed them on to the next generation and the next president and though you're ignorant you don't grasp that ... I've asked you republicans even hag bag to list spending bills that Obama signed into law that caused 7 trillion dollars of debt .... none of you here have been able to show us these bills ... you just ramble on and on about useless information that has nothing to do with the debt ....
Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.
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Of course the $4 trillion+ spent blowing up Iraq for a decade because of Colin Powell's treason and lies at the UN was worth it, right?
you mean flushing the money down the toilet a.k.a. solyndra and failed web for healthcare?

yeah, I can see how that money is "well spent" - into the pockets of obama supporters.

It's called corruption, dear, and is a criminal offense.

solyndra was only one company that failed ... how many solar companies didn't fail is the real question

Oh, oh great point. We should worry about bank robbery either because only a handful get robbed every day the majority don't.
The only thing worse than the Bush fluffers are the Obama fluffers.

The only thing worse than a republican is one that resorts to hyperbole when they know they will lose an argument.

Facts are facts.

LOL. So, tell me... money well spent you say?

How about the $696 million spent on a website that is as of now busted?

Actually its not busted it works ... we realize there were problems but a lot of those problems are gone ... try again

Or hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on watching shrimp run on a treadmill? How about flimsy investments in now bankrupt solar energy companies? And by continually extending unemployment benefits, Obama has cost this country over half a trillion dollars.

going bankrupt doesn't mean they company went out of business... many have turned themselves around through bankruptcy ... when you can't borrow money to help your company because of the banks, well, that says it all doesn't it...

Well spent? No, not really. You are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

when it comes to facts you don't have a leg to stand on
You have to love how they crow unemployment benefits boost the economy.

why the hell wouldn't money stolen from Taxpayers to give out to someone living off them for Two frikken years boost the economy...

dear gawd save us we are in deep doo doo

Again, you aren't reading the OP.

Christ almighty.

steph-fony only responds to what she feels she can mock .... usually it has nothing to do with your post ... with people like her dear gawd save us we are in deep doo doo ...
you mean flushing the money down the toilet a.k.a. solyndra and failed web for healthcare?

yeah, I can see how that money is "well spent" - into the pockets of obama supporters.

It's called corruption, dear, and is a criminal offense.

solyndra was only one company that failed ... how many solar companies didn't fail is the real question

Oh, oh great point. We should worry about bank robbery either because only a handful get robbed every day the majority don't.

Solendra was one solar company that went out of business through the stimulus package take one and you run with it ... like it's the worst thing of all time ... there were other companies that took money from the stimulus package ... some filed bankruptcy, but in the long run turned their companies around through time, because of the help the stimulus had on their companuy ... you don't here the right talking about those companies you just here about Solendra
The two Billies show again..not pretty

I guess they wore out the other thread just like this one

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