Debunking Liberal Myths About the Rich and the Capital Gains Tax

It's your capitalist parasite buddies who are lazy, not the working class. Are you a National Socialist, or just playing games, flashing swastikas?
Lazy people don't know the first thing about taxes, but complain about those who do. Then, they complain to the teacher (gov).
People who are not industrious define rich as their neighbor with two cars, a pool, and 3 acres. In other words, the guy who has slightly more must be rich.
Not everyone has the luxury of being "industrious". In capitalism you need capital to make more capital, it's not designed for hard-working laborers. It's the working class that produces everything in this world, not parasite capitalists who want to live off of other people's hard work.
That sounds like your capitalist parasite buddies, living off of other people's labor. Extracting surplus value from the hard work of other human beings. No one merits billions of dollars, that's nonsense. Communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money:

"A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation-state).[7][8][9]"

Source: Communism - Wikipedia

Communism is the final stage of socialism when the state withers away:

Due to the individual consumer's control over the means of production, once technology permits. We're now entering into a stage of human production, that is fully automated and led by artificial intelligence. Those are the perfect conditions for democratic communism. It will be adopted by the American people when tens of millions of Americans find themselves unemployed and facing eviction, while the rich are living in opulence.
That's funny!
Not everyone has the luxury of being "industrious". In capitalism you need capital to make more capital, it's not designed for hard-working laborers. It's the working class that produces everything in this world, not parasite capitalists who want to live off of other people's hard work.
I just meant get off your couch and look at a tax booklet.
Lazy people don't know the first thing about taxes, but complain about those who do. Then, they complain to the teacher (gov).
Taxes are often taken automatically from the average worker's paycheck, and about 60% of the American workforce is living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck.
/---/ Link to any prominent rich person who said that, -- OR STFU with your lies.

Don't need to look any further than yours and other right wing shills' posts here, in any thread on minimum wage., and taxes for that matter. All fo you claim to be Big Investors N Stuff, right? right.
The solution isn't in taxing the rich more but in eliminating capitalism and private property. Only personal property should be legal.
/----/ Bullshyt. BTW, a socialist can live in a capitalist society, but a capitalist can't live in a socialist society.
Says you. Even Forbes makes your nonsense look bad.
Says people in the know.


  • Eight out of 10 millionaires invested in their company’s 401(k) plan.
  • The top five careers for millionaires include engineer, accountant, teacher, management and attorney.
  • 79% of millionaires did not receive any inheritance at all from their parents or other family members.

True leftists or socialists, don't care about taxes. We want the means of production (i.e. all private property) in the hands of the working class or the public. There's a distinction between private and personal property. Private property is that which is used to exploit human labor for profit, whereas personal property is all that a person owns for personal use. Your house, car, computer, fruit of the looms, toothbrush, gun collection, all of that is personal property and hence even more secure under socialism.

Why is it more secure? Because in socialism you have an inherent, human right to your house and other personal belongings. No one can take that away from you for failure to pay property taxes or for any other reason.

American democrats aren't true leftists. Liberals aren't genuine leftists.
/----/ "We want the means of production (i.e. all private property) in the hands of the working class or the public."
Hey, moron. the pc you're using to post your commie dribble on USMB was all created by capitalists, including the USMB itself. Also, toss in the house you're living in, the table and chair you are now using, everything.

The public never would have created Apple, the iPhone, iPad, or Mac. The popular belief at the time was that there was no market for such things. Steve Jobs thought otherwise.
/----/ Bullshyt. BTW, a socialist can live in a capitalist society, but a capitalist can't live in a socialist society.

In the initial stages of communism, called "socialism", capitalists can indeed operate and run businesses, in the consumer goods sector of the economy. China is a good example of that, allowing capitalists to conduct business, under the authority of the communist party. Communist central planning, and public ownership of certain industries makes China socialist country gradually evolving into communism.

Advanced automation and artificial intelligence make communism inevitable. Society will be forced by necessity to adopt communism, due to intelligent automation.
Says people in the know.


  • Eight out of 10 millionaires invested in their company’s 401(k) plan.
  • The top five careers for millionaires include engineer, accountant, teacher, management and attorney.
  • 79% of millionaires did not receive any inheritance at all from their parents or other family members.

/---/ Keep in mind a million bucks ain't what it used to be.
Sounds like a lot of dumb people out there.

A lot of people trying to survive who weren't born into wealth or in a society built upon the exploitation of human labor. All of that is going to end soon. Why do you have a Swastika as your profile image, are you a National Socialist or just a confused wannabe?

In the initial stages of communism, called "socialism", capitalists can indeed operate and fun businesses, in the consumer goods sector of the economy. China is a good example of that, allowing capitalists to conduct business, under the authority of the communist party. Communist central planning, and public ownership of certain industries makes China socialist country gradually evolving into communism.

Advanced automation and artificial intelligence make communism inevitable. Society will be forced by necessity to adopt communism, due to intelligent automation.
China was communist before that. They saw the Soviet dopes about to collapse and wisely changed their economic tune.
A few actually earn their money by producing and/or inventing stuff; most are just parasites and insider traders manipulating debt, same as the old railroad tycoons and stock market gamblers.
/---/ I agree mostly, but it was the railroad tycoons who built the railroad system, including the Transcontinental Railroad.
A lot of people trying to survive who weren't born into wealth or in a society built upon the exploitation of human labor. All of that is going to end soon. Why do you have a Swastika as your profile image, are you a National Socialist or just a confused wannabe?
You can't be serious. :laugh:
/----/ "We want the means of production (i.e. all private property) in the hands of the working class or the public."
Hey, moron. the pc you're using to post your commie dribble on USMB was all created by capitalists, including the USMB itself. Also, toss in the house you're living in, the table and chair you are now using, everything.

The public never would have created Apple, the iPhone, iPad, or Mac. The popular belief at the time was that there was no market for such things. Steve Jobs thought otherwise.
Educate yourself:

Without government, we wouldn't have computers, smartphones, the internet..etc. You're quite ignorant. The Soviets actually invented the first mobile phones:


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