Debt under Obama: money well spent (mostly)

Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.
don't you just love it the way they make up their own history... talks about bank robbery, that's what the republicans did to us between 2001 to 2009 ... they stole more money then any man with a gun could... then tried to blaim it on the dems controlled house ... which we all know the dems never controlled the congress ...
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The two Billies show again..not pretty

I guess they wore out the other thread just like this one

with all your brilliance steph-foney we are still waiting for the bills that Obama passed that cause this 7 trillion dollars of debt ... I did show you the bill Bush sign into law that caused 7 trillion dollars of debt ... but for some strange reason you can't seem to provide any proof in these matters ... why is that steph-foney ??? cat got your tongue ????
I mean time and time aqgain you sit and tell us all that obama is responcible for this 7 trillio9n dollars of debt .... not once have you shown us where this debt came from ... You say his spending ... but we haven't passed any spending bill since the stimulus ... are you trying to tell us the stimulus packager cause 7 trillion dollars of debt???>?
Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.

Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.

Honesty is not a Leftist's strong suit.
as usual steph-foney goes silent when cornered ...

well yeah, why bother with two clowns who never get off their knees to their Dear leader

what a both start threads just to end up whining and beating your chest like apes
Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.
2. Show me how the democratic controlled congress greatly contributed to a loss or revenue
3. Not Bush's fault at all huh?
4. Most of our debt is from the Bush's presidency
5. How?
Look at this chart and tell me what happened in 2007.


OK, I'll tell you.

1. The Bush tax cuts were increasing revenue as advertised.
2. The Democrats took over Congress.
3. The Democrat controlled Congress ignored the lame Duck Bush.
4. The economy started its tail spin we are still in although trillions were spent by DEMOCRATS.
5. The liberal left decided to blame the minority party regardless of the evidence.

You can't just say "democrats took control of congress" and never say any policy or bill passed that changed anything...there needs to be some kind of alteration to make a difference.

Also the bulk of the Tax Cuts were enacted in 2002. The revenue continues to fall until much later. Your theory is debunked.

Showing Federal Revenue as a % of GDP isn't accurate, especially with the bubble and the minor recession that occurred late in 2001. GDP would have slowed while the tax rate remained the same, thus giviing the illusion of an increase in your chart.
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solyndra was only one company that failed ... how many solar companies didn't fail is the real question

Oh, oh great point. We should worry about bank robbery either because only a handful get robbed every day the majority don't.

Solendra was one solar company that went out of business through the stimulus package take one and you run with it ... like it's the worst thing of all time ... there were other companies that took money from the stimulus package ... some filed bankruptcy, but in the long run turned their companies around through time, because of the help the stimulus had on their companuy ... you don't here the right talking about those companies you just here about Solendra

Let me think for a second, oh yes, Halliburton. The only company that could perform the work required and the democrats NEVER let that go. But millions to a failed company, just growing pains.

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